
This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by aquariuslove14 on Sunday, March 23, 2014 and has 46 replies.
was trying to do a thread, computer froze up and type the wrong thing just ignore this....

okay the story is that I am a plants person. On my balcony I have lots of beautiful flowers. A month ago one of my neighbors who is also a worker at the club house said that she loved my plants and my balcony was so pretty. She asked me to write down the names of the flowers I have and let her know. I never got back to her..
(Friday) when I got home from work...I was eating and looking outside...I notice a big chuck of one of my plants which blooms a pink flower was gone....I could see that it was cut from the stem...but the idiots weren't smart enough to take from the root if they wanted the plant to catch....
Any who...furious I waited till yesterday to go to the club house when someone would be there...
Long story short I caught the manager and told her exactly how I felt..The worker that liked my plants was there also and my people told me that when my back was turned she gave the manager a look like (oh no she is here and knows what we did)
I am so pissed because it takes work and love to groom your plants beautifully...How dear she enter my place and take what does not belong to her. I wanted to slap the crap out of her and tell her off but my people said no..thats not how you go about it and accuse her. They even drop something in my place by mistake...D**** idiots..
I pray to God any plant they get will wither and dry up
So what I am going to do is install a camera this WEEEKKK!!! I told them no one enters my apartment without me being there from now on....and I'm dead serious I will get the police involve...

@ (SoulTalk)...was that boring enough for smile

and I know Theief is spelled THIEF for those comedians out there.... smile
by the way she said that her (two little ugly plants) at her front door never grew..I wonder why? Cause she is flipping ugly her self...
The landlord always has a key for maintenance purposes so they can enter if you are not there. Whoever she sent into my place or (maybe she entered herself)dropped a document from the clubhouse on the floor next to my front door. obviously when they were leaving they did not see that they had dropped something..
You are saying someone in your management office where you rent cut a flower off your plant? They would risk a job over a flower? I think it was more likely a kid that lives in your place.. Climbed up/over or walked by if you are ground level and cut it or broke it off.
Speaking from 12+ years in property management.. No one that I know, would risk a job over a flower. That's a serious accusation, that they entered your place to cut a flower. The look was most likely disbelief over being accused of something like this's pretty out there.
Maybe ask a neighbor if kids have been around?
Posted by aquariuslove14
The landlord always has a key for maintenance purposes so they can enter if you are not there. Whoever she sent into my place or (maybe she entered herself)dropped a document from the clubhouse on the floor next to my front door. obviously when they were leaving they did not see that they had dropped something..

I slip papers via the crack along the door frames for late notices etc. it's a serious thing to enter a premise without written notification unless there is a maintenance emergency.
I can yell you, have them verify the key log, i doubt your keys left the office. Yes that shit does get tracked. Unless you live in some privately owned ratchet place, there are laws we have to follow and again I doubt someone would risk a job over a flower.
Can you tell I'm passionate about this? Tongue
Or the paper the shoved in the frame fell to the ground when you opened the door...
But yes I would go an ask to speak to the manager, don't make accusations, ask if they can verify if the keys have been logged out. They don't have to show you the logs but most managers would, to give you peace of mind... Don't accuse the girl just inquire if maintenance has been inside your apartment. I think it really was kids, they steal
From my properties flower beds all the time..
Curious, What was the paper btw?
I'm on the second floor. No kids climbed up don't care about flowers
She gave me a look before they even knew why I was my back was turned when she signaled to the manager with her eyes that I was people was facing them so they saw when she gave her little signal...
Yes it sounds ridiculous but the worker who also lives in the community has a very shady look to her...
What a coincidence that she asked me to write the name of it down and let her know so she can get one......and a month later half of it is now gone..
They* shoved
Posted by aquariuslove14
I'm on the second floor. No kids climbed up don't care about flowers
She gave me a look before they even knew why I was my back was turned when she signaled to the manager with her eyes that I was people was facing them so they saw when she gave her little signal...
Yes it sounds ridiculous but the worker who also lives in the community has a very shady look to her...
What a coincidence that she asked me to write the name of it down and let her know so she can get one......and a month later half of it is now gone..

