Talking to An Ex While Dating/ Relationship

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Sag898 on Monday, August 20, 2018 and has 12 replies.
I want opinions on this. What I've discovered so far is most aren't okay with it. Please tell me why?

Here is how I see it. You do not want the significant other to hate the ex because that = ( unresolved feelings ) in my eyes.

Indifference is good.

Friendly I'm not sure that's entirely bad either. If you share children and what not.

Oddly enough, I do not find familiar what threatens a relationship as much as I've found uncharted terriroty one.

( Hot co-workers, "Friends" of the opposite sex )

Again, all relationships to me are chance and hope of respect but we can't control what one days at the end of the day.

Okay go!

Posted by RooSagicorn

Well if you share children, you have to. There is this thing called co-parenting. If not, they think you won’t be 💯 or are insecure you will leave. That’s been my experience.
How do you feel about it? Like if the person your seeing does it?
I talk to my ex husband on a regular basis (once a week or so), because we share a son. My partner needs to understand this, because we have to co-parent.

I have maintained good relationships with all of my exes. However, that doesn't mean I talk to them everyday. I will text them happy holidays, but that is about it.

I personally, don't care if there is occasional correspondence. If it were a daily thing, and no children were involved, I would probably tell them that the frequency seems inappropriate to me.
If we are all friends it’s not problem for me
Civil approach. Boundaries. No friendliness required

Depends on the people involved and how things ended TBH.
Posted by DeadInside

stop bein a sag!
Posted by tiziani

I don't think I've ever actually been in this territory so I've no idea.

When it was explained to me was the problem was all the sex that's been had.

Did you have a lot of it? did you have a lot of the sex? Because that's what they're picturing. The sex.
A female asked about that? Interesting. I find the males more interested and jealous of that. I myself was more curious about the emotional aspect.
Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by Sag898

Posted by RooSagicorn

Well if you share children, you have to. There is this thing called co-parenting. If not, they think you won’t be 💯 or are insecure you will leave. That’s been my experience.
How do you feel about it? Like if the person your seeing does it?
It depends on the situation. Are they friends or are they more still wanting to get back together? How much do they talk? Why do they talk? It comes down to trust & the situation.

click to expand
Fair enough
I don't talk to exes
If its an ex whom you have kids with or an ex from 10+ years ago whom you are friends with I don't see an issue. Otherwise it seems shady that you have back up peen/vag in waiting in the wings that you have history with. Sketch.
I have never been in a relationship where the guys haven't been informed before the relationship started that I'm on friendly terms with all my exes and that I keep in touch with all but one who died. There have been some jealousy, but not a serious problem since they, at the end of the day, have trusted where my heart is at.