This Stereotype is true: Blacks dance better than white people

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Parkourler on Saturday, October 14, 2017 and has 36 replies.

Come on guys its true. It must be a cultural thing, ebonys seem to have more swagger,more soul and emotion, they dance than white guys. I could kill for having that footwork:

Posted by Supes
I don’t spend all my time in the club or in front of the tv copying others. I don’t have the time

Sounds a lot like hate
Posted by aquarius_man

you dont trust a black man who can t dance

they lousy swimmers though

but i wish i was black and athletic like a black panther

Swimming is a sport tho so how are you athletic but bad at it? I don't know if your racists or ignorant rn...
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by aquarius_man

you dont trust a black man who can t dance

they lousy swimmers though

but i wish i was black and athletic like a black panther

Swimming is a sport tho so how are you athletic but bad at it? I don't know if your racists or ignorant rn...
don't be a retard.

chess is also a sport and you don't have to be athletic. besides, it's not muscles that make you a good swimmer but lungs and capacity to breathe under water. black people have a higher muscle density than white people. This makes them less buoyant, but is supposed to explain their apparent innate superiority in boxing, sprinting, basketball etc.

also, the beeb:
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Didn't we already have an argument about the falsehoods of race science?

Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by aquarius_man

you dont trust a black man who can t dance

they lousy swimmers though

but i wish i was black and athletic like a black panther

Swimming is a sport tho so how are you athletic but bad at it? I don't know if your racists or ignorant rn...
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Most likely both.
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by aquarius_man

you dont trust a black man who can t dance

they lousy swimmers though

but i wish i was black and athletic like a black panther

Swimming is a sport tho so how are you athletic but bad at it? I don't know if your racists or ignorant rn...
don't be a retard.

chess is also a sport and you don't have to be athletic. besides, it's not muscles that make you a good swimmer but lungs and capacity to breathe under water. black people have a higher muscle density than white people. This makes them less buoyant, but is supposed to explain their apparent innate superiority in boxing, sprinting, basketball etc.

also, the beeb:
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I'm a distance swimmer and I taught for 11 years. I'm not a 'retard' when it comes to this subject. Swimming is a sport, it is athletic, it is full body cardio. Lung capacity is not as much of a factor as efficiency of movement and strength. NO ONE CAN BREATHE UNDER WATER idiot.

Even if you were correct in your assumption that black people have more muscle mass than other ethnicities...muscle mass does not effect buoyancy.

The only reason black people aren't as 'good of swimmers' as they are ballers is because there are not many pools in the hood. The sport is dominated by whites and asians. Which means those ethnicities are the ones you hear and see the most and associate as being 'good'.

Has no one heard of Simone Manuel??

Ability to dance, box, sprint, play ball, sing, swim, invent, etc.etc. is not confined to the color of ones skin but rather the opportunity to pursue ones talent.

Comparing chess to swimming is like comparing golf to hockey.

my father can't dance as well as most of my people on my dad's side.

No one is also exceptional at playing any sport either on my dad's side.

It's funny they would like to believe in the lies aquaman is spewing especially about muscle density and "black people having an edge at certain sports" because it makes them feel manlier and subsequently better about themselves

for most minority straight men, i think the need to feel manly/strong is largely tied to being emasculated in every other aspect of life via racist policies and practices in addition to heteronormative social ideology that outlines what it is to be a man

Broke the Olympic record, won the gold...yeah that muscle mass and inability to breathe under water really held her back 😂😂😂
When i was in my clubbing days, i took an X, snorted a line of speed, smoked a blunt to jumpstart the drugs cocktail to work, retreated into my own world and danced.

More often than not, when i opened my eyes there were babes dancing all around me. Idk why but i attributed it to my moves.

You cannot get me to dance sober tho...i avoid it like the plague.
R h y t h m
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

my father can't dance as well as most of my people on my dad's side.

No one is also exceptional at playing any sport either on my dad's side.

It's funny they would like to believe in the lies aquaman is spewing especially about muscle density and "black people having an edge at certain sports" because it makes them feel manlier and subsequently better about themselves

for most minority straight men, i think the need to feel manly/strong is largely tied to being emasculated in every other aspect of life via racist policies and practices in addition to heteronormative social ideology that outlines what it is to be a man
i dance really good imo. i also sing very well, i have nice vocal chords. lol my husband also has great vocal chords, great singing voice, but he sucks at dancing. i dont know about race/culture but europeans usually do the techno stuff lol

edit oooohhh my man does more goth/emo maybe tiamat dark metal music, that kind of thing.
They say watch how a man dances and you will be able to tell his sex style Tongue

Posted by MyStarsShine
They say watch how a man dances and you will be able to tell his sex style Tongue

lol nope.

not true. haha.

it's in the hips.

a guy can have a small weeny but dance really good too.Laughing
Posted by MyStarsShine
They say watch how a man dances and you will be able to tell his sex style Tongue

My sister always says this 😂 dance with the guy before you fuck.
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by LadyNeptune

Even if you were correct in your assumption that black people have more muscle mass than other ethnicities...muscle mass does not effect buoyancy.