I think it's pretty far fetched.
You obviously don't like this shady girl, you keep making rude comments about her. The girl obviously ca tell you don't care for her, if I can pick up on that, perhaps she have a look of "can you help her" to her boss. Your story sounds off, no offense.
Maybe birds ate it, maybe something fell from a tree and tore part of your plant off.. Maybe it partially died. And yes kids do and will steal
Flowers all the time.. Kids will do everything and anything.
Again do what I suggested but I really doubt she cut a flower and would risk her job. Stop and really think about that...
Anyways best of luck to solving the mystery of who stole your flower...
Yes I can tell you are smile
The paper was a work order request that was submitted online for a totally different resident.
The work order clearly showed the residence name and unit #
I had placed no request for maintenance...:

Left this information out below:
Two weeks ago...a note was posted on everyone's door that maintenance would be entering 2 specific days that week to install new shower heads...
I have notice my shower heads were not replaced during this time...but I really didn't care about forward

The same identical not was placed on my door ONLY say thing that Thursday or Friday maintenance would enter to install showerheads..
Friday when I noticed my plant got cut....I check both my bathrooms to see if any shower head was replaced and surprisingly not NONE of them were replaced

I Brought this up to the manager...She said Oh we would only replace it if it need to be...(wtf)
I told her replace it ANYWAYS....
she then asked me were did I get the plant and what is the name.....I have a feeling that she wants to go get me another plant but when she does I'm going to tell her to put it down at the clubhouse to beautify the place....
Posted by justagirl
Posted by aquariuslove14
I'm on the second floor. No kids climbed up don't care about flowers
She gave me a look before they even knew why I was my back was turned when she signaled to the manager with her eyes that I was people was facing them so they saw when she gave her little signal...
Yes it sounds ridiculous but the worker who also lives in the community has a very shady look to her...
What a coincidence that she asked me to write the name of it down and let her know so she can get one......and a month later half of it is now gone..

I think it's pretty far fetched.
You obviously don't like this shady girl, you keep making rude comments about her. The girl obviously ca tell you don't care for her, if I can pick up on that, perhaps she have a look of "can you help her" to her boss. Your story sounds off, no offense.
Maybe birds ate it, maybe something fell from a tree and tore part of your plant off.. Maybe it partially died. And yes kids do and will steal
Flowers all the time.. Kids will do everything and anything.
Again do what I suggested but I really doubt she cut a flower and would risk her job. Stop and really think about that...
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No I have nothing against the woman...I am always very nice to her...when I go to the club house she usually greets me and says hey how are you because she lives right next door to me....
When I entered yesterday...She had a serious look on her face as if she disliked me...didn't even say how are you today or show any customer service...or offered to help...
I really don't think I am overlooking anything...
People do a lot of stupid stuff nowadays (including on the job)and if her and the manager are buddies she probably knows she will not get fired.
but thanks for your advice...and I will ask about the key log think next time I see the manager...
I am not the kind of person to just be angry at someone...but it mostly upsets me because my that particular plant was a gift from my mother...My mother loves plants also and I took after her...She gave that one to me as if someone tampered with it I have all the right to be upset..
I could understand your car being scratched by a kid...but no kid climbed to my balcony...
The vines on this
got cut off
plant are no wind or anything could have easily blown it had to be cut..and I can see were it was cut at...
I will upload a pick...

Okay...see on the right side...there was a big bulk of blooms that are now missing..
I don't think I'm paranoid
anyways..I need to go sleep
these vines have to be cutt
Posted by aquariuslove14
by the way she said that her (two little ugly plants) at her front door never grew..I wonder why? Cause she is flipping ugly her self...

Posted by StoicGoat
Posted by aquariuslove14
by the way she said that her (two little ugly plants) at her front door never grew..I wonder why? Cause she is flipping ugly her self...

