The Pyschologist

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Damnata on Saturday, December 5, 2015 and has 186 replies.
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So I my quest to think of games we play in real life and can be adapted on forums..I thought of this one.

It can be played with any number of people.

Sign up if you want and I'll see how many want to play within the hour or sooner than that if we reach 10 players (I feel that is a good number).
I my quest is to sell 10 goats
So, are you guys playing? Baw I need you not to troll in this game and help your teammates.
Sure why not
Posted by KinglyCrab
I'm not mentally ready for this but ok count me in.

It will be ok. It's funny and playful.

Posted by RumiLove
Hey Damnata. I may have to go to sleep in an hour, can I join..until then? smile

The game needs the players to be online and depending on the psychologist, it will take a while. Come back tomorrow so you don't miss any of it smile. Depending on how people like it we can have multiple games per day.
Posted by Vanish
Virgo representative! ^5

I'm not saying I have high expectations for you as a Virgo ..but I do. lol
Actually if I get one more player, we can do this first run with 5.

So stay here @RumiLove
Ok let's start Big Grin
We have 6 players, so that's one psychologist and 5 players. I will first draw randomly the name of the psychologist.
Rambunctious will be the psychologist for this round.

Between you 5, I'll do another random draw right now and PM all 5 of you the name of one player.

Then Rambunctious will have to guess the one of you I selected by asking all you 5 questions about that person.

Each round she will ask a question to each of you, until she is convinced she knows which player is.

Your job (each of you) is to answer the questions she addresses to you as if you are the person I chose.

You have to be truthful yet sneaky in your answers.


1) No questions about astro placements: like "hey, are you a scorpio moon?" or very specific ones "Is your nickname a dildo?"
The game ends when Ramby is convinced she knows the person and asks "Is this person Vanish? (for example)". If she is right or wrong it doesn't matter. Game ends then and we start a new game.
Let me give you folks an example.

Say I am a psychologist and the person I have to guess is Deldo.

So I ask Vanish : "Do you like sports?" - good question
"Do you like wrestling?" - bad question

She has to reply as she is Deldo: "Yeah but not really team sports"

Let's see how well you can impersonate your fellow dxpers.
Posted by Damnata
1) No questions about astro placements: like "hey, are you a scorpio moon?" or very specific ones "Is your nickname a dildo?"

Lmao I hate u
Posted by BlackMamba
Here! Me want to play

Fine you too since I just posted the rules.
Ok, game on:

Psychologist: Rambunctious

Team: Vanish, BlackMamba, KinglyCrab, Deldo, Libralula, RumiLove

You all got a PM from me with the person you have to respond as.

Scorpio Moon, you can ask them in any random order. One question for each then if it's still not clear, we go on until it is.

You can either quote them or use the "@".

Have fun folks and good luck, water moon.
For any questions if you're unsure still how to play it, message me.

I don't know how to play .... so, I'll just watch
Posted by KinglyCrab
@ RumiLove
What do you fear of failing the most?

Only the psychologist asks.

The rest reply to questions directed to them.

foul ?
Posted by Rambunctious76
@AfternoonDelights22 : Do you prefer soap operas or made-for-TV films?

@BlackMamba : Beer or wine?

@Libralula : A haircut or a shave?

I prefer to watch people... Or movies
Posted by Rambunctious76
Has @Vanish literally vanished?

Some people dislike therapy.

I can just see @Vanish leaving the first moment she's asked "How are you feeling?"
Posted by Rambunctious76
@AfternoonDelights22 : Dinner at home or dinner with friends?

Dinner with a friend
Posted by Twodrinks
Am I too late?

No, I can put your name down as soon as this game ends and we start another one.
Posted by Rambunctious76
OK I'm going to throw in the towel and make a guess that it's Rumilove.

You can only make one guess Big Grin

Yes, it's RumiLove. Aries sun/scorpio moon guessing Aries sun/scorpio moon
You can now sign up for the next game. I will back in an hour and see the new team/ the new psychologist.
I liked this round.

Remember, you have to make it as hard as possible for the psychologist to guess.

So if the person to be guessed is a chick and psychologist asks you "What is the worst emotional experience?", don't reply with "PMS-ing" because that would point at a female guess. However if the guy you have to guess is a water sign man and you reply in the same way, that's genius.

Sneaky yet truthful. Libra moons should be really good at this with the evasiveness.
Posted by Twodrinks
An hour?! I got shit to do Scared im going to make gingerbread houses and drink wine with my pisces bff.

