What’s harder

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by WoolyLabia on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 and has 16 replies.
Friends to Relationship


Friends with Benefits to Relationship
Just pretend we have options
I don't think FWB is even likely to lead to relationship. You already have the good parts of it so why even bother changing something?
Posted by PhoenixSag
I don't think FWB is even likely to lead to relationship. You already have the good parts of it so why even bother changing something?
Because some people find the arrangement vacuous and unfulfilling?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by PhoenixSag
I don't think FWB is even likely to lead to relationship. You already have the good parts of it so why even bother changing something?

Because some people find the arrangement vacuous and unfulfilling?
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Yeah but...if those people are involved, they wouldn't indulge in that kind of relationship in the first place don't you think? Or if it's one sided, it's not very likely that both parties would actually want a relationship but that they would first start as FWB. Just my impression of it. If someone wanted me for that only, I'd never trust them to want a real relationship with me afterwards cause if they did, they would have from the start...
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by PhoenixSag
I don't think FWB is even likely to lead to relationship. You already have the good parts of it so why even bother changing something?

Because some people find the arrangement vacuous and unfulfilling?
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Yeah but...if those people are involved, they wouldn't indulge in that kind of relationship in the first place don't you think? Or if it's one sided, it's not very likely that both parties would actually want a relationship but that they would first start as FWB. Just my impression of it. If someone wanted me for that only, I'd never trust them to want a real relationship with me afterwards cause if they did, they would have from the start...
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But people’s feelings can change and deepen
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by PhoenixSag
I don't think FWB is even likely to lead to relationship. You already have the good parts of it so why even bother changing something?

Because some people find the arrangement vacuous and unfulfilling?
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Yeah but...if those people are involved, they wouldn't indulge in that kind of relationship in the first place don't you think? Or if it's one sided, it's not very likely that both parties would actually want a relationship but that they would first start as FWB. Just my impression of it. If someone wanted me for that only, I'd never trust them to want a real relationship with me afterwards cause if they did, they would have from the start...
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But people’s feelings can change and deepen
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Absolutely...I'm just saying it from my own perspective, I could never trust someone who at first saw me only valuable for sex, but not a real relationship. They would have to do wonders to gain my trust
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by PhoenixSag
I don't think FWB is even likely to lead to relationship. You already have the good parts of it so why even bother changing something?

Because some people find the arrangement vacuous and unfulfilling?
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Yeah but...if those people are involved, they wouldn't indulge in that kind of relationship in the first place don't you think? Or if it's one sided, it's not very likely that both parties would actually want a relationship but that they would first start as FWB. Just my impression of it. If someone wanted me for that only, I'd never trust them to want a real relationship with me afterwards cause if they did, they would have from the start...
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But people’s feelings can change and deepen
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Absolutely...I'm just saying it from my own perspective, I could never trust someone who at first saw me only valuable for sex, but not a real relationship. They would have to do wonders to gain my trust
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Oh I see … yes I’d be the same
Friends to relationship is way harder
friends to relationship is easier and is actually the best case scenario. (assuming that there’s at least *some* attraction between the two people).

most long lasting couples i know were somewhat friends before lovers. including my own case.

i feel like a certain level of friendship (that feeling of “gee, i can see myself genuinely liking this person without sex being involved.”) is actually required for a successful long-lasting relationship.

cuz lust and mere sexual attraction are both fleeting and short-term. anyone can have sex if they have a pulse.

but a friendship/a genuine admiration for who they are as a person is much more enduring.

fwb to relationship…..i’ve never done those in my life so i dunno the exact success/failure rate of something like that.

but i feel like if someone really respected you, they wouldn’t make you an fwb to begin with. like, they wouldn’t assign that role to you in the first place and risk losing you.

i might catch some heat for saying this but when all is said and done, i feel like fwb is just another form of keeping someone at arm’s length because you don’t want anything to do with them beyond the superficial. :/
Posted by PhoenixSag
I don't think FWB is even likely to lead to relationship. You already have the good parts of it so why even bother changing something?
How was your date? Did you go to Olive Garden?
Posted by CoCoBeans
How was your date? Did you go to Olive Garden?
She came over


She said she was running out of saliva so I stopped

I thought she would be dtf again later but ugh Pisces mars

She’s like a coffee heiress which is odd coz she doesn’t look slutty at all not even sexual

She’s like a fluffy panda stuffed toy

We went to the same school but maybe I went 19 years before lol

We had dinner I cooked rice she didn’t eat coz she was chubby and trying to lose weight so she just ate the chicken

Walked around went to see midget boxing but the place was kinda packed with hookers and passport bros

Watched an episode of the white lotus back at my place and fell asleep

I don’t think she was into me in the morning or maybe not at all 🤣
Relationship to infinity is really hard 🤭
Posted by Walk_on_by
Posted by PhoenixSag
I don't think FWB is even likely to lead to relationship. You already have the good parts of it so why even bother changing something?

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That would be utterly stupid thing to allow in FWB
Friends to Relationship