What are some good ways to get back at someone after/during sex?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Lilianni on Thursday, July 27, 2017 and has 31 replies.
Cuz a girl needs ideas
Tell him you faked that orgasm.
You mean as in revenge ?

Why would you want to *get back* at someone?
You've been quite aggressive lately ?
Posted by over_thinker
Posted by MyStarsShine
You mean as in revenge ?

Why would you want to *get back* at someone?
May be because the guy is too dominant in bed.
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Maybe, or maybe he was being disrespectful to her ?
Posted by over_thinker
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by over_thinker
Posted by MyStarsShine
You mean as in revenge ?

Why would you want to *get back* at someone?
May be because the guy is too dominant in bed.
Maybe, or maybe he was being disrespectful to her ?
yeah might be if they have not set clear boundaries.
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Yes, good point
Lol you don't cook your boyfriend a great dinner, spending hrs on preparing it, yet tell him afterwards that he didn't deserve it, do you?

you can't get back at a guy when you allow him to sleep with you, because he got what he wanted

and after sex he will be in deep sleep anyway so he won't listen to you nagging at him

so next time you just don't sleep with him at all, that will hurt him!

Something like this

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Posted by over_thinker
Posted by MyStarsShine
You mean as in revenge ?

Why would you want to *get back* at someone?
May be because the guy is too dominant in bed.
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He's been getting on my nerves lately. I have a feeling he's doing/did something behind my back. Lately he's been feeding me aphrodisiacs. I wanna get with him but I want him to be obsessed first so it'll hurt.
Posted by AerialView
You've been quite aggressive lately ?
Posted by TheSag
Lol you don't cook your boyfriend a great dinner, spending hrs on preparing it, yet tell him afterwards that he didn't deserve it, do you?

you can't get back at a guy when you allow him to sleep with you, because he got what he wanted

and after sex he will be in deep sleep anyway so he won't listen to you nagging at him

so next time you just don't sleep with him at all, that will hurt him!

That's true. I didn't think of it that way. But still, I want to find a way to where he feels like he lost me, rather than the other way around
Posted by Lilianni
I wanna get with him but I want him to be obsessed first so it'll hurt.

Gurl who's really winning when you try to get revenge?

C'mon, you're supposed to be from the south! What happened to being humble and letting people be blissfully ignorant?

The best revenge is to just act like you don't know what he's doing, and let him think it's working so he'll make an ass of himself doing the same things with the next girl. (If you're lucky, the next girl will call him on his shit and he'll get all defensive and start missing you because you were an innocent angel who trusted easily).

Just my two cents, as someone too lazy to fight or get revenge. In the meantime, start looking for your rebound.

Hug cyber hugs!


If you want the relationship to end then this would do the trick.

During sex- say his best (male) friends name while either orgasming or faking an orgasm, afterward 'confess' to sleeping with his friend. If you're super committed actually sleep with his best friend. Chances are he'll lose you and his best friend in one fell swoop.
Posted by Whorpio
Something like this

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that's cruel
Posted by TemporaryKodak
Damn I didn't even know Virgos were like this lol
My scorp mars is coming out.
Cuckoo alert
You know what you need to do Elena
Posted by EnochtheWise
best form of revenge is honestly for you to grow dafuq up and move on....

when you have to dig deep to even the score, it just shows them how much you care.....
Agreed. I'm a Scorp Mars and I don't plot to get back at someone. I just simply work silently and let success be my noise. That's the best revenge.

The reason being is that regardless of what you do, people with a certain mindset see you in a certain way...until you rise above the image they have of you. All of the benefits with none of the dirt

Posted by Catullus
If you want the relationship to end then this would do the trick.

During sex- say his best (male) friends name while either orgasming or faking an orgasm, afterward 'confess' to sleeping with his friend. If you're super committed actually sleep with his best friend. Chances are he'll lose you and his best friend in one fell swoop.
Lol his best friend and him are super close. We all know each other. They work together. Kek
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by EnochtheWise
best form of revenge is honestly for you to grow dafuq up and move on....

when you have to dig deep to even the score, it just shows them how much you care.....
Agreed. I'm a Scorp Mars and I don't plot to get back at someone. I just simply work silently and let success be my noise. That's the best revenge.

The reason being is that regardless of what you do, people with a certain mindset see you in a certain way...until you rise above the image they have of you. All of the benefits with none of the dirt

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I never thought about that. Thanks for the insight.

Posted by MyStarsShine

Why would you want to *get back* at someone?
Why? Never seek logic in the monkey's orchestra.
Call out his father's name when you're having an orgasm.
Ask your crazy mom to kill him because if you are thinking this way you obviously have one.
Posted by AneemA08
The sheets???
Actually this was horrible ..i knew a guy (just a mate ) a girl he had a crush on ...called him up while she was having sex with someone else.
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by AneemA08
The sheets???
well my sheets are full of flower prints.

the prints he has been writing.

i shall amplify the tissues he took.

still weigh in which one




shall he be in God's hands.
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I ...see.
OP what did he do to you?
say you have STD.

say you were man.

say his brother or

his best friend was

a much better lover.