Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
There is alot of info converging on something similar to this. If u read up on near death experiences, a lot of people have gone into the light and come face to face with another version of themselves. Others have been explicitly told that their true self is impossible to fit into a body, and discarnate aspects of their consciousness reside in different dimensions. Further, in what is known as a life review where one sees every aspect of their life, many have experienced a split into several different conscious perspectives, sometimes encompassing different simultaneous lives.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
I think, after this life, when we look back we're going to find that fiction closely mirrored what we were learning collectively, from multiple sources of reality. And that movies and books often helped us to advance massively scientifically, spiritually, and culturally. What is the imagination? We really have no idea. If you have some time, read the article below. There's some very interesting info on past-life regression therapy, but even moreso, the perspective the author gives on the imagination was really instrumental for me. As an artist, I had always relegated journeys of the imagination to a status of almost being non-existent, when in reality we're gleaning information from an altered state of consciousness that we know very little about.
In a metaphysics class when I was studying philosophy, I remember a teacher asked a question to the class - is a unicorn real? Does it exist or is it non-existent? Everyone said it does not exist of course. He disagreed. He said it has properties - we know what it is like. It is horse-like, usually white, has a horn, etc. It exists, at the least, as a concept. For it to have properties as a concept, it must exist. But where does it exist? In our brains, or somewhere else - some other realm of the mind? Nothing in the brain, has the properties of a unicorn. There may be neural events that correlate - meaning there may be regions of the brain that are active, when we have the notion of what a unicorn is, but the experience itself, and any/all of the properties of the actual experience, even if mediated by the brain, are not to be found in the brain. It takes place in our consciousness and can be seen introspectively and subjectively - not physically.
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Posted by Qbone
Since you are interested in this subject may I suggest that you start reading Carlos Castaneda experience and philosophies?
To me those books are almost as holy as holiest books ever written and existed.
Try??em you won??t regret it.
Posted by mrdesperado
Would soul telepathy be something like you having a dream about someone you haven't seen in a long time. And in real life you see them at the same place as in your dream. Would they have had to have the same dream? I don't know if she had same dream, didn't want to sound crazy. But I knew it would happen.
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