The only reason black people aren't as 'good of swimmers' as they are ballers is because there are not many pools in the hood. The sport is dominated by whites and asians. Which means those ethnicities are the ones you hear and see the most and associate as being 'good'.

Ability to dance, box, sprint, play ball, sing, swim, invent, etc.etc. is not confined to the color of ones skin but rather the opportunity to pursue ones talent.

you're an idiot thinking all races can perform the same sports-related activities to the same degree of success. or if you don't count in genetics and physical anthropology. and blame it all on the environment and lack of opportunities, as if equal opportunities guarantee an even distribution of athletic excellence.

if you think a black ping pong player can be as good as an asian one, then you're dumb as bricks (what i actually think you are, regardless). or if you think a japanese can be as good as le bron or durant. or that the arabs are good football players (and they don't lack equal opportunities). or the spanish make good midfielders, coz they rather short and fast and skillful with the ball.

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Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

It's funny they would like to believe in the lies aquaman is spewing especially about muscle density and "black people having an edge at certain sports" because it makes them feel manlier and subsequently better about themselves

no lies, neither stereotypes. just first hand / participant field observation. and im not a racist when i distinguish among races. if there weren't any differences among homo sapiens, why does anthropology name several races?

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subjective classification ( based on phenotype which is determined by multiple genes btw) does not equal biological reality.

there is no such thing as a black gene or a white gene.

we all have mixed ancestry.

also here is a link to an actual anthro paper that talks about how race becomes biology despite how race is a social construct which varies varies from country to country btw


the difference in health outcomes as well as thriving in any area has more to due with environmental factors than genes.

the human genome project has already disproven that there are innate differences between people with different phenotypes.

race is not a biological reality.

Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by MyStarsShine
They say watch how a man dances and you will be able to tell his sex style Tongue

My sister always says this 😂 dance with the guy before you fuck.
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haha. lol


i get the feeling Bill Gates can't dance...

but dayuummmm that brain of his...nomonomnom.Laughing
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

my father can't dance as well as most of my people on my dad's side.

No one is also exceptional at playing any sport either on my dad's side.

It's funny they would like to believe in the lies aquaman is spewing especially about muscle density and "black people having an edge at certain sports" because it makes them feel manlier and subsequently better about themselves

for most minority straight men, i think the need to feel manly/strong is largely tied to being emasculated in every other aspect of life via racist policies and practices in addition to heteronormative social ideology that outlines what it is to be a man
i dance really good imo. i also sing very well, i have nice vocal chords. lol my husband also has great vocal chords, great singing voice, but he sucks at dancing. i dont know about race/culture but europeans usually do the techno stuff lol

edit oooohhh my man does more goth/emo maybe tiamat dark metal music, that kind of thing.
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and your point is?lol

i seen people from all races who can thrown down on the floor. it's a matter of rhythm, not color.
Posted by Parkourler

Come on guys its true. It must be a cultural thing, ebonys seem to have more swagger,more soul and emotion, they dance than white guys. I could kill for having that footwork:

white men cant jump

I dont think its a racial thing, its a cultural thing. The ebony culture is more easygoing. There is more

passion for life and they are more fun loving. If white people would dance and listen to music a lot we would

be great at dancing too.
Posted by GC02
Posted by Parkourler

I dont think its a racial thing, its a cultural thing. The ebony culture is more easygoing. There is more

passion for life and they are more fun loving. If white people would dance and listen to music a lot we would

be great at dancing too.

“If white people would dance and listen to music a lot we would

be great at dancing too.”

Omg just stop.
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Why, what am I saying?
Posted by GC02
Just another thread to pin black and white people against each other. 🤦🏻‍♀️

All the ones falling for it need to take a step back & open your eyes.

Also I like this gif

User Submitted Image
The one in the middle looks pissed off.
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by LadyNeptunebla bla bla

toriola is the exception, not the rule

a simple look at the table would confirm the statistics

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Because culturally ping pong is an Asian sport! My point stands. A black man is capable of beating an Asian dude at ping pong.

But your the brilliant mind who thinks breathing under water is a thing. Why even continue this discussion, I've already won by default 😂😂😂
Posted by Gob_Shite
From personal experience, a lot of black men stand around in clubs just like white men. The only difference is that the black men bob their heads more...

