Storyline vs Gameplay

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Sn1p3r187 on Monday, March 17, 2014 and has 5 replies.
In any video game. Have you ever thought the story or the gameplay was better?. Just as an example. When I played GTA 4 4 years ago and beat it. The ending actually made me drop a beat in the heart because I finally realized what Niko was fighting for the entire time, his victory came at great cost that seemed easy for him, but hard on others. The Fallout 3, the story was emotionally appealing in every way. The way how you avenge your Father in game by destroying the Enclave once and for all and purifying the Capital Wasteland's water for every, but at the sacrifice of yourself. I compare the story to Fallout 1 considering they held many similarities in character development, setting, and story. Gamplay wise- Call of Duty (Don't do it anymore), Battlefield, Arma, Fallout 2 and New Vegas, Just Cause, Counter-Strike, any shooter game in general. It's hard to find a game with a story similar to The Last of Us now these days. Which do you prefer?
Interesting question. One of the curious things about Nintendo's staples which are Mario and The Legend of Zelda is that the story hardly exists, but the gameplay is absolutely fantastic and what will ultimately make or break the sales. If there are no puzzles, it's not a TLoZ game. If there's no platforming and it hasn't been established through the title that it involves something else(Dr. Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party), it can't be Mario. I don't care about the princess being in a different castle because that is of no importance to me. I just want to go down pipes and step on mushrooms. The one game I remember that had a story much more interesting than the gameplay for me would be Fatal Frame II. The misfortune is I don't know much about it because I was so bored by the gameplay, I couldn't be bothered to go on. I Am Alive has a fantastic story though that may be because I love those kinds of stories. The gameplay is slightly frustrating and I would always think about how I could go about it differently. Alan Wake has the same issue. Basically, I like both, but if the gameplay is shit, I'm not very likely to stick with it because of the tediousness.
Posted by 2N3R
Interesting question. One of the curious things about Nintendo's staples which are Mario and The Legend of Zelda is that the story hardly exists, but the gameplay is absolutely fantastic and what will ultimately make or break the sales. If there are no puzzles, it's not a TLoZ game. If there's no platforming and it hasn't been established through the title that it involves something else(Dr. Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party), it can't be Mario. I don't care about the princess being in a different castle because that is of no importance to me. I just want to go down pipes and step on mushrooms. The one game I remember that had a story much more interesting than the gameplay for me would be Fatal Frame II. The misfortune is I don't know much about it because I was so bored by the gameplay, I couldn't be bothered to go on. I Am Alive has a fantastic story though that may be because I love those kinds of stories. The gameplay is slightly frustrating and I would always think about how I could go about it differently. Alan Wake has the same issue. Basically, I like both, but if the gameplay is shit, I'm not very likely to stick with it because of the tediousness.

Usually if the story is interesting enough it'll make up for lack gameplay. Other words, drag me down the rabbit hole (no that rabbit)
Myst has an interesting story and I wish someone would write about all the stuff that says what happened in those places because the gameplay is so yawn inducing to me. I'm not sure how anyone made sense of the puzzles because it seemed as if you need to know a lot about complex subjects I don't really know about. If I did, it might be more interesting, but what little I saw didn't appeal to me to the point where I thought it would be worth suffering through.
Posted by 2N3R
Myst has an interesting story and I wish someone would write about all the stuff that says what happened in those places because the gameplay is so yawn inducing to me. I'm not sure how anyone made sense of the puzzles because it seemed as if you need to know a lot about complex subjects I don't really know about. If I did, it might be more interesting, but what little I saw didn't appeal to me to the point where I thought it would be worth suffering through.

Oh, I'll check that out. But what about ocarina of Time? Where did it get such great reviews mainly on? Gameplay or Story? Check it- 10 out of 10 on IGN. GTA 4 10/10 on IGN. A lot of good games have those and really makes me think what were they mainly judging on.