The you in other dimensions

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Sagittarius2315 on Friday, December 13, 2013 and has 19 replies.
What if in every dimension on earth; there was another vessel exactly like your own. The thing that keeps you connected you pieces of your soul. In each dimension your a different version of you, and your soul was divided to allow you growth; and allow you to learn different lessons in multiple ways instead once in a life time.
Your vessels are all linked to the same frequency and wave length because each had a piece of the same identical soul.
If ever you were to remember living in another life time; it is because you some how tapped not in to the past, but a current time that you are currently living, but in another dimension.
What would you do? How would you feel if you found a way; a gate way to travel to these dimension to learn more about your other selfs, would you do it?
You've seen "another earth" movie, don't you..?
No it's actually a multitude of things. I was watching a documentary on NASA and how they have discovered 4 dimensions on earth; however they believe there is 12-24.
I've also been watching
I also have my own thoughts one this; and experiences and it makes me wonder these things.
There is alot of info converging on something similar to this. If u read up on near death experiences, a lot of people have gone into the light and come face to face with another version of themselves. Others have been explicitly told that their true self is impossible to fit into a body, and discarnate aspects of their consciousness reside in different dimensions. Further, in what is known as a life review where one sees every aspect of their life, many have experienced a split into several different conscious perspectives, sometimes encompassing different simultaneous lives.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
There is alot of info converging on something similar to this. If u read up on near death experiences, a lot of people have gone into the light and come face to face with another version of themselves. Others have been explicitly told that their true self is impossible to fit into a body, and discarnate aspects of their consciousness reside in different dimensions. Further, in what is known as a life review where one sees every aspect of their life, many have experienced a split into several different conscious perspectives, sometimes encompassing different simultaneous lives.

This is very interesting; I've had my own experiences. Sometimes I wonder if it's a mere dream or am I looking in to another dimension where I'm living another life. This is why I've created this thread. To some it might sound impossible; others might be skeptical of it. It's not until you experience something like it, that you truly begin to questions things.
It makes me wonder if a lot of sci-fi authors and screen play writers for movies have experienced something like it where they tap in to another dimension realm and then through fictional writing share with the world.
Can our souls travel from one dimension to another to give us answers to questions we ask ourselves?
These are current questions I've been asking myself since I've been experiencing certain things, even while awake( semi-conscious; day dreaming like state).
I think, after this life, when we look back we're going to find that fiction closely mirrored what we were learning collectively, from multiple sources of reality. And that movies and books often helped us to advance massively scientifically, spiritually, and culturally. What is the imagination? We really have no idea. If you have some time, read the article below. There's some very interesting info on past-life regression therapy, but even moreso, the perspective the author gives on the imagination was really instrumental for me. As an artist, I had always relegated journeys of the imagination to a status of almost being non-existent, when in reality we're gleaning information from an altered state of consciousness that we know very little about.

In a metaphysics class when I was studying philosophy, I remember a teacher asked a question to the class - is a unicorn real? Does it exist or is it non-existent? Everyone said it does not exist of course. He disagreed. He said it has properties - we know what it is like. It is horse-like, usually white, has a horn, etc. It exists, at the least, as a concept. For it to have properties as a concept, it must exist. But where does it exist? In our brains, or somewhere else - some other realm of the mind? Nothing in the brain, has the properties of a unicorn. There may be neural events that correlate - meaning there may be regions of the brain that are active, when we have the notion of what a unicorn is, but the experience itself, and any/all of the properties of the actual experience, even if mediated by the brain, are not to be found in the brain. It takes place in our consciousness and can be seen introspectively and subjectively - not physically.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
I think, after this life, when we look back we're going to find that fiction closely mirrored what we were learning collectively, from multiple sources of reality. And that movies and books often helped us to advance massively scientifically, spiritually, and culturally. What is the imagination? We really have no idea. If you have some time, read the article below. There's some very interesting info on past-life regression therapy, but even moreso, the perspective the author gives on the imagination was really instrumental for me. As an artist, I had always relegated journeys of the imagination to a status of almost being non-existent, when in reality we're gleaning information from an altered state of consciousness that we know very little about.