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StoicGoat..sorry I missed survivor..but I had a very good reason smile
Will I be voted off? lol
and (I know how to upload pics now) Thank you!!!!
That will be entirely up to your teammates if your team is required to vote someone out.
What is your plant there? The color of those blooms is soooo pure and vibrant.
Posted by aquariuslove14
by the way she said that her (two little ugly plants) at her front door never grew..I wonder why? Cause she is flipping ugly her self...

LMAO. My plants never grow either Tongue
Posted by StoicGoat
That will be entirely up to your teammates if your team is required to vote someone out.
What is your plant there? The color of those blooms is soooo pure and vibrant.

It is a Bouganvillea plant..This one is pink...and I have the purple queen on the floor.
You can get it in home depot
Yes it is a wonderful plant and it spreads very any which was you groom it too...and it blooms all the time and loves the sun..
you cannot go wrong with this plant..
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by aquariuslove14
by the way she said that her (two little ugly plants) at her front door never grew..I wonder why? Cause she is flipping ugly her self...

LMAO. My plants never grow either Tongue
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Then you must be the ugly woman's sister then....LOL just kidding smile
Posted by feby16aqua
I suck with plants too. I don't want to suck though.
OP just leave it open a bit in your mind that it's possible your theory isn't correct.
Plus what are you looking to gain from it? I would report the incident though regardless just so that is on record.

I guess the main things is having the right good quality dirt for the kind of plant you have and also knowing If it can stand the sun or not...It is better to water your plants at night...if they look dead...they will rise up once again with the sun the next day..amazing...
I will put it waaaaaaay in the back of my mind...that I am possibly
but seriously maybe my imagination is running wild..but I can see where it is cut
I did report to the manager but not the what I will do is get a camera to satisfy my suspicions.
I am over it now...I'l love my plants even more now..
Thanks for the advice smile
Posted by feby16aqua
Yeah a camera is a good idea. That would be a step in keeping your place safe and just as you left it.
I am very personal about my home. It is like my sanctuary. I've noticed that I have designated places like this for myself, my home, my work / office area. It's like it's only for me and my closest. Must be the cancer rising smile
Just saying that I don't really like anyone inside of my home or in my personal space when I am not around.

I am laughing right now because even when I have a visitor and I am home, I am standing around looking like (okay when are you going to leave/You have been here for 1 minute and it is now time for you to go/Don't even try to get comfortable by sitting down) lol I hate when I do that..
I am trying harder this year to be a (host) inside of my home...I am a great (host) outside of the home though..

Maybe Scuffy from (DXP survivor) can lend me some tips
(Refreshments anyone? and smiles smile )
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
be happy someone liked your flowers so much that they just had to take it and enjoy it for themselves.
it's a flower, ffs.

Oh I am happy that someone liked my plant...but I should not be happy someone entered my apartment and cut my plant...that I don't have to be happy about...
I told her that I would find out from my mother the name of the plant and get back to her as it was a gift from my mother..
I don't have to be happy about anyone coming into my personal space without my permission...would you be happy about someone coming into your home without you knowing? That's just disrespectful.
Don't disrespect me and I wont disrespect you...
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
be happy someone liked your flowers so much that they just had to take it and enjoy it for themselves.
it's a flower, ffs.

I *think* she's more upset that they entered her apartment without permission.
Allegedly. And I assume. smile

You all are a lot more laid back than I would be about it.

Beautiful bougainvillea btw

Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
be happy someone liked your flowers so much that they just had to take it and enjoy it for themselves.
it's a flower, ffs.

Is it okay to say I liked that woman's BMW so I am going to go steal it?
Small or big taking something that doesn't belong to you is not right.....
that's just my opinion anyway.....
Like I said before I am over it....(but I would like to respond back to anyone who is kind enough to comment on MY thread) If that is okay?
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
I see now that you are on the second floor....I read too fast.
you really can't accuse unless you know for sure.
it very well could have been an, squirrel, raccoon....bird?
you could run down to bed bath beyond or menards/lowes...and get those things you put on your window (in this case, your patio door) and if someone trips them by opening them they send off this large piercing alarm....cheaper than a camera....and would scare the bejeebies out of the potential flower theif.
just remember to disengage them before 'you' open the patio

Didn't see this-- disregard.
Posted by soultalk
lol at all aquas being into plants Tongue at least in this thread.

