What I'd Much Rather See Discussed

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by MrFirebird on Saturday, March 7, 2015 and has 45 replies.
Instead of the mind-numbing regurgitation of this or that astro-sign compatibility, this or that
sex position, and this or that relationship, this or that racism blah blah blah, porn, cheap music, etc., I honestly would much rather see more intelligent and enlightening topics on other subjects.
There are so many other subjects to learn, places to see and things to do.
What I find ironic, is that while people talk about astrology, they know very little about astronomy.
I hardly ever see this discussed. Many young people today don't even know that there was a time
when the mariners at sea, would navigate the waters by means of celestial navigation.
Over the course of history, there have been many fascinating inventions. Some inventions for good, and some inventions for bad.
Other subjects include meteorology, oceanography, geography, archeology, paleontology, botany, horticulture, art, literature, instrumental music.
Then there are craft subjects such as woodworking, metalworking, auto/diesel/marine/aircraft/ machinery mechanics, ceramics, glass, beads, needlecraft, leathercraft, stonecraft, electronics, computers, photography. etc, etc. Mind you, they need not necessarily be these subjects, but
I just don't see much interest in alternative topics that are of a more practical and useful nature comprising of knowledge and skills which can be beneficial towards generating productivity and thus income.
I cannot help but wonder how the world expects to continue if it so chooses to continue on the course that it is presently on.

Posted by MrFirebird
Instead of the mind-numbing regurgitation of this or that astro-sign compatibility, this or that
sex position, and this or that relationship, this or that racism blah blah blah, porn, cheap music, etc., I honestly would much rather see more intelligent and enlightening topics on other subjects.
There are so many other subjects to learn, places to see and things to do.
What I find ironic, is that while people talk about astrology, they know very little about astronomy.
I hardly ever see this discussed. Many young people today don't even know that there was a time
when the mariners at sea, would navigate the waters by means of celestial navigation.
Over the course of history, there have been many fascinating inventions. Some inventions for good, and some inventions for bad.
Other subjects include meteorology, oceanography, geography, archeology, paleontology, botany, horticulture, art, literature, instrumental music.
Then there are craft subjects such as woodworking, metalworking, auto/diesel/marine/aircraft/ machinery mechanics, ceramics, glass, beads, needlecraft, leathercraft, stonecraft, electronics, computers, photography. etc, etc. Mind you, they need not necessarily be these subjects, but
I just don't see much interest in alternative topics that are of a more practical and useful nature comprising of knowledge and skills which can be beneficial towards generating productivity and thus income.
I cannot help but wonder how the world expects to continue if it so chooses to continue on the course that it is presently on.

Good to know sir smile Why don't you add to the discussion boards part of what you want to see?
Like leading by examples c: I like all those things you listed though.
So, which part of astronomy would you like to discuss?
I'm interested in the fact that a >lot< of years from now, Saturn won't have its rock ring anymore.
For the record, everyone seems to think that Scorpio is all about sex.
"SEX SEX SEX and MORE SEX" is about all the visitors seem to be interested in.
And of course some sort dash of insanity to the topical discussion.
"INSANE SEX!! YIPPIE!" becomes "WHAT'S HE THINKING?" to become "I HATE HIM!"
^^ That's generally how it goes, over and over and over again.
Some think they are clever and come back as an alternate persona with a different user name
and not realizing that they stand out like a sore thumb.
I place the blame squarely on the ignorant astrological cat ladies and the crazies that
blindly believe them.
Posted by beautifuldiaster
How about this.

How society and culture provides as the soil in which our seed grows from?
Where are you from and do you find certain attributes linked to your surroundings?

BTW - I SO AGREE. LOVING THIS POST! rock on dj - youre becoming my fav.

"How society and culture provides as the soil in which our seed grows from?"
I can see what you're attempting to say, but onions don't grow from oak tree seeds
regardless the soil in which it is planted.
However, if you plant a given seed in the proper soil, in the proper climatic region,
it is sure to grow and mature, properly. However, when it is NOT grown in the proper
region, in the proper soil, it's certainly going to struggle.
Indeed, the same is true for people.
I sometimes say that while everyone is given the opportunity to drive a car, not everyone is
meant to drive a car, let alone a big semi tractor trailer truck, just like not everyone
is meant to be a brain surgeon, lawyer, scientist, artist, machinist, etc., etc..
Not all women are meant to be mothers, nor men, fathers, but, many do and have no business
raising kids because they lack BIG time in other areas that affect quality, effective and
productive childrearing.
Unfortunately, people don't learn this until after they have kids. And the kids suffer.
Likewise, just as not everyone should be allowed to drive, not everyone should be allowed to raise kids. Before anyone jumps on my case about that, I will say this: Kids are the future, just as they
always have been in the past. IF you raise them to be hateful and disrespectful, when you are old
you can expect to be treated thus by your children and grandchildren. Therefore it is NOT enough
that you raise your kids right, but demand that other parents raise theirs right, too. Problem is
in the US, it's a free for all. It has a "do as you damned well please". This attitude simply cannot
keep going on. To do so is the same as planting seeds of weeds and thistles and thorns in the vegetable garden and fruit orchard and the nut forest.

Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by MrFirebird
Instead of the mind-numbing regurgitation of this or that astro-sign compatibility, this or that
sex position, and this or that relationship, this or that racism blah blah blah, porn, cheap music, etc., I honestly would much rather see more intelligent and enlightening topics on other subjects.
I cannot help but wonder how the world expects to continue if it so chooses to continue on the course that it is presently on.

Pink one. Let's go!!! I like oceanography, botany, horticulture, art, music, literature...

One issue I see lies in our prison system here in USA. They are treated better than our elderly, does not concern anyone? It should. Seeing as a huge chuck of our raped taxes pay for both.
Another. Gene splitting. GMO foods and the irreversible damage it could have on our world.Creating and mutating existing genes is bound to backfire - wait for it.

Antibiotics. They help but they create worse bacteria... good and bad. The over prescribing of antibiotics..
how about vaccines....
or the antibiotics in our food or hormones in our water and food supply... come on let's hit it!

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I don't disagree. I think biotechnology has gone down some pretty dark paths that will prove disastrous to future land and sea sourced food supply. I blame much of this on political extremism
and rhetoric based on unfounded fears which the people bought into.
All these things only add to the stressors people deal with, already.
In the US the enviromentalists have successfully pushed out the manufacturing industry, which is almost gone, by previous generation's standards. In it's wake, we have found more unemployed and jobless people, increase in crime and suicides. Also, the smog they were so determined to berid
themselves of, only moved to places like China. The smog is still there. Nothing's changed for the better. Also, China is quietly growing economically and slowly but surely, militarily. Time will reveal, for certain, how it all plays out.
DXP, the Cosmo of the astrology world...
Posted by beautifuldiaster
However, if you plant a given seed in the proper soil, in the proper climatic region,
it is sure to grow and mature, properly. However, when it is NOT grown in the proper
region, in the proper soil, it's certainly going to struggle.
Indeed, the same is true for people.
'A tree that grows alone, if it grows at all, grows the strongest"
I agree. But within these circumstances in which seeds are planted in the wrong soil (climate, location, time etc) those seeds will gain the strongest source of vitality by surviving in it.

To some extent, yes, but then, not necessarily as trees have been known to fall because they were
planted in the wrong place. I know of an old and huge pine tree that fell to strong wind because
it's roots were shallow and didn't go deep.
It took out about 20% of the house on the property, but it was ultimately cut up and burned.
The tallest trees in the world are also among some of the oldest and they are found in a very specific location.
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by MrFirebird
Instead of the mind-numbing regurgitation of this or that astro-sign compatibility, this or that
sex position, and this or that relationship, this or that racism blah blah blah, porn, cheap music, etc., I honestly would much rather see more intelligent and enlightening topics on other subjects.
I cannot help but wonder how the world expects to continue if it so chooses to continue on the course that it is presently on.

Pink one. Let's go!!! I like oceanography, botany, horticulture, art, music, literature...

I don't disagree. [etc.]

I did a thesis on how industrialism has hindered our economy but is another way has it not strengthened our environment?
yes yes
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Not really.
You see, so far as smog in the US goes, it's still in the air, albeit thinned out and spread across the globe. It used to be that there was heavy concentration of automotive/industrial/coal and oil based smog in many major metro-cities that it looked like brown fog. That's partially what was freaking everyone out and why the EPA was established.
Instead of relocating and spreading out the operations across the country, they moved it overseas.
As a result, for lack of work, increase in violent crime, suicides, unhealthy lifestyles and risky behavior, and for lack of income, lack of healthcare, and idle hands, has basically, and quietly, resulted in more deaths. The silent killer being the US Government and the misguided and greedy politicians, special interest and advocacy groups, thereof. It's called population control, and it's all documented.
As time passes, conditions are going to get worse. A lot worse. Unimaginably worse.
I don't like to speak like that, but I really don't have a choice and I just understand how just about everything falls in place as it has been foretold and echoed over thousands of years.
width="420" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7cylfQtkDg"
Posted by beautifuldiaster
But how do we change these things, DJ?
I ask everyone all the time how to change the world one small way to another... do you see any hope in it?

