What are you making for Thanksgiving?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Quest4Water on Wednesday, November 27, 2013 and has 43 replies.
Wynter inspired!
As for me, just turkey! Damn diets!
Turkey, turkey, Turkey!
And cranberry sauce smile
Posted by CluelessCancer
Macaroni & cheese
i'm picking up the huge $ 5.99 pumpkin pie from Costco and than i'm buying this for mySELF, cause i hate pumpkin pie.
I like my gADDamn berries.

Blackberry pie? Big Grin
Posted by thescepter

Nice! Put that dude in a pit, cover in hot coals and give 3-4 hours. Good eating!
Posted by Rabbit
Turkey with bourbon gravy, ham, mashed potatoes with sour cream and herbs, cornbread and sausage dressing, baked Mac and Cheese, saut?ed Brussels sprouts, cranberry and dried fruit relish, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and lots of Pinot Noir.


Ohhhh...that's lovely♥
I do Tongue
Posted by Rabbit
This is from my 500 level Islam class professor....
Pigs require a lot of water.
What's scarce in the desert? Water.
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity originated where? The desert.
It's a matter of survival/practicality.

I always thought it was because its very easy to get sick from eating pork. And, they didn't know about bacteria and proper cooking temperatures so they just avoided it. *shrug*
Fried Turkey
Mac and Cheese
Cornbread Dressing
Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans
Peach Cobbler
Then I pack up the leftovers drive down to where the homeless people are and give out the rest. You would not believe how difficult it is to find a hungry homeless person on Thanksgiving.
Haha, I'm not debating, it's just what I always thought. Rabbit's professor already laid it out and that's enough for me Big Grin
Posted by thescepter
Posted by Arietteheart
Chicharrons are good for you...and I don't want to hear anyone say differently.

bbq sauce???
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Love chicharrons Big Grin
Posted by Rabbit
Pork rinds are even better when wrapped in bacon

Oh, that sounds criminally good
they eat massive amounts of spam in Hawaii. Their 'state sandwich' will put 5lbs on you alone.
I think it's because they eat anything and don't take up much room. Perfect livestock for islanders.
and chikin!
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Rabbit
There's no sense in keeping an animal that eats the same food as you and requires more water than you if you can just have goats and sheep that can basically live off scrub brush and dirt and provide milk, meat, and wool.

This makes sense. You won the argument dude, stop debating lol

I have a useless degree in Religion.

that's not useless dude, please continue on informing us

Nah. I'll offend people eventually. Especially when I describe my theory (which is already an existing theory before me) that Jesus' teachings were based on eastern teachings (Taoist, etc.)
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Shame, religion is an interesting topic
Posted by MissFisk
islander breakfast:
spam, vienna sausage, eggs and rice...

Looks really good and strikingly similar to what Okinawans eat for brekky. Interesting similarities!
I'm prior service and did some joint training exercises in Hawaii-I was never stationed there Sad
Speaking of spam:
Hawaiian Fried Wontons
What drink is that in the lower picture?
No Thanksgiving for me this year, I'm working.
Enjoy, everyone!
Posted by thescepter
Posted by Quest4Water
What drink is that in the lower picture?

looks like a really bad float of some sort. maybe coffee. maybe coke.
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lol, i think that's right. i was sitting here squinting at it going wtf
corned beef makes awesome tortilla chip dip
Posted by CluelessCancer
I seriously can't watch someone eating runny eggs, i'll throw up, for me food is very mental.

Girl, stop. It's the best when you take your toast and rub it all in the runny yolk and eat it.
CC, communist Russia is calling you home Tongue
Over there, their eggs will run you!
i like the way Rabbit thinks
Posted by Rabbit

If you examine ancient cultures that existed around the Atlantic basin, they seem to all have legends of light skinned and light haired "Gods" coming from the ocean to teach them architecture, farming, etc.
And all around the same time period, too which also happens to coincide with some pyramid building on both sides of the Atlantic?
Some of those "Gods" assuredly morphed into other more well known gods/entities which then got bastardized further into more modern religions.
Coincidence? Aliens? Atlanteans? Too much E and acid in my late teens?
Who knows....

