Staying true to my word......

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by LeoLadyLovesToBeLoved on Thursday, October 29, 2009 and has 80 replies.
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Because Bling called me out and made me promise I would post my voice.....
Not a vocaroo but this will do! (he he, I'm a poet too) smile

Click for my recording..
And one more....
Click Link for my recording..

Ian!!! It's really me.
Why you think not?
Yes, it was a joke.... PP said I look like a Bobbi Jo....
Im not gonna put my real name on there....
Posted by ianthefish
i dont have an accent...
i would to you tho

prove it
Posted by deemnsout4ever
The second one sounded more accented TongueTongue
And yes, you sound every bit the Southern you own a Gingham dress, perchance ?

LOL! No Gingham dress, but I have a few corsets and ruffled bloomers....
and a parasol of course!
LOL!! Yes, I was getting frustrated.
Thanks Jason!!! Winking
(hugz 4 u)
Definitely have an accent. A cute one smile
just gave it a listen. lovely smile
Posted by trifles light as air*
just gave it a listen. lovely smile

LOL... I kinda liked your impression better though!!!
i gotta say it was a good impression.
Posted by LeoLadyLovesToBeLoved
Posted by trifles light as air*
just gave it a listen. lovely smile

LOL... I kinda liked your impression better though!!!
click to expand

impressions are fun. thanks guyz :*)
LOL!!! Yeah, I know.... I get ribbed about it from time to time but since I live in the south its expected!
I used to work as a Financial Manager for an International Company and most of our correspondence was done via email because of time differences in other parts of the world, so when I actually had to speak with clients they were completely shocked by my accent! The French and the English men loved it!
Of course, I still maintain that I dont even have an accent.... everyone else does!
Oh and btw... for those of you who wanted me to keep them posted on my most recent "romantic" development.... I might as well do it here since I started the thread and wont hi-jack someone else's.
Things are going very well with the Sag guy that I mentioned in the Confessions thread that I was crushing on in the gym. We have actually spent time together every night this week. I am extremely surprised at how effortless and natural things have just progressed over the past several days. We have so much in common and he has been secretly admiring me for quite some time now. I had no idea that he was so interested, nor did he I. It's quite funny actually how it has kinda come about. Anyway, I am enjoying it so far and so is he. We talk for hours about anything and everything. My closest friends and my sister have all met him and they just adore him. He is such a sweetie and I find him so incredibly sexy!!!
Just thought I'd let my peeps know. Winking
aw yay leolady! smile
aw yay FUCK YOU.
Posted by deemnsout4ever
why have you got the titty lip on, AA ?

does this mean "why are you being a douche?"
Posted by deemnsout4ever
See how chill he's become once I mentioned the jellied eels ??

you totally lost me with that
smilesmilesmileBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinTongueWinkingBig Grinsmile
they........actually eat jellied eels?
Posted by Jason2213
Posted by trifles light as air*
they........actually eat jellied eels?

I've never heard of that until now. *googles*
click to expand

i understand about half of what the brits say, the other half i just ignore. Tongue
Posted by deemnsout4ever
I dunno, I don't really watch Big Bro..I watched the first one with 'Nasty Nick' in it...such a cunt but it was fuck funny when he made his past, he's the only one who made shitloads from it, then fucked off, instead of lots of others who wanna be famous so much, they'd be at the opening of a crisp packet, given half the chance smile

nasty nick...rofl. that's funny, cause in the one season of BB i actually watched, there was a guy called "evil dick"
gotta watch out for those icks
Posted by deemnsout4ever
I always thought it'd be more fun if they got more 'Stanford Prison Experiment' on their desperate sorry heating the floor more and more with each passing day smile

hahahahahaha! i love it, so random
one of them wakes up & swings their feet over the bed, "OHJESUSCHRIST!!! the floor is on fire!"
Posted by deemnsout4ever
hehehehe smilesmile
exactly, or they're like hopping from foot to foot....or when you have to fucking run really fast down the sand on a beach cos it's too much to bear !!smile
I think reality TV is moving closer towards being like 'The Running Man' anyways....well, I'm hoping it does TongueTongue

