Suing HBO

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by DMV on Sunday, November 15, 2020 and has 2 replies.
So HBO has a new channel called HBO max

I have HBONOW for several years and I use it through my roku

HBOMAX is available free of charge through HBO subscription

However, HBOMAX is not supported by ROKU

So I don’t have access to a channel that should be free to me because of the way I stream it, ROKU. I would have to get a cable subscription or pay for HBOMAX separately

sounds petty but I think there may be some antitrust/collusion issues going on.

I’m penalized because I have a roku

HBO Max is not a channel but a streaming platform like Netflix or Disney+, all you really need is a device that would support it. (Android, Android TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Samsung smart TV platforms (from 2016 and onward)

You can try work around like this...