vegan for 22 days

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by DMV on Monday, April 25, 2016 and has 31 replies.
Its my first day going on this vegan challenge. I miss cheese already.

But i like eating more fruit. Ive never been more regular.
Trader Joe's has the best fake cheese. I used it once on pizza.

Good luck! It's a lot easier now to go vegan.
good luck!

Posted by cosmica
good luck!


Ive been off meat for a few months
Posted by kissmygrits
Trader Joe's has the best fake cheese. I used it once on pizza.

Good luck! It's a lot easier now to go vegan.

Wow. Thanks. I will try it.
I think I want to try this, I just don't want to lose weight though, and ive seen people lose weight on this. I like where I am. That's my only concern.
Posted by kissmygrits
Trader Joe's has the best fake cheese. I used it once on pizza.

Good luck! It's a lot easier now to go vegan.

wow trader joes has alot of vegan friendly items.
Yes! Give me a moment and I'll post my vegan friends favorites. 22 days will be easy!
kiss my grits, i just left trader joes with alot of snack and ready to eat foods. I would like to stay away from processed vegan as much as possible. the cheese shreds were okay in my zucchini spaghetti

please post your recipes. i love yams, asparagus, all fruit, cauliflower.
Posted by SensitiveBlues
Vegan doesn't mean healthy, my sister has found a way to eat all types of junk....

but she said she goes to the bathroom sometimes 4 times a day

because the dairy isn't binding to anything so easier to clean out the bowel

exactly right. trying to minimize the processed foods.
Posted by gengbenghiskhan
I feel best vegan. I always fall off the wagon when with friends though. unless we go to any asian restaurant (except northern indian/pakistani), it's hard to find something actually vegan. same with going to others houses. I don't want to be a hassle by making demands or be rude by bringing food if they're planning to cook a meal.

yeah i can relate to that. its hard to please the vegan guests.
Eating too much fruit is not good for tooth enamel so be careful. smile
Posted by EtienneLantier
Eating too much fruit is not good for tooth enamel so be careful. smile

neither is wine or yogurt. all wears down enamel. i drink water after i eat fruit.
Posted by DMV
Its my first day going on this vegan challenge. I miss cheese already.

But i like eating more fruit. Ive never been more regular.

Laughing Smh.

Anyway, when I first became vegan I was fine for the first two weeks and one Saturday morning (I swear the urge was that strong I remember the d*mn day) I was craving cheese like it was my last super. It was unreal.

I substituted it for black olives. The salty chewiness of the olives help calm whatever was going on and I was fine. Sometimes we just really want what we can't have. Nothing more.
Posted by DMV
Posted by EtienneLantier
Eating too much fruit is not good for tooth enamel so be careful. smile

neither is wine or yogurt. all wears down enamel. i drink water after i eat fruit.
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Also try juicing or making a smoothie and drink it through a straw.
Yum, what is fast and always delicious is to cook a mix of vegetables in the oven and use this almost universal dressing: soya sauce, mustard, a bit of unrefined sugar/agave (if you don't use honey), garlic and ginger

Banana pancakes, banana ice creams!

Spinach/zucchini/squash cream soups!

And hope you like raw nuts. Less exciting, but imporant : D
If you haven't already purchase a veggie the spiralizer. Very diverse on pasta recipes when you swap out the veggie.

Also watermelon is pretty good.

You can also marinate it then coat it in a sesame crust and bake then throw some green beans and cauliflower smash for sides. My friend made that one night and as I was inhaling the deliciousness in between breaths "this is watermelon???"

I want some now!
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by DMV
Posted by EtienneLantier
Eating too much fruit is not good for tooth enamel so be careful. smile

neither is wine or yogurt. all wears down enamel. i drink water after i eat fruit.

Also try juicing or making a smoothie and drink it through a straw.

click to expand

good tips.

im not much of a cook. baker, yes. but it actually felt nice to cook my own meals.

Are you still vegan?
Posted by Fragrance
Yum, what is fast and always delicious is to cook a mix of vegetables in the oven and use this almost universal dressing: soya sauce, mustard, a bit of unrefined sugar/agave (if you don't use honey), garlic and ginger

Banana pancakes, banana ice creams!

Spinach/zucchini/squash cream soups!

And hope you like raw nuts. Less exciting, but imporant : D

im allergic to nuts so i cant tap into that.

zucchini is my best friend tho. my vegetable spiralizer makes food so much fun.

i am in the market for different sauces. i heard sugar was a no go for vegans. please educate me
Posted by kissmygrits
If you haven't already purchase a veggie the spiralizer. Very diverse on pasta recipes when you swap out the veggie.

Also watermelon is pretty good.

You can also marinate it then coat it in a sesame crust and bake then throw some green beans and cauliflower smash for sides. My friend made that one night and as I was inhaling the deliciousness in between breaths "this is watermelon???"

