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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
As in if someone were to describe another individual as strong (not in the physical sense). What are the descriptors of an individual that would qualify as a "strong" person?
Personally, I see it as someone who can keep things going when shit gets tough. Breaking down isn't an option.
Over the last year, I've had people call me "strong" with everything I had to deal with the last 3-4 years. The only reason it stood out to me from some is that these individuals didn't know me all that well and were proclaiming that I was so "strong" for having to go through this stuff (I just saw it as shit that had to be taken care of quickly and efficiently). ...which is nice of them to say, but my first thought was "thanks and... really? You don't really know me all that well though..."
...which led to my ponderings of what others consider "strong." Do we all have our own definitions or is it a general consensus of similar traits?
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
A strong person imo keeps things going but isnt afraid to break down. I see people who dont ignore their emotions as strong people they are able to mature and look at things through a different lense. Its a love and respect of self to not deny whatbyou feel.
People think Im strong too but I ignore my emotions. I dont feel things til years later, and by that point I have no clue of whats what and where my emotional pourings are coming from. I honestly see no maturity or strength in that.
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Aug 23, 2015Comments: 69 · Posts: 2006 · Topics: 56
Someone who can be honest with themselves and doesn't play the victim all the time.
Doesn't need to be coddled.
Someone who has self control.
Someone who ''keeps it moving'' .
Someone that doesn't fold under pressure.
Those are just a few I could think of...