What are you currently wanting to manifest in life at the moment?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by SassyKiwi on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 and has 29 replies.
I’m a big believer in law of attraction. So I am constantly trying to be grateful and send out positive vibrations to the world so that the things I desire will one day manifest. Currently I really want to be able to travel more often than I’m able to with my husband since for me I need at least one good company throughout any journey. So far I have been excited to hear my husband got an additional week of vacation time this year (a few years earlier than I thought he would get) but alas it cannot be utilized during this pandemic. What are some things you all are working towards manifesting in your life? E.g. A new job, a new car, a new home, mo’ money, better health, etc.
Yes seeing the travel is out of the equation, even a visit home back to NZ atm. I’ll be looking towards a relationship, something substantial and long term. I’ve tried this before with little results. Care to share your methods?
Posted by WarAngel

If you ask me right now and for the next 20 minutes: death by chocolate. 🍫

If you've got the next year or two outlook: in a long-term relationship that culminates with marriage and children. 😊

The real question is by what kind of chocolate tho?

And yes I meant within short term. How would you say you have been actively working towards manifesting that? Like have you figured out a certain rough list of criteria they have to ideally meet?

Better health. I've been plauged these last couple of months.

How have you been fighting through this so far?
Posted by 7thHouse
Posted by SassyKiwi

I’m a big believer in law of attraction. So I am constantly trying to be grateful and send out positive vibrations to the world so that the things I desire will one day manifest. Currently I really want to be able to travel more often than I’m able to with my husband since for me I need at least one good company throughout any journey. So far I have been excited to hear my husband got an additional week of vacation time this year (a few years earlier than I thought he would get) but alas it cannot be utilized during this pandemic. What are some things you all are working towards manifesting in your life? E.g. A new job, a new car, a new home, mo’ money, better health, etc.

For me, it's money. As much as I can I try to manifest it daily. Not because of greed as I don't ask for more than what my family needs. But I do ask for an amount that will always make us comfortable and will be enough to help me sleep at night without having to worry about the next day. Money gives us access to education for the kids, the home we have, the emergency funds, the food we eat so to me, it is a basic need. And being able to have that makes me feel safe.

So far, it's been working out for me. Somehow, I always have resources coming in even if I need it at that moment or I don't and it's just an extra. ❤️
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That is really wonderful to hear it’s been working out for you! I honestly always feel it in your posts that you completely pour yourself into what you want for yourself and your family. If I remember reading correctly you’re still working during your pregnancy? Is your husband also working?
Awww maybe do a staycation as it looks like covid isn't going anywhere until 2021.

I'm hoping to manifest the perfect home. Although not too too soon cause I'm enjoying the house hunt.

Trying to get my drivers license.

But also, being a positive vibe to others, doing good where ever I can be.
Posted by SassyKiwi

I’m a big believer in law of attraction. So I am constantly trying to be grateful and send out positive vibrations to the world so that the things I desire will one day manifest. Currently I really want to be able to travel more often than I’m able to with my husband since for me I need at least one good company throughout any journey. So far I have been excited to hear my husband got an additional week of vacation time this year (a few years earlier than I thought he would get) but alas it cannot be utilized during this pandemic. What are some things you all are working towards manifesting in your life? E.g. A new job, a new car, a new home, mo’ money, better health, etc.
trying for a specific job but if i don get it no big deal, also trying to manifest a loving relationship, that is more of a big deal to me if I dont get it.

May our bank accounts be fat, and our waistlines be thin.
Posted by sweethearts

Yes seeing the travel is out of the equation, even a visit home back to NZ atm. I’ll be looking towards a relationship, something substantial and long term. I’ve tried this before with little results. Care to share your methods?

How are you actively working towards obtaining that substantial, long-term relationship?

For me I’ve gotten into this whole thing since a few years ago. At first I was at what felt like my lowest and trying desperately for things to change around me. It didn’t work then. My issue was I kind of just wished and hoped and felt like I had little control over taking much meaningful actions towards what I wanted. Then I just completely stopped trying and focused on internally healing and stopping the negative thoughts. And then I slowly gave things that I initially was against a chance in life and things that I initially wanted just started unfolding in unexpected ways. Some of it didn’t manifest until going through some rough patches but that’s what helped me learn that just because you wish for it doesn’t mean it can’t show up months/years from now. You just have to believe in it and not dread about it because dreading about it is what is going to delay/hurt it from manifesting.

