
This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firesignsunite on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 and has 49 replies.
Yall had some boring vocaroo threads, "hi dxp" "hi dxp" "hidxp".
here's one.
say a quote, song lyric, saying, idk anything
fuckin sing a song
make it interesting
Posted by xdimplez
Oooh Oooh I wanna do I wanna do I wanna do! Once I get home

Me too!
lol. Your turn!
Posted by Poisson
Irish accent sounds slightly....ermm... mumbled. LOL. I'll unhide mine.

not mumbled, drunk
s4nd sounds...funny. Nothing like I ever imagined *shocked face*
Let's do the accent challenge:
Where you??re from.
Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Roof, Route, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminium, GIF, Tumblr, Crackerjack, Doorknob, Envelope, GPOY.
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
Choose a book and read a passage from it.
Do you think you have an accent?
Be a wizard or a vampire?
End audio post by saying any THREE words you want.
OR Confessions, let's make things interesting
Posted by ninjutsu
dude are you going to do one?

on my phone at the moment later I'll confess something >:-)
huzzah toilet papering a house! Go Nina I was too lazy to grab a book and read from it lol.
I also say dance and advance like d-ahhhhnce. FANCY SHMANCY Tongue
And wrath like "Wroth"
haha nina! Now I have to wipe up the table because it's got coffee all over it Tongue I'm posh and faaaaabulous! lol

Record music and voice >>

Ohh fun, never realized I sound so strange...ugh! Not liking my voice one bit!

Audio and voice recording >>
Record and upload voice >>
I'll do both smile
don't have a good voice? Lies Tongue So Tee Pee-ing I'm going to add that too my list AND shopping cart!
Aww thank you all I suppose it's always weird listening to your own voice smile It really is, my dear friend TP-ed my house awhile back in February and I basically had to scrape off the frozen, icy toilet paper which was plastered to my abode. Sad Not fun at all, such hard work haha!
I love how we're like talking through vocaroo nina lol!

Record and upload audio >>

And AquaGem! Did you say SANGA?! or is that a brit slang? Tongue
hahaha okay it's my ears Tongue I'll turn you up next time! But good idea I have some frozen lasagne in my fridge!
"I am obviously...an American"
Do any three of these with vocaroo
1.Answer this: What would you do if someone came up front and told you they wanted to hook up with your significant other, and cause a breakup?
2. Tell us a short story about something that happened in ur recent life
woot go dimpz! I'll find my pair of balls later on but I have no shame in whoring my voice Tongue
TMV - *throws more glittery kisses* GLITTER hahaha and thankyou I'm adding clicker to my list!
w00t! Edwin McCain son!
Posted by s4nd
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
s4nd sounds...funny. Nothing like I ever imagined *shocked face*

*puts a ball gag on you and ties your arms so u can't typeStars
click to expand

A star! (makes a wish)
That must mean, either I am VERY good or you are...I'd choose the latter Tongue
Posted by aquasnoz

Audio and voice recording >>

Hahaha, love it to bits!
Thanks for sharing aqua and you (or rather your voice) sounds really nice smile
Slicks and Notyouraverage-
Ay, smooth, sounding very smooth.
Posted by ninjutsu
Posted by aquasnoz
I also say dance and advance like d-ahhhhnce. FANCY SHMANCY Tongue
And wrath like "Wroth"

click to expand

Audio recording and upload >>

Winking Tongue
I ??? you both
Posted by TasteOfChaoss
Can I play?
Who is here?

Accent Challenge (page 3)
Ahh Dimpz you're brave doing the singing challenge...maybe I'll do that one later if I'm feeling gutsy.
I've had a Christmas song stuck in my head for the past five days and I'm about to blow my brains out- that challenge would be quite relevant.
Isn't 'the last Unicorn' sorta an old cartoon for you young lady? I remember watching that movie when I was a toddler.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Isn't 'the last Unicorn' sorta an old cartoon for you young lady? I remember watching that movie when I was a toddler.

I watched it as a little girl, my father gave me sort of a 70's taste in children's cartoons (loved The Hobbit animated movie as a toddler also). I adore it, still to this day, I kid you not it's my favorite movie. So nostalgic and meaningful.
Plus I think the artwork in those animated films is so much more beautiful and intricate than now-a-days.
Well, I have that hobbit movie somewhere too. That hobbit movie is before my time!
LOL! You said to say a paragraph to hear my "supposed" accent.
Posted by TasteOfChaoss
awww you can count.
at least you're not failing maths too.

I'm pretty sure proper English would be 'math' not maths
Big Grin
Such a teacher voice imo! So many aussie voices Tongue
^^Why thank you LeoLiza
Okay dimplez
Stevie Wonder for you right here....

Voice Recorder >>

Now I'm off to watch Wreck-It Ralph at a drive in movie theatre Big Grin
smooooth! NYAA the lady killer! Big Grin
Posted by aquasnoz
smooooth! NYAA the lady killer! Big Grin

Us, Venus conjunct Mars in Pisces influenced Aquas gots ta stick together!
Posted by MzSag1201
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by MzSag1201

tiggers Big Grin

Hahahaha, you just wanted to quote me so I couldn't hide it.
click to expand

You can always delete and make MzSag2013
So, you have a dick?
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Okay dimplez
Stevie Wonder for you right here....

Voice Recorder >>

Now I'm off to watch Wreck-It Ralph at a drive in movie theatre Big Grin

A singer here on dxp, go on, keep embracing those water parts!
It was amazing, encore please...or just more singing Big Grin