Theatre or Musicals?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by The_eleventh_sign_11 on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 and has 6 replies.
Hay guys was just wondering If you have ever been or seen a show at all and what u saw or what have you been in? I'll post mine later!!
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NPH is my idol!
Yeah Mama Mia was amazing smile Definitely caught Wicked and loved that as well. Speaking of NPH you should check out "Doctor Horrible" it was hilarious Tongue
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Stupid crap for a stupid society.
I won't bother talking about the beauty of performance arts seen at classical Russian ballet.
It would be yet another example of pearls before swine.
Oh I love doctor horribles sing along blog my friend was obsessed with it and had the mad horse song as his ring tone haha
I love anything goes I always watch the Sutton foster version on Tony awards the tap number is incredible and just so dapper and camp!!
I started community theatre 2 years ago and since then Ive been in Rent, Sweet charity, Beauty and the Beast, Young Frankenstein and I'm currently rehearsing for All shook up and I love it because its all Elvis Pressley songs!
I love shows that have cultish quirk to them....I'm actually a really big fan of Carrie the musical, it was created in the 80s and it flopped big time!!! this is a really funny bad review of it..
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So this is the same musical but they did a revival and restored some dignity to it and I think its a brilliant show to do for a high school because its so relevant kinda has a rent rock opera feeling to it
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