Basically I had to go through changing my mindset in just having strong, blind faith even though sometimes it felt like things weren’t happening fast enough. It eventually gets easier to push through the negative, impatient thoughts. Also, you need to take real world action towards it, it can happen from things that you never thought would relate with it. You just have to continue to get yourself in a positive thinking and feeling state of mind regardless of what’s currently happening around you. I’m not sure if this was insightful but that has been my experience with it.
Posted by Antiphates

Peace, I think.

World peace or internal peace? I think I talked to you about this before. “I think” does not sound very confident and successful manifestation requires confidence!
Posted by LadyNeptune

Awww maybe do a staycation as it looks like covid isn't going anywhere until 2021.

I'm hoping to manifest the perfect home. Although not too too soon cause I'm enjoying the house hunt.

Ugh yeah and it’s not helping having family and relatives suffering from covid...

ENJOYING? Omg I started a little bit of house hunting for my parents. I got so overwhelmed. I have all the criteria perfectly listed out, the number of bedrooms, sqft, floorplan, specific features. But gaaaah!! Most of them are on the outskirts of the city without having to cough up double. What’s your perfect home criteria?
Posted by WarAngel
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by WarAngel

If you ask me right now and for the next 20 minutes: death by chocolate. 🍫

If you've got the next year or two outlook: in a long-term relationship that culminates with marriage and children. 😊

The real question is by what kind of chocolate tho?

And yes I meant within short term. How would you say you have been actively working towards manifesting that? Like have you figured out a certain rough list of criteria they have to ideally meet?

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Posted by 7thHouse
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by 7thHouse
Posted by SassyKiwi

I’m a big believer in law of attraction. So I am constantly trying to be grateful and send out positive vibrations to the world so that the things I desire will one day manifest. Currently I really want to be able to travel more often than I’m able to with my husband since for me I need at least one good company throughout any journey. So far I have been excited to hear my husband got an additional week of vacation time this year (a few years earlier than I thought he would get) but alas it cannot be utilized during this pandemic. What are some things you all are working towards manifesting in your life? E.g. A new job, a new car, a new home, mo’ money, better health, etc.

For me, it's money. As much as I can I try to manifest it daily. Not because of greed as I don't ask for more than what my family needs. But I do ask for an amount that will always make us comfortable and will be enough to help me sleep at night without having to worry about the next day. Money gives us access to education for the kids, the home we have, the emergency funds, the food we eat so to me, it is a basic need. And being able to have that makes me feel safe.

So far, it's been working out for me. Somehow, I always have resources coming in even if I need it at that moment or I don't and it's just an extra. ❤️

That is really wonderful to hear it’s been working out for you! I honestly always feel it in your posts that you completely pour yourself into what you want for yourself and your family. If I remember reading correctly you’re still working during your pregnancy? Is your husband also working?

Yeah. I'm still maintaining 2 jobs at least. Of course at some point my 2 jobs would have to stop once I give birth. But I'm making the most of it while I can. My husband is also a hard worker. And when we both get too tired, we just talk about it, look at our excel sheet and bank accounts and tell ourselves it will be worth it because by the end of the year we can buy this for the family or we can take this trip with our kids. And the daily side of it is that we are able to feed them healthy food 3-4 times a day. To us, that's the fulfillment we get. We get a positive feeling out of it so we continue to do it. We do get tired of course. But we just do the same thing and remind ourselves why we do it. Daily. ❤️

Our manifestation needs to be accompanied by action or it won't work for us. Especially now that there is a pandemic. It's so easy to just give up. But we work while there's work and while we can work. ❤️
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Women with children who work, especially multiple jobs have always been so inspiring to me!! Like I hope God gives me as much energy to be able to do the same when the time comes for me!! Like I love sleep and long showers 😭 I don’t know how you guys do it. You guys are like superheroes. But please don’t wear out your health or anything!