They also get more pussy 😂
Posted by melancholia
Posted by Mr_Pinchy

More often than not, when i opened my eyes there were babes dancing all around me.
That must have been a hella hallucinogenic strain of ecstasy

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I suppose melancholic individuals dont have such experiences so the mere thought of it is out of the ordinary. Hard lyfe.

Posted by Adreamuponwaking
the human genome project has already disproven that there are innate differences between people with different phenotypes.

race is not a biological reality.

That sucks.
Posted by Dead_Kermit
Posted by juliettee
Posted by Dead_Kermit
Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by Parkourler

Come on guys its true. It must be a cultural thing, ebonys seem to have more swagger,more soul and emotion, they dance than white guys. I could kill for having that footwork:

white men cant jump

Old but gold. So are my memories Winking

Loved that movie back in the day. I left barracks and went to cinema with my then girlfriend to watch aforementioned movie. Returned to my comrades after a two hours drive just in time for the parade next morning. The things you do when you're young smile

We lost contact during my first tour of duty. Sometimes I still wonder how she's faring. Guess you never forget someone you loved.

every time i see your nickname i read dead dead kennedys. Big Grin

I'm surprised someone here still knows them. Seems punk rock isn't dead Winking

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how'd i get a car? my folks drove it up here from the bahamas

Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by LadyNeptunebla bla bla

toriola is the exception, not the rule

a simple look at the table would confirm the statistics

Because culturally ping pong is an Asian sport! My point stands. A black man is capable of beating an Asian dude at ping pong.

But your the brilliant mind who thinks breathing under water is a thing. Why even continue this discussion, I've already won by default 😂😂😂
you won fuckall

remember how and black dudes started playing basketball? and how they came to dominate nba?

According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2015 was composed of 74.4 percent black players, 23.3 percent white players, 1.8 percent Latino players, and 0.2 percent Asian players

what does it tell you? does it tell you they make better players than white dudes? that 'white men cant jump'?

you can claim you're politically correct all you want (and also suck a dick under the water, without breathing since we cant breathe under water) but race does matter.

and blacks dont know how to swim.

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Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gob_Shite
From personal experience, a lot of black men stand around in clubs just like white men. The only difference is that the black men bob their heads more...

They also get more pussy 😂
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All those baby mommas with 3 kids from 3 different dads.


Holy Shit, I struck a nerve you guys keep posting and posting. My conclusion is, its a cultural thing, the afro american culture is more passionate and emotional. Jazz, gospelchurch, etc is my proof. You guys are enjoying life and way less in your head. The funny thing is, many of that came through hardship, like hip hop, work songs etc. Same thing in South America. Shit doesnt work there as good as here in germany. Am I simplifying or totally wrong, but are people without comfort and safety enjoy life more? Another reason, as to why I will stop living in germany 365 days a year sooner or later.
Posted by Parkourler

Holy Shit, I struck a nerve you guys keep posting and posting. My conclusion is, its a cultural thing, the afro american culture is more passionate and emotional. Jazz, gospelchurch, etc is my proof. You guys are enjoying life and way less in your head. The funny thing is, many of that came through hardship, like hip hop, work songs etc. Same thing in South America. Shit doesnt work there as good as here in germany. Am I simplifying or totally wrong, but are people without comfort and safety enjoy life more? Another reason, as to why I will stop living in germany 365 days a year sooner or later.
Where is this paradise you will go off to?

Plz say Venezuela where life is relaxed, women are hot af but toilet paper is hard to come by.


Posted by GC02
Posted by Parkourler

Holy Shit, I struck a nerve you guys keep posting and posting. My conclusion is, its a cultural thing, the afro american culture is more passionate and emotional. Jazz, gospelchurch, etc is my proof. You guys are enjoying life and way less in your head. The funny thing is, many of that came through hardship, like hip hop, work songs etc. Same thing in South America. Shit doesnt work there as good as here in germany. Am I simplifying or totally wrong, but are people without comfort and safety enjoy life more? Another reason, as to why I will stop living in germany 365 days a year sooner or later.

“Holy Shit, I struck a nerve you guys keep posting and posting.“

You attempted to make a race war thread, why do you act so shocked?? You knew what you were doing.

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No, I resent your accusation that I want to start a race war. Its just that I thought for a long time but always

kept for myself, because I am aware that racism equals generalisation. I just kept thinking, there must be some truth to that, and this thread is halfserious. For the third time, it has to be a cultural or a mentality thing.

Maybe there is an ounce of truth in generalisations, even though they equal racism, stereotypes, prejudice etc.

SNAP solved the riddle to this nonsense long ago! do you not know that rhythm is a dancer? and a source companion? it's rhythm, dammit. whoever has it can auto dance. i'm pretty sure SNAP wasn't lying to us back in the day.