Treat others the way you want to be treated.
If you want to be treated well, treat others well.
If you want to be treated poorly, treat others poorly.
If you want to be treated harshly, treat others harshly.
Nevertheless, treat others the way you want to be treated.
How do you want to be treated?
width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFCqDF-3LaE"
width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvCwj8NWclc"
width="420" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyNXeCfPB2U"
width="420" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJa0byWuhpU"
width="420" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyHBbg_uFkw"
width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieBNKL5xM7U"
width="420" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XGsJ-0xsiE"
width="420" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf4p2scmx_o"
width="420" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87D92UGBKZw"
width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnscTN3MSW0"
width="420" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2KHYm4IYB8"
width="420" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAob4I0asnk"
width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJOIqmlI65Y"
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by MrFirebird
How do you want to be treated?

I ask for freedom to be who I am, unequivocally free.
For explanations when I am offensive.
To be called out when I am wrong in a decent manner. NOT belittled or ridiculed.

How do you want to be treated?

Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by beautifuldiaster
But how do we change these things, DJ?
I ask everyone all the time how to change the world one small way to another... do you see any hope in it?

Treat others the way you want to be treated.
If you want to be treated well, treat others well.
If you want to be treated poorly, treat others poorly.
If you want to be treated harshly, treat others harshly.
Nevertheless, treat others the way you want to be treated.

I heard once that you SHOULD NOT treat others the way you want to be treated. Not everyone wants to be treated the same way... so I corrected it to, Treat everyone the way they want to be treated."
I am a fan of this. Be good. Do good. And all is good.

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Just because someone's behavior suggest that they want to be treated like trash, doesn't
necessarily mean they should be treated like trash. Sometimes, what people want, isn't necessarily
what they need. But then, that's sometimes.
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by MrFirebird
How do you want to be treated?

I ask for freedom to be who I am, unequivocally free.
For explanations when I am offensive.
To be called out when I am wrong in a decent manner. NOT belittled or ridiculed.
How do you want to be treated?
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Sometimes, coddling doesn't work with some people. People who are determined to be offensive
to others can be assured that somewhere, someone's goin' to put them in their place.
You see, nothing wrong with exercising your freedom to be yourself, but you must exercise
wisdom in governing yourself so that you won't have to be called out in a way that you don't like.
If you don't govern your own behavior, you cannot expect for others that do, to want your company.
Again, treat others the way you want to be treated.
To quote a deodorant advertisement: "The best defense is not to offend"

Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by MrFirebird
How do you want to be treated?

I ask for freedom to be who I am, unequivocally free.
For explanations when I am offensive.
To be called out when I am wrong in a decent manner. NOT belittled or ridiculed.
How do you want to be treated?

Sometimes, coddling doesn't work with some people. People who are determined to be offensive
to others can be assured that somewhere, someone's goin' to put them in their place.
You see, nothing wrong with exercising your freedom to be yourself, but you must exercise
wisdom in governing yourself so that you won't have to be called out in a way that you don't like.
If you don't govern your own behavior, you cannot expect for others that do, to want your company.
Again, treat others the way you want to be treated.
To quote a deodorant advertisement: "The best defense is not to offend"

Fair enough.
I treat everyone as I feel they need... which I admit is not always best.
I disagree about offending, some people need tough love, others gentle motivation.. I prefer to be called out point blank in black and white. I respect it even.
And also, I make as many friends as I do enemies. I read last night in order to help someone you must first question your own motive, could you be narrow minded or do you talk in absolutes? It is touch and feel. I say what I believe and I am incorporating in my advice that I could be wrong and that seems to help.

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You do what you want, but if it blows up in your face, don't say I didn't warn you.
It's easy to see the problems with the world. The problem is how do you convince every human mind on the planet to change? Is it even possible? Do humans even possess control, or is that an element we've never had. Or maybe it was an element that was take away early in existence.
When the whole world is insane, those who speak logic are outcasts.
Life in the human realm has never been normal or peaceful. It's deranged and selfish compared to the nature we build away from. It makes you wonder if life itself is evil, or what the true reason for experiencing life really is.
Posted by Soul
It's easy to see the problems with the world. The problem is how do you convince every human mind on the planet to change? Is it even possible? Do humans even possess control, or is that an element we've never had. Or maybe it was an element that was take away early in existence.
When the whole world is insane, those who speak logic are outcasts.
Life in the human realm has never been normal or peaceful.
It's deranged and selfish compared to the nature we
build away from.