And yes definitely, actions need to align with what you want manifested. I love how you guys have a vision board. I heard they really work. I’ve always thought they were great concepts but they feel funny for me to use lol. Like I’d feel so shy about having it openly somewhere? Lol. Also too many nosy people come in and out of my house :/ lol.
Posted by PiscesGal76

Trying to get my drivers license.

But also, being a positive vibe to others, doing good where ever I can be.

You go for it! Get that freedom! Are you in America?

That is such a piscesque response. It’s wonderful and all, but I’m sure there are some big things you specifically wish for yourself as well? I find it interesting you’re a triple mutable with sun opp moon sq ascendant. I have the same aspects except I’m triple fixed.
Posted by GODZ

an honorable death, change, wealth, a new me in worse or in best i let the destiny choose

What kind of honorable deaths are we talking here?
Posted by xy_sigh

Good health, prosperity and protection from harm. It's good to pray those three things for other people too, even if there's discord in connection.

Definitely. I strongly believe if you pray for the wellness of others, it gets returned to you.
Posted by PhoenixStorm
Posted by Pulsy
Posted by PhoenixStorm

I used to use this law to my advantage until I learned how dangerous it can be. lol dangerous is probably a dramatic word to use. 🤣

But a lot of times when we think we know what we want, we really don’t .. and for me, it can change drastically. so I haven’t used this law anymore after I came really close to getting what I *thought* I wanted before realizing it’s not what I want at all.. if that makes any sense 🤨

But at that point what is the harm? You chose not to accept it but at least you attracted it

To be more specific, about a year and half ago I tried using law of attraction and used a vision board to attract marriage. A few months later, a sag friend who I had met 15 years ago (platonic) reconnected with me on fb. we started talking on the phone everyday for a few months but he lived out of state. After a while of that, he started talking about me moving out there and talked about how he wanted to get married and I freaked out. Lmao I was like ok wait, I changed my mind 🤣

I do want to get married. But not just for the sake of getting married. And that’s the problem with law of attraction... I don’t know how specific you can get with it.
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When you were trying to manifest it were you not specific in the kind of qualities you wanted in your future life partner?
Posted by ElvisStalinWoods

Primarily: having a remote property, with a flat in the city. Riding around in my 4runner or Sequoia and visiting more national parks. Happy, peak fitness and free to discover the beauty of nature. Max self-sufficiency.

Dealing with challenges that have meaning and actually have me dig deep into my career; doing something with purpose.

Meeting open souls and individuals with bright minds. Been so busy hating people of late, but I realize I'm just missing out on the people that stimulate me.

Meeting a partner who isn't a waste of time.

Mastering my temperament/energy/mental invest balance. And sleeping for once.

I don’t think I’ve came across your placements yet. What are they?

And I feel you when it comes to people. Sometimes it’s difficult to continuously motivate and energize others to bring them on the same page/level as you work wise. Also finding a good partner is going to definitely take a lot of trial and errors. I’ve heard some crazy stories before my dad found his current business partners that he’s been working with for decades. Things like calling the cops over stealing/hiding case files and all 😂
Posted by Pulsy
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by PhoenixStorm
Posted by Pulsy
Posted by PhoenixStorm

I used to use this law to my advantage until I learned how dangerous it can be. lol dangerous is probably a dramatic word to use. 🤣

But a lot of times when we think we know what we want, we really don’t .. and for me, it can change drastically. so I haven’t used this law anymore after I came really close to getting what I *thought* I wanted before realizing it’s not what I want at all.. if that makes any sense 🤨

But at that point what is the harm? You chose not to accept it but at least you attracted it

To be more specific, about a year and half ago I tried using law of attraction and used a vision board to attract marriage. A few months later, a sag friend who I had met 15 years ago (platonic) reconnected with me on fb. we started talking on the phone everyday for a few months but he lived out of state. After a while of that, he started talking about me moving out there and talked about how he wanted to get married and I freaked out. Lmao I was like ok wait, I changed my mind 🤣

I do want to get married. But not just for the sake of getting married. And that’s the problem with law of attraction... I don’t know how specific you can get with it.

When you were trying to manifest it were you not specific in the kind of qualities you wanted in your future life partner?