I want some now!

lmao. i have the GEFU and i love it. my best friend.

thanks for the recipes i will try them all.

i want to make plantains and but finding ripes ones is hard.
that doesnt even look like watermelon
Are you in South Florida? How far are you from Homestead?

Keyword for sugar is unrefined. Sucanat and Wholesome Sweeteners are 2 good brands.

Posted by DMV
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by DMV
Posted by EtienneLantier
Eating too much fruit is not good for tooth enamel so be careful. smile

neither is wine or yogurt. all wears down enamel. i drink water after i eat fruit.

Also try juicing or making a smoothie and drink it through a straw.

good tips.

im not much of a cook. baker, yes. but it actually felt nice to cook my own meals.

Are you still vegan?
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Just started up again. I was for 5 years and missed chocolate and I'm not a fan of dark chocolate lol. When I first started out it began because I was doing a detox which focused on a vegan diet for 4 weeks. I lost weight without even trying. My skin looked (still does) amazing and I felt really good overall (my energy was up, slept better, more focused, no longer needed allergy medication).

It's not for everyone, but I think some blood types just thrive better on a vegan diet. I learned to make a lot of stuff from scratch like pasta, sauces, dressing and baking. It was bitch to have to contantly make meals in the beginning, but I'm use to it now. I slip into a vegan diet when I want to do a "cleanse". I don't believe in the one apple a day or cayenne bs cleanses. You're not serving your body well when you deprive it of food. I also love food too much lol. Never been one to "diet".

What made you decide to do the vegan thing?
Posted by DMV
i am in the market for different sauces. i heard sugar was a no go for vegans. please educate me

Well there are natural plant derived sweeteners. Stevia for one. I use that in my smoothies.

Depends on what you're making agave and maple syrup work too. Especially for baking. No honey.
Posted by DMV
Posted by Fragrance
Yum, what is fast and always delicious is to cook a mix of vegetables in the oven and use this almost universal dressing: soya sauce, mustard, a bit of unrefined sugar/agave (if you don't use honey), garlic and ginger

Banana pancakes, banana ice creams!

Spinach/zucchini/squash cream soups!

And hope you like raw nuts. Less exciting, but imporant : D

im allergic to nuts so i cant tap into that.

zucchini is my best friend tho. my vegetable spiralizer makes food so much fun.

i am in the market for different sauces. i heard sugar was a no go for vegans. please educate me
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It's no good for anybody... I mentioned it because I left behind the phase, in which I avoided everything unhealthy and also because I didn't know whether you're trying to be strictly healthy now (:

You can skip the sugar, it would still taste great!

I just no longer bereave myself from sugar, it makes life yummier... well also helps my low blood pressure : D But I use mostly honey, some "bio unrefined sugar" or molasses! For sauces, cooking... and sometimes in my coffee.

"Unlike refined white sugar and corn syrup, which are stripped of virtually all nutrients except simple carbohydrates, or artificial sweeteners like saccharine or aspartame, which not only provide no useful nutrients but have been shown to cause health problems in sensitive individuals, blackstrap molasses is a healthful sweetener that contains significant amounts of a variety of minerals that promote your health."

Have fun experimenting in the kitchen! smile
Posted by kissmygrits
Are you in South Florida? How far are you from Homestead?

Keyword for sugar is unrefined. Sucanat and Wholesome Sweeteners are 2 good brands.

Thanks! I was looking for a good vegan sugar substitutes

A mix of things.

I needed something to take my mind off of work. I needed a challenge and this forces me to think about somethimg other than my shitty job situation.

From time to time the sag in me needs a conquest and the scorp in me needs a formidable challenge.

I love sweet potatoes and plantains right now.

Plus i got lucky there are quite a few vegan restaurants in my area.

I love my vegatable spirializer. I love trader joes.

Im loving this vegan life.

I dont feel any bitchiness either. Fruit helps my sugar cravings and i get vegan smoothies. Another good dxp tip.

Thanks guys.
Why can't you have cheese? Nothing died in the making of cheese. People been eating that stuff for hundreds of years, dairy is on the food pyrimid.

Tough I love meat and can't give up sinking my teeth into the flesh of some woodland/field creature, I do hate the idea of all the bs they use to "enhance" and "preserve" the meat.

Good luck at falling victim to humans trying to mass produce synthetic/preserved meat to feed and over populated society nonetheless.
Posted by Soul
Why can't you have cheese? Nothing died in the making of cheese. People been eating that stuff for hundreds of years, dairy is on the food pyrimid.

Tough I love meat and can't give up sinking my teeth into the flesh of some woodland/field creature, I do hate the idea of all the bs they use to "enhance" and "preserve" the meat.

Good luck at falling victim to humans trying to mass produce synthetic/preserved meat to feed and over populated society nonetheless.

This is so profound lol.

Cant eat anything that comes from an animal
I have a B+ blood type. A vegatable life ia a good life