What do you do for a living?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by krysrenee7 on Friday, November 8, 2013 and has 35 replies.
Don't lie lol
You guys suck
By the lack of any real answers, I'm guessing some of you guys are too afraid to admit that you're that 1 rude cashier/order taker at Mcdonalds??
Just a guess =)
Representative spokesman for Salafist Islam.
I work with computers
I'll answer , I mow lawns for a living. And I'm poor .
Posted by krysrenee7
By the lack of any real answers, I'm guessing some of you guys are too afraid to admit that you're that 1 rude cashier/order taker at Mcdonalds??
Just a guess =)

That was my former job.
Now I've upgraded to back office executive.
I live to do what I can when I must... Hoping for a chance to tip the scales and sway karmatic paths into a positive direction... No braking but pushing and pulling are often all to needed...
I live because I breathe
I wake up not trying to know what going to happen but take it as it comes as it is... What it needs to be just for me...
If I fight then I need this lesson that much more and I am thankful
I work in a prairie dogging cube farm plagued occasionally by a seagull manager.
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
I work in a prairie dogging cube farm plagued occasionally by a seagull manager.

If you feed seagulls alkaseltzer tablets they explode...
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Hmmmmm. Good thinking there.....
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
I work in a prairie dogging cube farm plagued occasionally by a seagull manager.

If you feed seagulls alkaseltzer tablets they explode...

Hmmmmm. Good thinking there.....

I had a cranky alcoholic uncle that used to do that to the gulls on Lake Erie.
He was mean.
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Could make for a very interesting "donut day"....
Posted by krysrenee7
By the lack of any real answers, I'm guessing some of you guys are too afraid to admit that you're that 1 rude cashier/order taker at Mcdonalds??
Just a guess =)

I work for a family business... located in Hawaii that is over 40 years old...
I used to be a mental health counselor. I went back to school for my Masters in Psychology & am now.......guess =P
Pretty cool job.
I get to listen to people blab all day. I do to you guys what people do to me all day...talk hehe
Posted by MissFisk
Circus performer. My specialty is sword swallowing.

Hmmmm. You free tomorrow evening?
Posted by MissFisk
Circus performer. My specialty is sword swallowing.

oh do tell, any other talents we should know about?
Most people here don't work, not the way we do over this side of the world anyhow. We leave school to work from 17-18 years unless you attend full time university to complete a degree and you wouldn't have time to be playing on a social networking site. We're out of home and on our own not long after school and well on our way to completely being independent by 25!
It's not uncommon to hear your still living with parents and part time schooling to get degrees to obtain a job anywhere from 20-40 from what I've seen in the years that I've been here and I find it all quite bazaar??
Posted by xPurrrHisssx
Posted by piscesmoon2
I live to do what I can when I must... Hoping for a chance to tip the scales and sway karmatic paths into a positive direction... No braking but pushing and pulling are often all to needed...
I live because I breathe
I wake up not trying to know what going to happen but take it as it comes as it is... What it needs to be just for me...
If I fight then I need this lesson that much more and I am thankful

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I know I likes it too...
I work in pest control, I'm a Pied Piper. My rats moonwalk to the ocean. Eeh hee!! It would be a fun job really, but I work as a receptionist for the traffic department.
I grew up in a family where everybody had a college degree! I didn't wanna be the oddball, plus I felt an education wouldn't technically hurt lol so I said oh what the hell & went to school!
I'm glad I did though b/c this economy is no joke! Hell, even those who have the most fancy degrees (doctors, lawyers, politicians, etc.) are having trouble finding jobs, even though they're walking into these corporate offices with impressive resumes!
If the most educated men/women are even having trouble finding jobs, I don't see how this reality wouldn't be an incentive for someone to go get an education!!! Times are rough in this economy right now! Holy Sh****t!
Posted by krysrenee7
I grew up in a family where everybody had a college degree! I didn't wanna be the oddball, plus I felt an education wouldn't technically hurt lol so I said oh what the hell & went to school!
I'm glad I did though b/c this economy is no joke! Hell, even those who have the most fancy degrees (doctors, lawyers, politicians, etc.) are having trouble finding jobs, even though they're walking into these corporate offices with impressive resumes!
If the most educated men/women are even having trouble finding jobs, I don't see how this reality wouldn't be an incentive for someone to go get an education!!! Times are rough in this economy right now! Holy Sh****t!

Good for you- in my family only 3 people went to college, my sister, my cousin & I. My sister's tuition was paid for by my mum, my cousin got a bursary & I paid my own way. I still feel very uneducated with my college diploma, I want a wall full of degrees lol...that's my 9th house stellium talking. I'll be going to school part-time next year just to ease the insecurities I have about my education.
I'm proud of what I've achieved so far, but it's not enough for my snobbish side. I'll study until the day I die the way I see it.
Posted by PVAF
Posted by xMoonMan
I'm a professional Doodler.
My speciality is trees and random shapes that only make sense to me.

Thats pretty good actually. smile
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Doesn't it remind you of internal organs, though? The lungs. I was so bad at biology & I couldn't draw for shit. Funny because I excelled in art Sad
Posted by Redbull
Im a goat shepherd

funniest one yet
I dabble in a few things.. pisces midheaven
Posted by DMV
Posted by Redbull
Im a goat shepherd

funniest one yet
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I would be happy with that...
Posted by xMoonMan
Posted by WaterCup
Doesn't it remind you of internal organs, though? The lungs. I was so bad at biology & I couldn't draw for shit. Funny because I excelled in art Sad

erm, ya... My speciality is doodle drawings of....lungs.
Actually, it's funny you should mention this. Sometimes watching nature documentaries when they show aerial shots of branching river tributaries, they kind of look like trees. I've noticed other visual similarities too like veins & arteries surrounded by cells etc.
This aerial image is of a branching river in the Kimberly region of Australia, it looks like a tree.