In a metaphysics class when I was studying philosophy, I remember a teacher asked a question to the class - is a unicorn real? Does it exist or is it non-existent? Everyone said it does not exist of course. He disagreed. He said it has properties - we know what it is like. It is horse-like, usually white, has a horn, etc. It exists, at the least, as a concept. For it to have properties as a concept, it must exist. But where does it exist? In our brains, or somewhere else - some other realm of the mind? Nothing in the brain, has the properties of a unicorn. There may be neural events that correlate - meaning there may be regions of the brain that are active, when we have the notion of what a unicorn is, but the experience itself, and any/all of the properties of the actual experience, even if mediated by the brain, are not to be found in the brain. It takes place in our consciousness and can be seen introspectively and subjectively - not physically.

Thank you; I will definitely read it when I get a chance.
Interesting, I wanted to know is there a way to know what dimensions we travel to in these scenarios?
The user who posted this message has hidden it.

why did you hide that post you nervous ninny? HaHahahhah...I post when I see something interesting on the homepage lately. I didn't even realize what board I was on. I feel like I'm intruding when I visit other
I don't know if they have discovered what dimensions trigger a certain level of consciousness. The brain so complex; so is this world and our perception of reality, that I believe that is something that won't happen soon.
But; from my experience with dreaming vividly of other worlds(which I keep record of as of late on a dream journal) I'm beginning to believe that dimensions do exist, as well as gateways that can some how transport us to these worlds. I believe that we have to some how break free from our perception of reality, almost like a vail and look past it.
Does this make any does to me.
Since you are interested in this subject may I suggest that you start reading Carlos Castaneda experience and philosophies?
To me those books are almost as holy as holiest books ever written and existed.
Try??em you won??t regret it.
Posted by Qbone
Since you are interested in this subject may I suggest that you start reading Carlos Castaneda experience and philosophies?
To me those books are almost as holy as holiest books ever written and existed.
Try??em you won??t regret it.

Thank you, I'll look it up tonight_??

Since we're not allowed to extinguish stupid people on this plane ... I hope like hell we are in other realities.
On this plane, it's evident that animals are smarter than us, in that they kill their own young if/when the kitten is retarded .... they all grow up smart, because the stupid wasn't allowed to mature.
Thank the gods for those other realities, in where humans aren't allowed to spread their ignorance like parasites.
Is this similar to astral travel or different. Astral travel is believed to be experienced through lucid dreams. Can this only happen with near death experiences? Or is it possible through a higher level of consciousness?
Have you experienced astral travel or projection?
No I've just done some research. I've had some dreams that have come true, but that's two entirely different things. You ever watch through the wormhole series? Its interesting. Where could you direct me so I could find out more about what your talking about? Any particular website or video, or video would be appreciated.
I was actually watching a documentary about NASA and their discoveries of 4 current dimension on earth; they however believe their are any where from 12-24 and could be more. What really inspired this thread was my own personal experiences, and me questions past life's , different dimensions, soul connections, telepathy and so on....was actually watching the 1990's TV series Sliders. It just kicked my curiosity in to over drive again.
I have watched the serious. I also watch Ancient Aliens, anything that has to do with the unexplained and paranormal I watch. My interest in it is from my own experience.
There's really isn't specifics that I read. What I do read about a lot is Soul Connections; Soul Telepathy, I have a friend whose currently reading a book about Soul Contracts. Twin Flames; Twin Rays and Soul mates.
The reason is the Telepathic part. Dreams also peak my interest.
I mostly google; do research online and compare my own notes from my journals. I keep dream journals handy and when I have a very vivid dream; where I feel every emotion, I can smell certain smell, feel the elements in the air, and so on, I write it down.
Spirit guides, I've also been looking in to it; because of my own encounters as well.
Would soul telepathy be something like you having a dream about someone you haven't seen in a long time. And in real life you see them at the same place as in your dream. Would they have had to have the same dream? I don't know if she had same dream, didn't want to sound crazy. But I knew it would happen.
Posted by mrdesperado
Would soul telepathy be something like you having a dream about someone you haven't seen in a long time. And in real life you see them at the same place as in your dream. Would they have had to have the same dream? I don't know if she had same dream, didn't want to sound crazy. But I knew it would happen.

Gonna PM to further explain_??_

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