Posted by kraftwerk
granny needs her fuckstick, right?
dude, do u have a tribal arm band?
Posted by Kalean
I remember i seen some fella coming towards me.. and he started waving towards my direction. so... er. naturally i started waving like a prat.. when in actual fact, he was waving at my dad behind me and they started havin' a convo infront of me. LMAO B(... eer. just thought it was a friendly stranger.
Posted by Infinity
Story 1:
I was running a little late for my sociology class yesterday. So this girl was sitting at the end of a row with empty seats and I ask to get by. Her giant poster border was in the way. She moved it but didn't fold the "desk" part back so that limited how easily I could maneuver to get by. FYI I'm a total klutz. So I successfully get past her and end up tripping and hitting my knee in front of a lot of people when I'm about to sit down.
My poor knee, it hurt like hell. She asked was I okay but the damage was done lol.
Story 2:
The street I usually walk down has bumpy sidewalks which is bad for me (klutz here). This elderly couple walked by me and I was being cheerfully and smiled at them instead of watching where I was going. As soon as I look down at the ground, I step into a dip in the sidewalk and ALMOST face planted the sidewalk. The old lady looked just surprised as I did. At least she didn't see her life flash before her eyes..
Moral of the stories... don't make eye contact :/
Posted by size zero superhero
I've experienced secondhand embarrassment. Awkwardness can be contagious for unsuspecting witnesses.
Once during a course in college, myself and another girl were working on a project. She walks by and hovers over the desk I was sitting, to glance over my notes.
I look up and see her massive, pendulous boob hanging beside my face, which evidently escaped from her low-cut shirt as she hunched over my desk. She gasps, wrangles the rogue titty back in her top & scans the room to ensure nobody other than me caught a glimpse. At that point, I collapsed into a fit of hysterical laughter and eventually had to excuse myself from the classroom.
Posted by ands
Most recent was i tried to air kiss someone just introduced to me and she was not having it lulz. Happens to me alot now that i think about it. Im friendly. Idk y i even do it. Maybe coz i do with my female friends. I cant remember. Havnt seen them in ages.
Posted by Domin0
that awkward moment when you photoshop on an uncalibrated screen and you end up finding out that everything is underexposed on the next.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Why are their pictures of your boobs on your phone ^.^?
Posted by Virggy
Walking toward someone and we both make a move to get out of each other's way, but we just end up blocking each other. It happens to me a lot. Like all the time. I think it's primarily my fault. I'm a very indecisive walker. ::"I'm going left. No! Right! No wait left!":: I'm sure it confuses people.
@Size Zero that story made me laugh so hard! I can only imagine
Posted by Domin0Posted by XXMR2NICEXX
I was in a friend's house years ago, all his family were there, everyone silent watching tv when I farted out loud.
No one said anything I quickly got up and said I have to go home.
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