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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
The largest egocentrism?
The largest love?
The largest IQ?
What specifically do you want to know?
The largest revenge factor?
lol, it kinda looks like cabbage
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Apr 11, 2012Comments: 56 · Posts: 1568 · Topics: 53
You guys know that the female clitoris is the same nub that grows to become the male penis, right?
All fetuses start out with it but depending on whether an "x" or "y" chromosome is added determines whether the nub will keep growing into a full dick or stop and begin forming a vagina.
This is the same reason guys have nipples even though they never form breasts. It's part of the fetus's standard essentials before it knows which way to start developing.
And that is why women with large clits look like they're sporting a lil' chode. Their lil' nub just got a bit more developed.
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Apr 11, 2012Comments: 56 · Posts: 1568 · Topics: 53
I can never tell if you're the most sarcastic person in the world by using your lil' chick gifs after everything or if that is just your native language ;p
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Apr 11, 2012Comments: 56 · Posts: 1568 · Topics: 53
Never mind. You're leaving anyways!
Why's that? you received some death threats?