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That's a river!? It honestly does look like a tree with snow all over..or at least an albino tree if there is such a thing. I think you're talented btw, what you drew there doesn't even resemble a doodle lol. If that's how you doodle then I'll be envious of your serious work Tongue Impressive, honestly.
GED confuses me, I tried to look it up online but I still don't get it. What grade does a person need to have in order to "qualify" for a GED? Surely it can't be taken by someone who has, let's say, only grade 4... otherwise I'd find it unfair to those who completed their 12 years of schooling.
I'm curious, how does it work?
Posted by Arietteheart
Something like 30% of High School graduates wouldn't be able to pass it.

And that right there is the biggest shame of the education system.
I'm aware that many people succeed w/o college degrees
It's a FACT that some jobs don't require college degrees, therefore it's a fact that some people can get jobs w/o having a college degree
BUT a lot of jobs DO require college degrees. And unless you have that degree, your chances of getting that job are slim to none. Can it happen? Of course. But is it likely? No.
And I'm glad that certain jobs require college degrees! A college degree in a specific field doesn't mean that you're smarter. It just means that you have more knowledge & training on how to do that specific job. Would you rather have a psychologist who never went to school for it or a psychologist whose been to school & thus studied this science for many years?!
Would you rather get a checkup from a doctor who never went to medical school OR a doctor who did?!
For the people that want to go into specific fields (medicine, psychiatry, law, architecture, education/teaching, etc.) degrees are usually required in order for them to not only get the job but to also be state certified to even prove that you can do the job. And if someone wants to go into a specific field that requires a degree 99% of the time, I'd see it as irrational to try discouraging them from getting a degree. Only 1% of people can get into specific fields without a degree if a degree was required. It's more logical to do what the other 99% of people did to get a job vs. trying to be that rare 1% . Trying to be that rare 1% is just you making it harder on yourself.
Posted by krysrenee7

For the people that want to go into specific fields (medicine, psychiatry, law, architecture, education/teaching, etc.) degrees are usually required in order for them to not only get the job but to also be state certified to even prove that you can do the job.

You know, the thing is, college degrees aren't for everyone.
Someone can make a decent living in a trade and a time of apprenticeship, and for a lot less outlay than college.
What kills me is the college degrees in fields that have little to no practical application, like gender studies and the like. Unless you land a job teaching such at a university, what possible living can you make with something like that? And the return on investment (time in school, tuition) is terrible.
The university thing has grown into a scam in a lot of ways. While the economy has been down, the universities have been jacking up their tuition regularly.
Posted by Arietteheart
It's a FACT that some jobs don't require college degrees, therefore it's a fact that some people can get jobs w/o having a college degree
BUT a lot of jobs DO require college degrees.

Can I please ask why you are so long winded? A lot of what you post can be condensed into one or 2 sentences but you turn it into 3 posts of 5 paragraphs each. It's so superfluous
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Must be a college degree in English...
That's just who I am & how I am. I'm fully aware that some may love & appreciate it & some may hate it & be annoyed by. Doesn't matter to me either way. I am who I am. Like it or love it. Was that short enough for you?
I get it. Every job doesn't require a degree. But a lot do! And for those who want to go into those specific career fields, I absolutely encourage a college education.
For those of you who want to go into fields that don't require a college degree, good for you!!! If it's your passion, if it pays the bills & if you work your azz off, that's all that matters.
Just understand though that some people have a passion for a career that requires a college degree. And there is nothing wrong with the people who are willing to invest in education to make their chances of getting that job, higher!
I get it. Don't hate on those who don't have college degrees. But don't hate either on those who do.
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by krysrenee7
I get it. Every job doesn't require a degree. But a lot do! And for those who want to go into those specific career fields, I absolutely encourage a college education.
For those of you who want to go into fields that don't require a college degree, good for you!!! If it's your passion, if it pays the bills & if you work your azz off, that's all that matters.
Just understand though that some people have a passion for a career that requires a college degree. And there is nothing wrong with the people who are willing to invest in education to make their chances of getting that job, higher!
I get it. Don't hate on those who don't have college degrees. But don't hate either on those who do.

My field technically requires a degree. But to most hiring managers the degree is less important than experience. I'm an engineer, so of course my job requires a degree. It's just that at the end of the day they would prefer to have someone in there who knows the technology, and can solve real world problems. Degrees give you knowledge, not skills. You learn your skills in the real world. Even most doctors, nurses, and lawyers obtain their skills on the job. They just get knowledge in college.
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Exactly. You do realize that we're saying the same thing, right?! Yes they prefer you have skills/experience too BUT all of that won't matter if you don't 1st have a degree lol
No one said that a degree was all you needed to get certain jobs. Of course there is more to it, but like you said, you're an engineer & DO have a degree. Yes, you probably have skills & experience, but you wouldn't have been considered at all had you not 1st had a degree. A degree is what gets your foot in the door so that certain employers are even willing to take a 2nd look at all the other things you have to offer.
I teach high school students who have disabilities. I teach English and Social Studies.

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