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Jun 21, 2018Comments: 1997 · Posts: 3728 · Topics: 76
I want opinions on this. What I've discovered so far is most aren't okay with it. Please tell me why?
Here is how I see it. You do not want the significant other to hate the ex because that = ( unresolved feelings ) in my eyes.
Indifference is good.
Friendly I'm not sure that's entirely bad either. If you share children and what not.
Oddly enough, I do not find familiar what threatens a relationship as much as I've found uncharted terriroty one.
( Hot co-workers, "Friends" of the opposite sex )
Again, all relationships to me are chance and hope of respect but we can't control what one days at the end of the day.
Okay go!
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Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
I talk to my ex husband on a regular basis (once a week or so), because we share a son. My partner needs to understand this, because we have to co-parent.
I have maintained good relationships with all of my exes. However, that doesn't mean I talk to them everyday. I will text them happy holidays, but that is about it.
I personally, don't care if there is occasional correspondence. If it were a daily thing, and no children were involved, I would probably tell them that the frequency seems inappropriate to me.
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Jun 14, 2017Comments: 1119 · Posts: 10883 · Topics: 28
If we are all friends it’s not problem for me
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Dec 30, 2015Comments: 1548 · Posts: 2885 · Topics: 35
Civil approach. Boundaries. No friendliness required
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Nov 03, 2013Comments: 6652 · Posts: 25221 · Topics: 78
Depends on the people involved and how things ended TBH.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
If its an ex whom you have kids with or an ex from 10+ years ago whom you are friends with I don't see an issue. Otherwise it seems shady that you have back up peen/vag in waiting in the wings that you have history with. Sketch.
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Mar 07, 2015Comments: 22 · Posts: 5190 · Topics: 88
I have never been in a relationship where the guys haven't been informed before the relationship started that I'm on friendly terms with all my exes and that I keep in touch with all but one who died. There have been some jealousy, but not a serious problem since they, at the end of the day, have trusted where my heart is at.