I'm not into plants. All the ones I had were gifts & they all died because I forgot to water them. They should invent a talking pot or something that'll remind us to water the damn thing. I'm useless with that kind of responsibility. However, I do like the look created by plants in the house, so I just buy fake ones...those only need to be dusted off every now & then.
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
I see now that you are on the second floor....I read too fast.
you really can't accuse unless you know for sure.
it very well could have been an, squirrel, raccoon....bird?
you could run down to bed bath beyond or menards/lowes...and get those things you put on your window (in this case, your patio door) and if someone trips them by opening them they send off this large piercing alarm....cheaper than a camera....and would scare the bejeebies out of the potential flower theif.
just remember to disengage them before 'you' open the patio

Really Strawberry!!! you think a flying squirrel did this lol smile
But that is a good idea...I never knew they had simple basic alarms like this just for a one door...That is a good idea. I will look into this as well.
I love to scaring others...and catching it on camera also would be even better...but know me I'l probably end up scaring myself smile
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
I see now that you are on the second floor....I read too fast.
you really can't accuse unless you know for sure.
it very well could have been an, squirrel, raccoon....bird?
you could run down to bed bath beyond or menards/lowes...and get those things you put on your window (in this case, your patio door) and if someone trips them by opening them they send off this large piercing alarm....cheaper than a camera....and would scare the bejeebies out of the potential flower theif.
just remember to disengage them before 'you' open the patio

Really Strawberry!!! you think a flying squirrel did this lol smile
But that is a good idea...I never knew they had simple basic alarms like this just for a one door...That is a good idea. I will look into this as well.
I love to scaring others...and catching it on camera also would be even better...but know me I'l probably end up scaring myself smile
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Maybe it was a ghost, a vampire or a ninja. Think about it. How exactly did this "person" get to your balcony? Don't they need to get through the house 1st to get to the balcony? Or do you believe that they climbed the wall? Sounds exciting.
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
I see now that you are on the second floor....I read too fast.
you really can't accuse unless you know for sure.
it very well could have been an, squirrel, raccoon....bird?
you could run down to bed bath beyond or menards/lowes...and get those things you put on your window (in this case, your patio door) and if someone trips them by opening them they send off this large piercing alarm....cheaper than a camera....and would scare the bejeebies out of the potential flower theif.
just remember to disengage them before 'you' open the patio

Really Strawberry!!! you think a flying squirrel did this lol smile
But that is a good idea...I never knew they had simple basic alarms like this just for a one door...That is a good idea. I will look into this as well.
I love to scaring others...and catching it on camera also would be even better...but know me I'l probably end up scaring myself smile

Maybe it was a ghost, a vampire or a ninja. Think about it. How exactly did this "person" get to your balcony? Don't they need to get through the house 1st to get to the balcony? Or do you believe that they climbed the wall? Sounds exciting.
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lol..watercup...go back and read...
1.I'm on the second floor...
2.The clubhouse has a key...
3.The woman that wanted to know what kind of plant that it was, works at the club house
4.I never got a chance to get back to her....
5.So I figure she or maintenance entered and cut a piece on her behalf
1 +1 is 2...2+2 is 4
this adds up smile Im even more convinced. lol
lol @ spiderman. Or maybe the reincarnation of Romeo. He had a thing for balconies, didn't he?
No trying to make fun of you OP but the possibilities are endless in this case. The Sherlock in me just can't help herself.
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
I see now that you are on the second floor....I read too fast.
you really can't accuse unless you know for sure.
it very well could have been an, squirrel, raccoon....bird?
you could run down to bed bath beyond or menards/lowes...and get those things you put on your window (in this case, your patio door) and if someone trips them by opening them they send off this large piercing alarm....cheaper than a camera....and would scare the bejeebies out of the potential flower theif.
just remember to disengage them before 'you' open the patio

