What happened to the girl who made her toast with Vaseline?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Astrobyn on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 and has 16 replies.
What happened to the girl who made her toast with Vaseline? Where is she now? what does her life look like?

Doe she work in a diner and a single mom of 3 kids in high school that she doesn't really spend a lot of time with but they don't respect her much, and 1 kid in their 20's maybe a little lost too, and still a burden?

Idk i feel like if she didn't conform, she has got to be stressed to fuck out by now? Maybe she's killing it? what do you think happened to her?
The cutest one of the 3 got scouted by an acting agent. Now she is a child momager. Yes child labor is wrong, but well overlooked if you can relive your own dreams through your progeny.
What?! 🤪
Posted by DMV

What?! 🤪

Just one of those quintessential non-sensical anthems of the 90's that defined those Gen X'ers as the slacker generation.

And this thread is just a thought exercise, to explore what would have happened to people like this 30 years later.
like... she probably spent a good 7 years of her life with an opioid addition, and she's clean now but it sure has made life harder catching up.
Maybe she's in an unhappy marriage because when he at one time thought she was unique but after the years and two kids the mystery is gone, and he takes her for granted, but they both stay lifeless existences because they they put so much time and effort into what little they have.

And she gets supper excited when Costco puts out their monthly members only saving flyer, because buying stuff fills the void until the next time she has to face how disappointed she really is.
Posted by _elle_

Every time I read the title of this thread I gag a little.

Come on @_elle_, tell her story with me!
or what ended up happening to the characters of Reality Bites?

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I do get, that I'm just sitting in this 90's nostalgia thread all by myself.

But I realized I was listening to a new Counting Crows song on the radio today, if anyone besides me is interested in what counting crows is doing now.....

Reasons to do it

Good chance to talk about bread making

A little easier to do than other recipes since you're great at bread making

A chance to make something really weird that fans might like to try

New medium from stuff to get from in songs/music videos, won’t run out of ideas as fast

Extremely up to choice, it’s purely what you and want and think would compliment the Vaseline

There are set rules so it could be a fun challenge (Don’t use any Butter, cheese, or jelly products like the powders from the Mac and cheese)

Cheap and easy enough for most to make the media accurate one (all it needs is bread and Vaseline, also a toaster but most people own that in some variation)

Reasons not to

You can’t play the song or Warner will be after you

The toast isn’t in the music video but is said in the song, there is toast in the video but idk of Vaseline is on it
Posted by bmoon8

Gee, Robyn. For someone I mostly ignore and don’t even bother posting on threads posted by you… you have some nerve. The gall of some people to twist facts and spin tales never ceases to amaze to me.

For the record, I have not ever stalked anyone. By golly, if I have stalked anyone… I would imagine this behavior to continue?! I also would have gone to jail… not been banned.

Just to clarify further, I was the one who requested my own banning. If you think I give 2 fucks if I am banned or not, you’re sadly mistakened. Don’t worry, I don’t expect someone with such a limited view to actually understand what actually happened. Just listen to one side of the story and be in ignorance, but please stay in your own lane.

I'm sorry life is hard for you. I truly hope you can heal and move past whatever issues that keep you here engaging in this behavior.
Posted by bmoon8

Gee, Robyn. For someone I mostly ignore and don’t even bother posting on threads posted by you… you have some nerve. The gall of some people to twist facts and spin tales never ceases to amaze to me.

For the record, I have not ever stalked anyone. By golly, if I have stalked anyone… I would imagine this behavior to continue?! I also would have gone to jail… not been banned.

Just to clarify further, I was the one who requested my own banning. If you think I give 2 fucks if I am banned or not, you’re sadly mistakened. Don’t worry, I don’t expect someone with such a limited view to actually understand what actually happened. Just listen to one side of the story and be in ignorance, but please stay in your own lane.
My stalker didn’t go to jail. They rarely do in real life until they have assaulted/or murdered.
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bmoon8

Gee, Robyn. For someone I mostly ignore and don’t even bother posting on threads posted by you… you have some nerve. The gall of some people to twist facts and spin tales never ceases to amaze to me.

For the record, I have not ever stalked anyone. By golly, if I have stalked anyone… I would imagine this behavior to continue?! I also would have gone to jail… not been banned.

Just to clarify further, I was the one who requested my own banning. If you think I give 2 fucks if I am banned or not, you’re sadly mistakened. Don’t worry, I don’t expect someone with such a limited view to actually understand what actually happened. Just listen to one side of the story and be in ignorance, but please stay in your own lane.

My stalker didn’t go to jail. They rarely do in real life until they have assaulted/or murdered.

Ever hear of a set-up?
click to expand
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bmoon8

Gee, Robyn. For someone I mostly ignore and don’t even bother posting on threads posted by you… you have some nerve. The gall of some people to twist facts and spin tales never ceases to amaze to me.

For the record, I have not ever stalked anyone. By golly, if I have stalked anyone… I would imagine this behavior to continue?! I also would have gone to jail… not been banned.

Just to clarify further, I was the one who requested my own banning. If you think I give 2 fucks if I am banned or not, you’re sadly mistakened. Don’t worry, I don’t expect someone with such a limited view to actually understand what actually happened. Just listen to one side of the story and be in ignorance, but please stay in your own lane.

My stalker didn’t go to jail. They rarely do in real life until they have assaulted/or murdered.

Ever hear of a set-up?


Oh, you want me to elaborate without asking me to do so.