it would be even better if they could choose exactly which floors to heat up/when instead of just a uniform "oh look, susie's in the shower....time to crank it up!" (i know, i'm evil)
i've never seen the running man........:X
Posted by deemnsout4ever
It's a cool film from Arnold Schwarzenegger's glory days, really funny (the books kinda cool too, with a much better ending)

cool/funny as in awesomely bad??? that's the only way i can really see that working....
Posted by deemnsout4ever
(have you seen any of 'the cube' films, some of the stuff would go down well in this Ultimate Big Brother house Tongue)
click to expand

no i haven't. i'm guessing they pull pranks or something?
got it. ♥ thank you
What are you hiding, Bling?
Posted by deemnsout4ever
You'll enjoy it, I really think so (1st and 3rd are my faves, as they're kinda linked)

i skimmed a bit about it...sounds very interesting. actually that just reminded me of something. i remember once you recommended a movie, a longggg time ago...i almost want to say it had shoe in the title??? but it's a serious movie, about brothers maybe? does that sound familiar in the slightest?
dead man's shoes! that's it! hope i don't forget it again......
It sucked so bad it was funny.
yay LL you kept your word. sounds like a good dude but dont jump his bones just yet (unless you already did u durtay girl) smile
you too^ Big Grin smile
Posted by Astrological Aftermath
i wanna rape that voice

Oh my Sexy Aries..... don't you know you cannot rape the willing!! Winking
Posted by Virgo07
yay LL you kept your word. sounds like a good dude but dont jump his bones just yet (unless you already did u durtay girl) smile

Posted by DewDrops
You sound like your from South east. I live in South east and pretty much everyone sounds like leolady. Well the locals anyway.

You win the big prize!!! You are absolutely correct. The Southeast it is! Winking
No, not Texas. And believe or not... when I go to Texas they all tell me I must be from Alabama or Georgia! LOL!! I am originally from South Alabama but have been in Florida since I was a child. I live in the Panhandle area.
Posted by DewDrops
The southern drawl is more pronounced amongst Texans, I think. Being the non native speaker I am, it's a bit of an effort to understand that accent. I don't have a problem with the drawl when they are from South east. I think its cute really. Esp. when the men talk. I think I have a blush when they talk. I just like hearing it.

I know I like it in men too. The guy Im hanging out with now is a bit of a country boy and he has that drawl.... mmmmm..... I could just eat him up! He was talking to me last night at dinner and I was just staring at his beautiful hazel eyes listening to that sexy voice.... almost made me melt. So, I know what u mean.!
Posted by eden 3
hey virgo hope ur having a great night smile
OMG deem & aa with all that brit talk *swoons* then *faints*
mwah boyz!

I know right? I dont even know wtf they are talking about but I dont really care! Tongue
Posted by deemnsout4ever
Leolady...I just really do sound like Joy at the end of that second one....whatevaa !!Tongue

LOL!! I know right!? Oh well.... *shrugs*
Well, I just pulled a natal chart on my Sag guy and it looks pretty promising.

Sun - Sag / Leo
Moon - Aries / Leo
Merc - Cap / Virgo
Venus - Sag / Leo
Mars - Pisces / Aqua
Jup - Scorp / Scorp
Sat - Taurus / Gem
Uranus - Libra / Libra
Nep - Scorp / Sag
Pluto - Virgo / Virgo
Lilith - Leo / Libra
Asc Node - Pisces / Aqua
Ascendent - Unknown / Aqua
I am curious to know what his Ascendent is. *rubs hands together*
Two fires signs..... Oh Nelly!
I checked our moon compatibility and it was one of the best rated!
Explains quite a few things! Winking
Posted by ianthefish
got this piece of shit microphone working now.... quite a bit of static.. but you get the drift of my voice i guess..

Ah Ian. Just about exactly what I expected. Tongue
Posted by deemnsout4ever
You both like to play chess ?

Yes, of course! Winking
I actually did a comparison of most of our placements and we are ON FIRE!!! WOO HOO!!!
Got the hottest ratings on the chart on about 4 out of 6!
Posted by ianthefish
no accent Big Grin

Ah ha... yes you do!
hahahaha ian sounds exactly like i thought he would, to a t. you sound just like 90% of the people that live here. Tongue