Really Strawberry!!! you think a flying squirrel did this lol smile
But that is a good idea...I never knew they had simple basic alarms like this just for a one door...That is a good idea. I will look into this as well.
I love to scaring others...and catching it on camera also would be even better...but know me I'l probably end up scaring myself smile

Maybe it was a ghost, a vampire or a ninja. Think about it. How exactly did this "person" get to your balcony? Don't they need to get through the house 1st to get to the balcony? Or do you believe that they climbed the wall? Sounds exciting.

lol..watercup...go back and read...
1.I'm on the second floor...
2.The clubhouse has a key...
3.The woman that wanted to know what kind of plant that it was, works at the club house
4.I never got a chance to get back to her....
5.So I figure she or maintenance entered and cut a piece on her behalf
1 +1 is 2...2+2 is 4
this adds up smile Im even more convinced. lol
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Oh smile Is it possible to change the locks?
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
Word on the street is Spiderman has a Geranium fetish Tongue

LMBO!! Spiderman better (bleep)off
(I censored this) smile
Posted by WaterCup
lol @ spiderman. Or maybe the reincarnation of Romeo. He had a thing for balconies, didn't he?
No trying to make fun of you OP but the possibilities are endless in this case. The Sherlock in me just can't help herself.

If Romeo wants to climb my balcony he better had be coming for me and my not plants...
(Throws away the plants and Flips hair in the air)
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
I see now that you are on the second floor....I read too fast.
you really can't accuse unless you know for sure.
it very well could have been an, squirrel, raccoon....bird?
you could run down to bed bath beyond or menards/lowes...and get those things you put on your window (in this case, your patio door) and if someone trips them by opening them they send off this large piercing alarm....cheaper than a camera....and would scare the bejeebies out of the potential flower theif.
just remember to disengage them before 'you' open the patio

Really Strawberry!!! you think a flying squirrel did this lol smile
But that is a good idea...I never knew they had simple basic alarms like this just for a one door...That is a good idea. I will look into this as well.
I love to scaring others...and catching it on camera also would be even better...but know me I'l probably end up scaring myself smile

Maybe it was a ghost, a vampire or a ninja. Think about it. How exactly did this "person" get to your balcony? Don't they need to get through the house 1st to get to the balcony? Or do you believe that they climbed the wall? Sounds exciting.

lol..watercup...go back and read...
1.I'm on the second floor...
2.The clubhouse has a key...
3.The woman that wanted to know what kind of plant that it was, works at the club house
4.I never got a chance to get back to her....
5.So I figure she or maintenance entered and cut a piece on her behalf
1 +1 is 2...2+2 is 4
this adds up smile Im even more convinced. lol

Oh smile Is it possible to change the locks?
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Yes but they HAVE to have a spear key...incase of any emergency...
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
I see now that you are on the second floor....I read too fast.
you really can't accuse unless you know for sure.
it very well could have been an, squirrel, raccoon....bird?
you could run down to bed bath beyond or menards/lowes...and get those things you put on your window (in this case, your patio door) and if someone trips them by opening them they send off this large piercing alarm....cheaper than a camera....and would scare the bejeebies out of the potential flower theif.
just remember to disengage them before 'you' open the patio

Really Strawberry!!! you think a flying squirrel did this lol smile
But that is a good idea...I never knew they had simple basic alarms like this just for a one door...That is a good idea. I will look into this as well.
I love to scaring others...and catching it on camera also would be even better...but know me I'l probably end up scaring myself smile

Maybe it was a ghost, a vampire or a ninja. Think about it. How exactly did this "person" get to your balcony? Don't they need to get through the house 1st to get to the balcony? Or do you believe that they climbed the wall? Sounds exciting.

lol..watercup...go back and read...
1.I'm on the second floor...
2.The clubhouse has a key...
3.The woman that wanted to know what kind of plant that it was, works at the club house
4.I never got a chance to get back to her....
5.So I figure she or maintenance entered and cut a piece on her behalf
1 +1 is 2...2+2 is 4
this adds up smile Im even more convinced. lol

Oh smile Is it possible to change the locks?