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As for your situation? There are plenty of articles on Google of people getting arrested for stalking. It is against the law and you should call the police? I have Cap rising and have a natural respect for the law.

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Uh happy new year to you. Yes I asked you to elaborate what you meant by set up. Idk why you are raging this was like ages ago. It’s not that serious.

As for being a cap rising who respects law enforcement. No I do not 🤣

Most cops are corrupt ugly people who hide behind their badge to do crime. And the rest choose to look the other way which makes them just as complicit. You want to convince me that cops care about women when they have a huge backlog of untested rape kits going back decades.

My own experience with law enforcement is them doing fuck all when you report a stalker. Add to that you are absolutely fucked when your stalker/assaultant is in law enforcement.

That’s why if you are ever raped or assaulted go to the hospital for a rape kit (saek). They will actually treat you as a human being, with dignity. Far less traumatizing and gets the same result as the hospital sends the evidence collected to the police where it will languish in storage unprocessed for several decades.

Posted by bmoon8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bmoon8

Gee, Robyn. For someone I mostly ignore and don’t even bother posting on threads posted by you… you have some nerve. The gall of some people to twist facts and spin tales never ceases to amaze to me.

For the record, I have not ever stalked anyone. By golly, if I have stalked anyone… I would imagine this behavior to continue?! I also would have gone to jail… not been banned.

Just to clarify further, I was the one who requested my own banning. If you think I give 2 fucks if I am banned or not, you’re sadly mistakened. Don’t worry, I don’t expect someone with such a limited view to actually understand what actually happened. Just listen to one side of the story and be in ignorance, but please stay in your own lane.

My stalker didn’t go to jail. They rarely do in real life until they have assaulted/or murdered.

Ever hear of a set-up?


Oh, you want me to elaborate without asking me to do so.

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As for your situation? There are plenty of articles on Google of people getting arrested for stalking. It is against the law and you should call the police? I have Cap rising and have a natural respect for the law.

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Uh happy new year to you. Yes I asked you to elaborate what you meant by set up. Idk why you are raging this was like ages ago. It’s not that serious.

As for being a cap rising who respects law enforcement. No I do not 🤣

Most cops are corrupt ugly people who hide behind their badge to do crime. And the rest choose to look the other way which makes them just as complicit. You want to convince me that cops care about women when they have a huge backlog of untested rape kits going back decades.

My own experience with law enforcement is them doing fuck all when you report a stalker. Add to that you are absolutely fucked when your stalker/assaultant is in law enforcement.

That’s why if you are ever raped or assaulted go to the hospital for a rape kit (saek). They will actually treat you as a human being, with dignity. Far less traumatizing and gets the same result as the hospital sends the evidence collected to the police where it will languish in storage unprocessed for several decades.

I said that I have natural respect for the law meaning that I am generally a law abiding productive citizen of my community.

I don’t know what your spiel about law enforcement is about and cannot relate. My Cap niece is engaged to and marrying a police officer. Before that, she was in a relationship with a sheriff. I suppose that if it were not for my niece, I would share in the same warped thought process of law enforcement as you do.
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I bet they put a black and blue flag up. That thin blue line bs. It's funny how it's illegal to degrade or alter the flag, yet cops can do it. As a law abiding citizen that should truly bother you.
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bmoon8

Gee, Robyn. For someone I mostly ignore and don’t even bother posting on threads posted by you… you have some nerve. The gall of some people to twist facts and spin tales never ceases to amaze to me.

For the record, I have not ever stalked anyone. By golly, if I have stalked anyone… I would imagine this behavior to continue?! I also would have gone to jail… not been banned.

Just to clarify further, I was the one who requested my own banning. If you think I give 2 fucks if I am banned or not, you’re sadly mistakened. Don’t worry, I don’t expect someone with such a limited view to actually understand what actually happened. Just listen to one side of the story and be in ignorance, but please stay in your own lane.

My stalker didn’t go to jail. They rarely do in real life until they have assaulted/or murdered.

Ever hear of a set-up?


Oh, you want me to elaborate without asking me to do so.

User Submitted Image


As for your situation? There are plenty of articles on Google of people getting arrested for stalking. It is against the law and you should call the police? I have Cap rising and have a natural respect for the law.

User Submitted Image

Uh happy new year to you. Yes I asked you to elaborate what you meant by set up. Idk why you are raging this was like ages ago. It’s not that serious.

As for being a cap rising who respects law enforcement. No I do not 🤣

Most cops are corrupt ugly people who hide behind their badge to do crime. And the rest choose to look the other way which makes them just as complicit. You want to convince me that cops care about women when they have a huge backlog of untested rape kits going back decades.

My own experience with law enforcement is them doing fuck all when you report a stalker. Add to that you are absolutely fucked when your stalker/assaultant is in law enforcement.

That’s why if you are ever raped or assaulted go to the hospital for a rape kit (saek). They will actually treat you as a human being, with dignity. Far less traumatizing and gets the same result as the hospital sends the evidence collected to the police where it will languish in storage unprocessed for several decades.

I said that I have natural respect for the law meaning that I am generally a law abiding productive citizen of my community.

I don’t know what your spiel about law enforcement is about and cannot relate. My Cap niece is engaged to and marrying a police officer. Before that, she was in a relationship with a sheriff. I suppose that if it were not for my niece, I would share in the same warped thought process of law enforcement as you do.
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I fail to see what your nieces dating preferences have to do with the undeniable fact that there are hundreds of thousands of unprocessed rape kits going back decades languishing in police storage.

Make it make sense 😅