Posted by RooSagicornYes, there are many. I have this one voice, it’s the voice that tells me my future. I usually ignore it, because it’s emotional and who knows what tomorrow holds?
It depends which voice? Lol
No really. There are the voices of our parents and “the shoulds” in life. When I first started figuring things out, my intuition voice was a very tiny voice. I had to weed through the mess to find out what voice to listen to. Then there is the live and learning part to make it more secure and stronger. You know, You fail before you succeed.
I hope this makes sense to you.
Posted by RooSagicornChildhood voice is quiet. Although she may be the voice that never feels good enough.Posted by Jade_AlexanderAh yes I have to tell that one to let things evolve.. so many things can change the future.Posted by RooSagicornYes, there are many. I have this one voice, it’s the voice that tells me my future. I usually ignore it, because it’s emotional and who knows what tomorrow holds?
It depends which voice? Lol
No really. There are the voices of our parents and “the shoulds” in life. When I first started figuring things out, my intuition voice was a very tiny voice. I had to weed through the mess to find out what voice to listen to. Then there is the live and learning part to make it more secure and stronger. You know, You fail before you succeed.
I hope this makes sense to you.
Also I did intensive therapy to relieve the hurt, and to find where all my pain came from ( in an attempt to remove blockages and change patterns). From childhood it’s my 13 yo self. So I have tools to calm her down. The adult me takes care of her. But she is the one that freaks out & gets emotional. It was a time of very emotional verbal/emotional abuse let’s say & she still reacts. So I’ve learned how to deal with the triggers ( her reactions).click to expand
Posted by BerzerkerWhat if they’re not always negative?
This is called intrusive thoughts
Posted by BerzerkerI assumed intrusive always had an negative feeling.
@Jade_Alexander thoughts are all neutral, they only have impact if you act on them, otherwise they mean nothing
Posted by AerialViewMe tooooooooo
Not exactly a voice in the head but i've always had a dirty mind.
Mercury conjunct Lilith.
Posted by SoulI’ve listened to all the voices...
The voice inside my head is me. Every form of me. It's like the cartoon description of a little angel and devil standing on ones shoulders. We all have them. Some are just more influenced then others. I've heard the dark side of me try to convince me of something fucked up. It's even worse when other mental chemicals are mixed up like lust, envy, or greed are involved. Then the good side of me tried to convince me to turn the other way, and not proceed. Sometimes I do it anyways, no matter how dark and end up with a dark memory to haunt me for the rest of my life. I guess I'm more of a sociopath, because I feel bad for the rest of my life for the wrong things I've done. Still doesnt justify or make it right though. Which os why I've pretty much caged up the dark side of me. I do let it vent from time to time though. Most of the time I only follow the good side of myself, or just stay neutral. As in my sides of my self tell me to do one thing, so I do something else or nothing at all. Guess that means I have trust issues with even myself lol. Which is actually a good thing. At least for me. It gives me the ability to see and understand multiple sides of any story.
Posted by pinkbird03That would be my fears... my fears keep me up at night.
The thoughts in my head keep me up at night.