What is Love? What is Hate? What is Indifference?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by TheLadyScorpio on Thursday, May 16, 2013 and has 13 replies.
Attempting big questions? Perhaps, share your definitions or your point of view, anything is welcome smile
Ex. Is Love/Hate, mutually exclusive? Can we Love 'too' much? Indifference in opposition to it all? etc.
Lol I knew Tiz was going to be 1 of the 1st posters on this thread. Libras & l o v e.
Posted by WaterCup
Lol I knew Tiz was going to be 1 of the 1st posters on this thread. Libras & l o v e.

*waves at WC*
Absolutely true, my Libran best mate would write songs after songs on it (shakes my head at all his Gemini bits that may contribute to it) and he could go on for days!
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by WaterCup
Lol I knew Tiz was going to be 1 of the 1st posters on this thread. Libras & l o v e.

*waves at WC*
Absolutely true, my Libran best mate would write songs after songs on it (shakes my head at all his Gemini bits that may contribute to it) and he could go on for days!
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hey girl smile
have you noticed 1 strange thing about astrology & sun sign. I'll give an example using libra & aquarius. Aquarius is a sign of friendship, but aquas suck at friendship or as friends. Libra is a sign of all things love or w/e, but most suck at relationships.
Good for you, Tiz. Cash up!! Kching
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by WaterCup
Lol I knew Tiz was going to be 1 of the 1st posters on this thread. Libras & l o v e.

*waves at WC*
Absolutely true, my Libran best mate would write songs after songs on it (shakes my head at all his Gemini bits that may contribute to it) and he could go on for days!

hey girl smile
have you noticed 1 strange thing about astrology & sun sign. I'll give an example using libra & aquarius. Aquarius is a sign of friendship, but aquas suck at friendship or as friends. Libra is a sign of all things love or w/e, but most suck at relationships.
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Very true, maybe these are the life lessons we go through so we can offer our insight to other sun signs? The many Aquas I knew, suck at friendship but had many aquantainces, always hear them complaining how nobody was true nor close (but humanity is the rule of the day!) In regards to Libra, unfortunately yes, never much success in relationships, hearing them lament on the pains, within songs, poems, it does get a bit much at times but once they are in love, they are in love. Though I sometimes wonder are they in love with love or they love?
(all blanketing general statements of course)
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by WaterCup

hey girl smile
have you noticed 1 strange thing about astrology & sun sign. I'll give an example using libra & aquarius. Aquarius is a sign of friendship, but aquas suck at friendship or as friends. Libra is a sign of all things love or w/e, but most suck at relationships.

Hi smile
Well, I'm not a great friend. I mean, I AM when it counts...I'll always be there. But I'm not good with the continual upkeep: returning phone calls, messages, emails...when I'm distracted or emotionally destabilized I disappear. It's best that people who are my friends understand what I'm all about.

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lol i know, right? Upkeeping a friendship is hard work..too hard. It almost feels like an obligation. Hate that. I prefer easy-to-drop friends, ie. strangers you just meet, have a friendly chat with & never see them again. Oh & give them a fake # when they try to "meet you again".
Hate and love are two sides of the same coin, two separate ends of a spectrum. They're simply another pair of opposites in our world- they run together and constantly fluctuate in our thoughts to the point where we can become confused and forget about logic altogether. Indifference is either not knowing, or not being involved enough to care. If one is involved they may be somewhere floating between love and hate, but our opinions may disable us from being entirely indifferent.
It's hard to define the entire essence of the two words, none of us know for certain why love and hate exist within us. Just as good and evil are hard to ascertain- it's an ever-lasting battle in our minds.
In fact, not one human being should define or label their feelings. Emotion just is, we just are, we are on par, and we understand less than half of what we believe we do.
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by WaterCup

lol i know, right? Upkeeping a friendship is hard work..too hard. It almost feels like an obligation. Hate that. I prefer easy-to-drop friends, ie. strangers you just meet, have a friendly chat with & never see them again. Oh & give them a fake # when they try to "meet you again".

Well, I like more than that LOL, but that is good too. Big Grin
I remember that time I apologized to you something along those lines and you set me straight. No looking back smile
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Sad i dont know what to say to that, but thats just who i am. Sorry, I guess. But hey, you have lots of friends here anyway, so whatever lol
Cool smile
Sometimes I feel like they're the same thing one can go from loving to hating pretty quickly it's the same emotional response. It's like people just don't want to admit it because hating is considered taboo. To be emotionally invested in someone to me will usually result in love or hate. When you have no choice to have a person in your life like workmates to not care at all would result to indifference. If they plain don't matter to you then they simply don't exist.
PS WC! Where've ya been lady?
Aquasnoz, i've been here. Where have you been? Its been a while, man. You all are becoming like aqualad, we hardly see you.
Tiz smile libras & their nice words. Feb says #ramsallday & im the opposite of that, i like my leebs all night Winking
haha I'm around just hiding out of the public lime light Tongue Now Aqualad certainly is the phantom lol!

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