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Jun 02, 2021Comments: 852 · Posts: 1100 · Topics: 34
Pluto: I have been to many funerals recently. I have been to one with a packed full house where all seats were full and hardly anyone could stand. Ive been to one where there didn't seem to be anyone hardly there. This isn't about whether or not someone is valuable based on how many attend your funeral though. This is about your quest, your journey here and the way you live. Do you live to have a full house at your funeral, what ever that may mean to you? Or do you live to have hardly anyone come? It doesn't matter how many people show up, you and me, we are always precious and valuable. But even still, do you live to have a full house at your funeral? Why or why not?
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Nov 16, 2023Comments: 720 · Posts: 560 · Topics: 10
Once I'm dead, my family is going to do what they want anyway. Then you really get to see who shows up to pay their respects.
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Jan 16, 2024Comments: 1954 · Posts: 351 · Topics: 4
I don’t even want a funeral honestly. I don’t feel like I know enough people to have a crowd at my funeral. I have like one friend and we don’t even speak anymore. So it would most likely just be family and I can’t control what they do. They may have a funeral for me or they may not. I really could care less. I’ll be dead. 💀
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Aug 23, 2021Comments: 3171 · Posts: 1574 · Topics: 1
I'd rather just have the three than a crowd because that's how I value people close to me, which are few.
People have silent journeys, where it seems they don't accomplish or experience as much as others, but he human mind is amazing and I have seen many interesting hermits/loners.
I think we should all just accept our own journeys and value them, because that's what makes up our lives.
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Mar 24, 2019Comments: 4959 · Posts: 10458 · Topics: 278
most people have very few that they genuinely like and love so a full house don't make much sense to me unless you're some sort of public personality.
i'm gonna start on a new project tomorrow but i'm gonna try something different. i'm gonna fake extroversion and see where that takes me. the hermit life invites gossip ironically enough.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1876 · Posts: 16918 · Topics: 108
I for a long time wanted no funeral whatsoever. I've had a few grandparents that had no funeral. It seemed like a much better option. Then my last grandparents funeral I realized it was actually a positive thing. Like people got to speak, cry together, and essentially become closer as a whole. My grandparents who had no funeral simply died, and that was it. Those with a funeral however made it much easier to move on imo. Like you say your prayers, then carry them to the graveyard. It's like sending them off into the afterlife in a sense. Those without a funeral just feel forever lost imo.
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Nov 21, 2023Comments: 68 · Posts: 103 · Topics: 3
Funerals, etc are more for the living imo.
So anyway, it really depends on how old I am. If most of my friends are also dead or too old to attend anything I think no. If it were to happen soon, and people wanted to do something, then celebration of life, no funeral. Funerals are costly. There's no reason for the formality imo, so just throw a get together somewhere. Let everyone actually make time to come together and see each other and talk and eat. I want to be cremated and my ashes spread in a place I love so my body won't be attending anyway so location doesn't matter.
And as far as number of people, that doesn't matter one bit to me. It doesn't figure into my life at all now, so I can't see how it would when I'm dead. I do believe in souls and things past this form so I'm thinking my soul will potentially be able to see/attend but I certainly don't know for sure.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36034 · Posts: 40656 · Topics: 321
Just my family and close friends
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Mar 20, 2014Comments: 574 · Posts: 4816 · Topics: 128
I desire people to feel good when they are around me, I want people to feel accepted and valued. I want people to learn new things from me or feel inspired by me, just as must as I want to take that away from my experiences with them.
But whoever shows up for me after I pass, I hope they do so because they value and honor those experiences they’ve had with me. And I would love to have 200+ people show up because of those reasons.
But we are all living our own lives on this earth and we all value different things and move through life with different intentions and purposes. And I don’t find a lot of opportunities to share experiences like that with people in my day-to-day life.
I wish I could find relationships that have more meaning, but a lot of my time and attention is taken up by relationships with my family or friendships out convenience. People who are in the same stage of life as you, those who share similar experiences and you can joke with, help each other solve day to day problems.
But the truth is I don’t really attach myself to people. It could just be my Gemini moon. I have had 3 very close friends pass, and just living life and observing how relationships come and go, I just see people as temporary. I 100% value and treasure the experiences I’m having with people as I’m having them, but I accept that maybe that’s all I get with them.
So no, I don’t live to have a full house. I live for great experiences and for my growth; I don’t understand why people feel it’s important to be remembered. I think if I can be a vessel to pass on ideas and concepts to help people learn and grow and to pass that on to others, I would prefer that.
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Nov 05, 2015Comments: 1316 · Posts: 6945 · Topics: 124
My dad is very well known within many communities around our area. Nearly everywhere we go, someone will recognize him, come up and greet him. He’s just very gregarious and has been able to make a living out of it. I’ve always found that very admirable. When his time comes I’m sure he’d have a packed house coming to give their respect. I’m the complete opposite. I barely interact with others on a regular basis. I even have a tough time staying in touch with relatives that I wish I could. I only have a handful of close, important people in my life. I’m content with that but most are much older. I couldn’t even begin to fathom a world without them. I think that’s where my internal desire to have lots of children comes from. I want to remain surrounded by lots of close family as I eventually age. Of course that was until the reality of actually child-rearing one kid hit me.
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Nov 05, 2019Comments: 363 · Posts: 2727 · Topics: 27
Irish funeral. Me in a Urn and a party for people to enjoy themselves. Open bar, catoring, and group games.