I wanna play now Sad

I completely get your impatience.

People refuse to adapt to Aries pace. It is like an insult every day.
Posted by Twodrinks
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Twodrinks
An hour?! I got shit to do Scared im going to make gingerbread houses and drink wine with my pisces bff.

I wanna play now Sad

I completely get your impatience.

People refuse to adapt to Aries pace. It is like an insult every day.

It truly is.
Look at this shiny new toy you can play an hour!!!! Bahahahahah...*disappears into a cloud of smoke*

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Did anyone put your credit card in a block of ice?

Posted by Twodrinks
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Twodrinks
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Twodrinks
An hour?! I got shit to do Scared im going to make gingerbread houses and drink wine with my pisces bff.

I wanna play now Sad

I completely get your impatience.

People refuse to adapt to Aries pace. It is like an insult every day.

It truly is.
Look at this shiny new toy you can play an hour!!!! Bahahahahah...*disappears into a cloud of smoke*

Did anyone put your credit card in a block of ice?

Not soon enough. I haz no Natas in my life.
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I find this part for Aries Moons applies to the Suns too:

Moon in Aries men and women are prone to have plenty of crushes and other short-lived yet intense desires. "Needs" and "wants" are indistinguishable to Lunar Ariens at any given time. In their minds, what they want is so powerful that it becomes an absolute need. In young adulthood, they can be dangerous with a credit card. Whoever offered the advice to freeze your credit card in a container of water, and then let the block of ice thaw before using the card, unwittingly had people with Moon in Aries in mind. The whole idea was to see if the shopping whim of the moment would pass by the time the card was ready to use. Still, with this scenario, I wouldn't be surprised to see Moon in Aries hacking away at the ice. That is, if Aries actually takes the advice in the first place!

Posted by Damnata
Posted by Rambunctious76
OK I'm going to throw in the towel and make a guess that it's Rumilove.

You can only make one guess Big Grin

Yes, it's RumiLove. Aries sun/scorpio moon guessing Aries sun/scorpio moon
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Lol I knew it was rumi from CC's first answer to Rams Question.... this happening or what
Posted by AfternoonDelights22 this happening or what

there's 3 people.

if more don't join, not for a while.

i was wondering where u were
Posted by Scruffles
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
i was wondering where u were

I was watching you.

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and I thought Pisces were only into face sitting
I like to combine them and make a purple mush
Posted by Scruffles
@Impulsv @Libralula

I have a suspect in mind. Let's see...


Do you like bread roles?

Do you vote on ballets?


and I do not watch ballets
never gonna live down those bread roles
Posted by Scruffles
If someone invented instant water, what would they mix it with?

Coffeee duh Tongue
God I slept for 12 hours.

If I am missing and you guys have gathered here, anyone can be the game master and pick the psychologist and the patient and send PMs.

You don't have to wait for me.

Posted by KinglyCrab
Posted by RumiLove
Posted by KinglyCrab
Posted by RumiLove
Posted by KinglyCrab
Posted by RumiLove
Posted by KinglyCrab
Posted by RumiLove
Hey Damnata. I may have to go to sleep in an hour, can I join..until then? smile

Jeez what time is it there in J-land?

Noo..not J-land.. I dont live that far in the east


I assumed because well rumi sounds like the named Japs use like Bora.

Bora...the fish??!

But yeah, I understand. When I type Rumi, the name Rumiko keeps coming up in the auto...correction thing.

Bora means snow in my language. If i have a daughter I'm probably gonna name her that. I miss snow. Straight Face

Oops. I thought it name of fish in Japanese haha.

That's nice choice. ( ´・‿・`) can I ask you what language btw?

I used to watch shinchan...he names his dog "shiro" meaning as white as snow ^_^ ..these names are cute!

Albanian. I'm from a small country to the easy of Italy.
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Bora in Northern Italy.

It's quite an experience.
First round started and ended in an hour.

Going to an escape room now, will be back in 3 hours. Will see how many have signed up til then.

If there's already 10 of you sooner than that, you can begin.
I'm here too.
If it's starting soon I'm interested
I am going to play.
Ok, it's good we have 5 people.

I'm drawing the names now.
Ok, psychologist is @AfternoonDelights22
Team: @GetMisted @Libralula @Scruffles @Twodrinks @virgowithasoul @LillyPetal