Right lol I think o said I wanted a soulmate n met him on the third

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But then how did you know they were the implied soulmate and not just another random person who dropped into your love life?
Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by SassyKiwi

I’m a big believer in law of attraction. So I am constantly trying to be grateful and send out positive vibrations to the world so that the things I desire will one day manifest. Currently I really want to be able to travel more often than I’m able to with my husband since for me I need at least one good company throughout any journey. So far I have been excited to hear my husband got an additional week of vacation time this year (a few years earlier than I thought he would get) but alas it cannot be utilized during this pandemic. What are some things you all are working towards manifesting in your life? E.g. A new job, a new car, a new home, mo’ money, better health, etc.

trying for a specific job but if i don get it no big deal, also trying to manifest a loving relationship, that is more of a big deal to me if I dont get it.
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For successful manifestation purposes you’re not supposed to doubt it could happen! The entire point is to believe it’ll eventually happen and to focus on continuing your life regularly until it just manifests into your life. Of course in the meantime you would also need to be taking actions such as working on improving or excelling at the skills required for the specific job you want manifested and actually go out and seek people to increase your chances of being in a loving relationship.
Posted by Soul

May our bank accounts be fat, and our waistlines be thin.

Boy you know it! 💅
Posted by _mudra_

A simple but beautiful house with a room to do art in and a backyard garden.

The bestest bernedoodle pup male or female.

After almost 3 years of being single, starting to feel ready for someone on the same page, effortlessly perfect in ways that fit us and lift us without holding expectations on each other.

Perfect health and abundance that falls into place for my family and myself.

Always have enough money and time to keep my child on the right path with after school activities

To have legal issues come out on our side

To land a job in the same organization with less trauma exposure but more pay and an office with a schedule that suits my life.

“starting to feel ready for someone on the same page, effortlessly perfect in ways that fit us and lift us without holding expectations on each other.”

Stuff like that always has me wonder where do people draw the line on what’s an acceptable amount of flaws/cons that is to be expected in a human.
I am trying to manifest life with my Sag. I am madly in love with him but we live 2000 miles apart. I'm planning to move next year so I am trying to manifest that move and our future.
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by sweethearts

Yes seeing the travel is out of the equation, even a visit home back to NZ atm. I’ll be looking towards a relationship, something substantial and long term. I’ve tried this before with little results. Care to share your methods?

How are you actively working towards obtaining that substantial, long-term relationship?

For me I’ve gotten into this whole thing since a few years ago. At first I was at what felt like my lowest and trying desperately for things to change around me. It didn’t work then. My issue was I kind of just wished and hoped and felt like I had little control over taking much meaningful actions towards what I wanted. Then I just completely stopped trying and focused on internally healing and stopping the negative thoughts. And then I slowly gave things that I initially was against a chance in life and things that I initially wanted just started unfolding in unexpected ways. Some of it didn’t manifest until going through some rough patches but that’s what helped me learn that just because you wish for it doesn’t mean it can’t show up months/years from now. You just have to believe in it and not dread about it because dreading about it is what is going to delay/hurt it from manifesting.

Basically I had to go through changing my mindset in just having strong, blind faith even though sometimes it felt like things weren’t happening fast enough. It eventually gets easier to push through the negative, impatient thoughts. Also, you need to take real world action towards it, it can happen from things that you never thought would relate with it. You just have to continue to get yourself in a positive thinking and feeling state of mind regardless of what’s currently happening around you. I’m not sure if this was insightful but that has been my experience with it.
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I think I’ve always naturally manifested my way in life without realising that I was doing it. When my business was struggling a few years ago, I used YouTube and hypnotherapy to keep me from negativity. Positive affirmations which helped daily and particularly nightly stresses of running a business. Once I sold the business, I still enjoyed the hypnotherapy sessions for different things including giving me the best nights sleep and I stumbled across manifestation videos.

I am ready now to settle down again. I definitely wasn’t before, there was too much of myself to work on and I ran from any love interest. And yes, changing the mindset is needed, being more open to exploring and less closed minded.
Manifest in continuing to be my true Gemini self I guess🤷. What better way to want to manifest in anything than being a Gemini.

No seriously I really don't know what I want to manifest in life. Can't think of any.
To be more humble and committed fully in future relationships.
i'm glad that something turned out okay for me

thought about this some more and 'freedom' comes to mind

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For me it's good, stable health, steady jobs and a Scorpio man🤦