The awkward moments

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by aquasnoz on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 and has 22 replies.
What are some of your awkward moments interacting with strangers? Moments where you felt awkward about yourself, for the other or just in general making things more awkward than it already is!
The other night knocking off before work I served this really sweet and charming elderly woman, started talking about her grand kids and such. Upon paying for her drink she was rummaging through her purse and low and behold a vibrator fell out. I made a joke about it but she was so embarrassed and I can't help but think I just made the whole situation more awkward lol. Then of course there's the usual buying condoms and getting that look from the cashier *shakes head* why must it be such stigma!
So any awkward stories you guys want to share? smile
Posted by kraftwerk
granny needs her fuckstick, right?
dude, do u have a tribal arm band?

Haha I thought so too! Thought I'd crack a joke to lighten the mood but I think it was FUBAR! and yes it is!
Posted by Kalean
I remember i seen some fella coming towards me.. and he started waving towards my direction. so... er. naturally i started waving like a prat.. when in actual fact, he was waving at my dad behind me and they started havin' a convo infront of me. LMAO B(... eer. just thought it was a friendly stranger.

That's the WORST along with the internal dialogue that goes with it. "Is he waving at me? Can't be I don't know him. Did I forget something? QUICK SMILE and wave just in case and acknowledge!" then afterwards it's like "fuck"
Posted by Infinity
Story 1:
I was running a little late for my sociology class yesterday. So this girl was sitting at the end of a row with empty seats and I ask to get by. Her giant poster border was in the way. She moved it but didn't fold the "desk" part back so that limited how easily I could maneuver to get by. FYI I'm a total klutz. So I successfully get past her and end up tripping and hitting my knee in front of a lot of people when I'm about to sit down.
My poor knee, it hurt like hell. She asked was I okay but the damage was done lol.
Story 2:
The street I usually walk down has bumpy sidewalks which is bad for me (klutz here). This elderly couple walked by me and I was being cheerfully and smiled at them instead of watching where I was going. As soon as I look down at the ground, I step into a dip in the sidewalk and ALMOST face planted the sidewalk. The old lady looked just surprised as I did. At least she didn't see her life flash before her eyes..
Moral of the stories... don't make eye contact :/

Bahaha the first story reminded me of the time in the cinema where I had to get past this lady that refused to budge! I really wanted to get past her without causing trouble but ended up scraping my ass across her face... totes awks!
and don't worry my friends call me door retarded because I'm accident prone. I insist that inanimate objects just have a thing for me.
Posted by size zero superhero
I've experienced secondhand embarrassment. Awkwardness can be contagious for unsuspecting witnesses.
Once during a course in college, myself and another girl were working on a project. She walks by and hovers over the desk I was sitting, to glance over my notes.
I look up and see her massive, pendulous boob hanging beside my face, which evidently escaped from her low-cut shirt as she hunched over my desk. She gasps, wrangles the rogue titty back in her top & scans the room to ensure nobody other than me caught a glimpse. At that point, I collapsed into a fit of hysterical laughter and eventually had to excuse myself from the classroom.

See I always wondered this! I would've thought it was embarassing too I mean they must have some kind of spatial awareness about them right or at least 'feel' them? *shrugs* I use to have this coworker that would lean in very closely like her boobs weren't even there until I had to kindly remind her my arm is stuck in between her cleavage.
Posted by ands
Most recent was i tried to air kiss someone just introduced to me and she was not having it lulz. Happens to me alot now that i think about it. Im friendly. Idk y i even do it. Maybe coz i do with my female friends. I cant remember. Havnt seen them in ages.