On a trip to Chichen Itza, I took a close look at some of the reliefs on the outer wall of one of the buildings. I think it was called "The Nunnery". The figures held poses that looked remarkably like some of the figures from India:

Not implying anything, but it was striking.
Yes. It is Ganesh.
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Rabbit
So no bacon cheeseburger with an over easy egg for CC.
That's okay...I'll eat it

i ate a burger with eggs on it two weeks ago, i thought i was going to die from a heart attack, i mean my chest got blocked, that's not for the weak.

I once made a burger with bacon AND pulled BBQ pork on it using TWO GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHES AS THE BUN.
That egg burger is practically a vegetable compared to that.
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made me spit out my tea! lol!
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Posted by Rabbit

If you examine ancient cultures that existed around the Atlantic basin, they seem to all have legends of light skinned and light haired "Gods" coming from the ocean to teach them architecture, farming, etc.
And all around the same time period, too which also happens to coincide with some pyramid building on both sides of the Atlantic?
Some of those "Gods" assuredly morphed into other more well known gods/entities which then got bastardized further into more modern religions.
Coincidence? Aliens? Atlanteans? Too much E and acid in my late teens?
Who knows....

On a trip to Chichen Itza, I took a close look at some of the reliefs on the outer wall of one of the buildings. I think it was called "The Nunnery". The figures held poses that looked remarkably like some of the figures from India:

Not implying anything, but it was striking.
click to expand

Compare against the image from the interior of the ruins from Palenque:
There is a relief from another Mayan ruin that shows a visit from some atypical people.
Interestingly enough, their depiction resembles the Phonecians. It was known that the Phonecians did travel beyond the straits of Gibraltar, and even speculation that they crossed the Atlantic.
Fascinating stuff.
I make wings at home. flour-fry and then coat in Lousiana hot sauce.
that looks really good Big Grin
Typically for Thanksgiving I make:
homemade mac n' cheese
collard greens w/ hamhocks
mashed potatoes

tip for you stuffing lovers: don't use water for your stuffing, make a broth from the turkey neck and heart, add onion and garlic. use this instead for banging stuffing. this also makes a badass base for gravy.
oh, and cook your turkey breast side down. it'll be more moist!
Posted by Rabbit
So will mango habanero wings from B-dubs

They are not as good as the new salt and vinegar ones. Sweet Baby Jesus.
Oh my.... I think I just orgasmed... History and food? Can't get any better! Lol!
This year we're having:
Mashed taters
Homemade stuffing (just like mention)
Candied yams
Green beans
Cran sauce
Onion/pickle wraps
Green olives (YUM)
Deviled eggs
Pumpkin pie
Cholcolate silk pie
Cinnamon rolls with candied apples and glaze drizzled over it.....
Oh... Almost forgot.... Homemade gravy from turkey drippings made by me. smile I'm a pro at it! Tongue
Posted by thescepter
Posted by PVAF
I'm baking pies, and they're not homemade. **For shame** Tongue LOL!

Where is the actual baking involved in that? Tongue
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Buy them, then heat in oven.. baked Tongue Lol
I'm making green bean casserole to take to friends family. No clue what else is on menu.
The catch that made me go WTF..
Friend: hey you want to go to my brothers for thanksgiving
me: sure, want me to bring anything (I am thinking a bottle of wine or pie or something)
her: let me find out but don't think so
few hours go by..
Her: can you make green bean casserole
me: sure shouldn't be a big deal
Her: ok make enough for 30
me: *blink* uh ..ok
30?? LMAO I didn't realize her family was that large. 2 years ago it was maybe 15 people. We shall see how I do with making that much, mind you I am used to cooking for 1!
I'm making it in my house, in the am. I just don't know if I should bake it first then let it cool to drive over. Does that make a casserole nasty to reheat? I dunno about that part of it. Guess I will ask my friend if I can bake it at her brothers.
I don't host nothing at my house- evil peoples must stay out! LOL j/k I have never planned a party at my place. this is my 2nd holiday season in it.
Posted by Arietteheart
I love when food brings people together lol

lol, me too. Tongue
I was thinking that this thread needed more pictures tho
Going to a fancy restaurant this year, my family is lazy Tongue
Nice spread, scribble! smile
Christ I'm flipping FAT AND HAPPY right now.
Turkey and all the fixings on my end.
Dessert = French Apple Pie