It makes you wonder if life itself is evil, or what the true reason for experiencing life really is.

The nature *who* builds away from? smile

Posted by Montgomery
Posted by Soul
It's easy to see the problems with the world. The problem is how do you convince every human mind on the planet to change? Is it even possible? Do humans even possess control, or is that an element we've never had. Or maybe it was an element that was take away early in existence.
When the whole world is insane, those who speak logic are outcasts.
Life in the human realm has never been normal or peaceful.
It's deranged and selfish compared to the nature we
build away from.

It makes you wonder if life itself is evil, or what the true reason for experiencing life really is.

The nature *who* builds away from? smile

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I'm speaking of humans as a whole rather then the few who love and respect nature.
Cities put up their walls then forget their roots with nature, and humans consume faster then they can relate.
I was a bit drunk last night so maybe I just had somthing heavy to get off my chest. Who knows lol.
Mother nature set me free,
Let me float around the sea,
Decompose upon the shore,
Recreate the site of war,
Food at mothers door.
I hope that nature gets my remains,
And to you that sounds insane,
But our mothers feeling feint,
Human creatures fester taint,
Then fill up a plate.
Hey coyotes will eat small pets and children. I personally don't hunt them, and love hearing them at night when I camp.
I don't condemned those who hunt tjem however. Most areas the coyote has no predators except humans. If their population got too large they would destroy the ecosystem.
When humans do their part to maintain the ecosystem for weaker and less viscous animals that's fine in my opinion.
I only hunt animals I want to eat. I always thank the creature and bless it's spirit as it dies. Lately however I find it hard to justify killing anything for food when I can go to the store and buy somthing already dead. No need for meaningless death upon nature in my personal opinion.
Lol I'm not going to cry you anything.
Do I have control of you? No.
Do I care what you see as righteous? No.
You can think, say, and do whatever you want. I could care less lol.
Don't get too arrogant. Might fall down a hurt yourself. Maybe get your face chewed off by these animals. Maybe even freeze to death. Your heart would know no difference.
Horticulture... I have around 80 houseplants. What do you want to discuss? Lol
It's not like your killing a majestic animal like a wolf. Coyotes are known to be bad for the ecosystem. Their big enough to need a decent amount of food to manage their weight, but not efficient enough to kill dear like a wolf. They mostly pray on small mammals, and since their so big they eat LOTS of small animals. Not just one, but the whole pack.
It's funny you feel like a ruthless hunter when really your doing fluffy rabbits and baby dear a favor.
I'm a British Airways 747-400 pilot in my spare time.
Nice ^
What's it's like being a pilot? I bet it like nothing else.
It's amazing. It's like strapping on a 4 engined rocket and hurtling myself to the edge of space.
I love it smile
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by Eris
Horticulture... I have around 80 houseplants. What do you want to discuss? Lol

Haha. That sounds like me. Started growing herbs. Cilantro, thyme, Rosemary, etc.
only plant I keep killing is an orchid.
Makes the home so much more peaceful and comfortable: )
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I would love to have an orchid... I've been too scared to try always having wood heat... It just fluctuates too much.
The plants I keep killing? The apparent easier ones. English ivy and spider plant...wtf? Lol
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by Eris
Horticulture... I have around 80 houseplants. What do you want to discuss? Lol

Haha. That sounds like me. Started growing herbs. Cilantro, thyme, Rosemary, etc.
only plant I keep killing is an orchid.
Makes the home so much more peaceful and comfortable: )
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Yes, so peaceful. I want my house to look like a jungle. There will never be enough.
Is it an addiction for you too? I am always bringing more home... I can't stop myself. The plants take priority over furniture.
When I look at houses I check out which direction the windows are facing first lol good thing my man is concerned with the other "important" things
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by Eris
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by Eris
Horticulture... I have around 80 houseplants. What do you want to discuss? Lol

Haha. That sounds like me. Started growing herbs. Cilantro, thyme, Rosemary, etc.
only plant I keep killing is an orchid.
Makes the home so much more peaceful and comfortable: )

I would love to have an orchid... I've been too scared to try always having wood heat... It just fluctuates too much.
The plants I keep killing? The apparent easier ones. English ivy and spider plant...wtf? Lol

Ivy? lol. They prefer being outside and in direct sunlight. I used a couple wire clothes hangers for it to follow near my patio window and it went so crazy I had to root it and plant it elsewhere!!
The orchid has a weird life, I heard you an just throw an ice cube in it once a week because they require little pruning. But very beautiful !!!

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Ivy is an indoor plant where I live. I'd love to have it outside.
An ice cube? Weird lol I'm going to get an orchid this year and try it out.