See that's okay imo air kisses Big Grin the awkwardness gets dialed up when someone greets by kiss on cheek lol. It's customary to kiss by left cheek but to the people that don't know it tends to turn into a double kiss. First being oh shit wrong side, second is me adjusting to their side.
Walking toward someone and we both make a move to get out of each other's way, but we just end up blocking each other. It happens to me a lot. Like all the time. I think it's primarily my fault. I'm a very indecisive walker. ::"I'm going left. No! Right! No wait left!":: I'm sure it confuses people.
Making and maintaining eye contact with people across the room. It just makes me squirm. If I don't know someone, we don't smile at each other, and we're just stuck staring for a moment it's weird. I try to look away as quickly as possible but sometimes my eyes don't cooperate!
Accidentally holding the door open for a guy when he meant to hold it open for me. This has only happened a couple of times on campus. But the thought still makes me feel awkward. I mean they're trying to be nice and here I am undermining it. But at the same time I mean I was only trying to be polite. So confusing.
@Size Zero that story made me laugh so hard! I can only imagine
Got a table at a restaurant, used the bathroom, came back and the first thing I say to my brother while I'm taking a seat is "why does my ass hurt?" as our waitress was walking up. She giggled, struggled to gain composure, and then asked what we wanted to eat.
@poisson: well come on I want to hear all the awkwardness! haha! It makes me feel less like a retard lol.
@virggy: hahaha! I hate when that happens! It's like a little game in my head because they're veering to the right so I'll head left but subconsciously making a little sidestep to the right. But then this one time I chose to be a rebel and walked straight forward and ended up taking out the petite sized woman.
@ARLT: I always love those and working in hospitality we hear some of the funniest stuff! Happens to us too don't worry. I have this habbit of whispering too loud or being a dramatic whisperer. My virgo friend insists on never to be seen with me in public until we get drunk! Had a customer walk away in awkwardness because all she heard was me whispering "No I did sit on it, but now it's sore". Digging my own grave is becoming habitual.
@harry99: Fucked Up Beyond All Repair Tongue
My most awkward moment was when I had my son & had to be examined "down there" by a man and he had fat fingers. I was irritated and uncomfortable lol.
Posted by Domin0
that awkward moment when you photoshop on an uncalibrated screen and you end up finding out that everything is underexposed on the next.
Straight Face

I don't think many people will find it awkward tho lol
I was in a friend's house years ago, all his family were there, everyone silent watching tv when I farted out loud.
No one said anything I quickly got up and said I have to go home.
"Then of course there's the usual buying condoms and getting that look from the cashier *shakes head* why must it be such stigma!"

lol..They should give a damn reward with the purchase of condoms! But yes, if I get that look I give them that, yes, that's right I F**K smile. lol
When I was in high school I went to this boarding academy that my whole family has gone to. It was coed and in Arkansas. I was on the gymnastics team there and when we came down to New Orleans for a tour a lot of the team members stayed at my place. My little brother at that point in life had not had a lot of interactions with the opposite sex. He only knew how us guys play around with each other for fun. First thing he does is set next to my hand to hand partner, also arguably one of the prettiest girls in school, and rips a LONG LOUD-ASS FART all over the side of her.
My brother... pensively (he's an aquarius a 9 year-old at the time) looks around and then to me and says "What"?
Everyone died laughing so damn hard.... he about committed mass murder at our house that day.
OOOOOH man thnx!!! Sugaries I so saw that whole situation play down in my head and had really nice laugh WOW!
That awkward moment when you go to show someone a pic of your dog from your get to the gallery and the pics are "tiled" and there are a couple of pics of your boobs and the person is looking over your shoulder and can totally see them :/
and thats why I now have the KeepSafe app lol
Why are their pictures of your boobs on your phone ^.^?
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Why are their pictures of your boobs on your phone ^.^?

Really you have to ask that question lol. Well I sent some dirty pics and forgot to delete them
Posted by Virggy
Walking toward someone and we both make a move to get out of each other's way, but we just end up blocking each other. It happens to me a lot. Like all the time. I think it's primarily my fault. I'm a very indecisive walker. ::"I'm going left. No! Right! No wait left!":: I'm sure it confuses people.
@Size Zero that story made me laugh so hard! I can only imagine

I do this sometimes and I just end up smiling to the person and asking them if they want to dance lol Akward moment avoided. I always get a smile out of them, male or female.
Posted by Domin0
I was in a friend's house years ago, all his family were there, everyone silent watching tv when I farted out loud.
No one said anything I quickly got up and said I have to go home.

click to expand

Well hello stranger where have you been?
haha forgot about this thread sorry!
@betel: that line would've cracked me up!
@nyaa: We are awkward like that haha but part of the charm when we're oblivious!
@Poisson: Haha I blank out and my eyes generally sit at boob level many awkward moments for sure and when I realise I'm doing it I pretend to do the thinking pose or quickly look away only to find my eyes resting on someone's crotch fml.
The ashing in drinks is CLASSIC! I try to play it cool but pretty sure all my mates already know because they kept asking me how it tasted Sad
@harry99: I wish I had that kind of power!
My awkward moment for the day is going in for a surprise hug and kiss until she got distracted, looked away and proceeded to headbutt me in the face! The romantic moment totally didn't work out like it did in my head! Having my fly undone for half the day is pretty awkward too. Why don't people tell me! It just makes it more awkward Sad

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