Yes but they HAVE to have a spear key...incase of any emergency...
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Camera it is then. Gosh, I wouldn't rest if someone else had my house key. Too many weirdos o
-out there. I'd be scared of being strangled while I sleep, have someone pee in my juice or some crazy licking at my untensils. I watch way too many true crime shows & they make me paranoid as fuck.
Posted by soultalk
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by soultalk
lol at all aquas being into plants Tongue at least in this thread.

Aquas aren't into plants?

I mean I am learning here that aquas might be into plants Tongue. I even had an aqua friend send me plant pics lol.
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I love plants!! Add another Aqua to that list Tongue
Posted by Tavrine
That's seriously is scary for people coming in while you were out without permission. I understand your feeling about this.
But as you said living next door and seeing the picture of it, were your and that lady very close of fence that she can able to climb it over it?
Better next time:
- Make a new lock
- Hidden camera on special location
- Setting Alarm
- Make your room something hidden place (if you are secretive/cancervenusormars/cancerinyourchart/scorpio/pisceschart)so that they won't barch your house without seeing worth stuff. You never know, she can be very shady and high jealousy.
Speaking about jealousy, what kind of chart does she has?

No We are not at all close. I have no idea what her chart is is..but looking at the back of her car her birth month is August...I guess a leo/Virgo. But I I think the birth has least to do with it. She is approximately in her 50's because of the wrinkles I see on her face or a little bit older.
Now...she has always greeted me and talked to be about anything when entering the clubhouse..
What gets me is she did not greet nor talk to me just gave me a nasty look. She knew in her head I was there for the manager. By chance the manager came walking out of her office.
After she herd my complaint to the manager, any normal person would have said (Oh, really someone did that to your plant) instead she said nothing...and she is the one who was complementing me about my plants.
Posted by Tavrine
That's seriously is scary for people coming in while you were out without permission. I understand your feeling about this.
But as you said living next door and seeing the picture of it, were your and that lady very close of fence that she can able to climb it over it?
Better next time:
- Make a new lock
- Hidden camera on special location
- Setting Alarm
- Make your room something hidden place (if you are secretive/cancervenusormars/cancerinyourchart/scorpio/pisceschart)so that they won't barch your house without seeing worth stuff. You never know, she can be very shady and high jealousy.
Speaking about jealousy, what kind of chart does she has?

She is not directly next door..her balcony faces the side opposite side from mine...
Both my balcony and the stairs to the second floor are facing can drive by and see my plants..
My plants are to the right of the if you walk up the stairs and turn right, my place is the first door.
If you walk up the stairs an turn left you would immediately collide with her door..Her door faces north and her balcony faces the south.
So everyone that walks up the stairs has view to my balcony also but they cannot reach it...
So the stairs separates me and her
Posted by PotHeadVirgo24
I concur with the OP. Her hunches are spot on. Maybe you can go to her place of residence and see if maybe she was dumb enough to grow your plants outside her stoop.

I don't think she is that brave to put it on here balcony... but I will be on the look out...and it will not catch from the part that was cut
..she needs to know though that, that plant needs is not an inside plant
Maybe she will take it somewhere to try find out what kind of plant it is...but I was going to get back to her with that info

I'm going to shop online tonight for a cheep but good quality camera...and also research that alarm thing strawberry mentioned..
With these two tools..I think that I will discover something...
thanks for the comment.
Posted by Scruffy
Posted by aquariuslove14
I am laughing right now because even when I have a visitor and I am home, I am standing around looking like (okay when are you going to leave/You have been here for 1 minute and it is now time for you to go/Don't even try to get comfortable by sitting down) lol I hate when I do that..
I am trying harder this year to be a (host) inside of my home...I am a great (host) outside of the home though..

Maybe Scuffy from (DXP survivor) can lend me some tips
(Refreshments anyone? and smiles smile )

Pfft. dxp Survivor game-mode makes me hostess with the mostest during the game smile However irl if someone touched my pretty flowers, bitch be eating the soil they sprung from and I'd make sure the door hit her in the ass on her way out.

j/k Big Grin
But I'm not a really good hostess. Unless popcorn and beer counts for guests to my habitat.
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