Or if you only have one sibling how are they as a sister or brother are they a good sister or brother or no? and what’s their sign and yours?
Like are they supportive, have your back or loving or whatever or are they selfish mean jealous assholes or whatever their issue is
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Dec 17, 2013Comments: 372 · Posts: 6468 · Topics: 165
Disclaimer: I love all my siblings.
That being said - I'm fairly certain that the two Aries are both pathological liars, which I don't like.
As for my "favorite".. idk. The least problematic ones are probably the Gemini & the Aquarius/Pisces cusper.
I'm a Virgo.
Edited to add: I'm one of 10, so I have 9 siblings. The ones I haven't mentioned above are Cancer (x 3), Leo, and Libra.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36350 · Posts: 40820 · Topics: 321
I’d one sister who passed on
She was a difficult person and didn’t treat our family well. She’d a lot of inner conflict which she didn’t seem to resolve
Leo Sun/Venus/Mercury
Scorpio Moon
She’d a lot of squares in her chart
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36350 · Posts: 40820 · Topics: 321
I’m a Scorpio (stellium in 7)
Taurus moon
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Jul 24, 2019Comments: 3596 · Posts: 7865 · Topics: 94
My favorite is my gemini sister
Mt least favorite is my Aries sister
I'm a gemini
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Nov 16, 2023Comments: 760 · Posts: 608 · Topics: 10
Only a Libra brother, he's fine - a bit vain but to be expected.
I'm Scorpio all the way.
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Mar 04, 2021Comments: 3163 · Posts: 1207 · Topics: 0
Virgo brother and I are very close. Libra brother doesn’t understand me nor I him.
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Jan 22, 2023Comments: 675 · Posts: 907 · Topics: 5
I am not close to my Aquarius sister. She’s a hypocrite and extremely judgmental, while simultaneously making the worst possible decisions for herself somehow
I am very close to my Leo brother, we see eye to eye on most everything and were able to salvage our relationship after so many years of my father trying turn us against each other (also aqua)
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
We’re all Sagittarius.
So Sagittarius
Looks like these Aries siblings are getting bad wraps 😭 😩 it's not surprising
I'm an only capricorn child so I can't answer but it's funny to see some of these answers
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Jan 15, 2014Comments: 1643 · Posts: 2158 · Topics: 139
I have a Leo and pisces brother. I didn't much get along with Leo, mostly because he does have a cancer moon but I didn't really know why we never got along until he morphed more into being Cancer -like. He treated me like shit many times, which is not surprising. Im sure the Pisces bro is changing in his own ways as well. People change over time but I'm still close with them as I try to be. Closer with Pisces but I don't really know, they're both different. I respect them but I have my own issues.
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Aug 14, 2018Comments: 14393 · Posts: 2602 · Topics: 87
My favorite sister is dead, she was a Sag. My least favorite sister is her twin...she is still alive...so.... yeah 😂
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Jun 02, 2021Comments: 852 · Posts: 1100 · Topics: 34
All my siblings are good. They are mostly water and earth.
Bro(Water) Bro(water) Bro(water) Bro(water) Sis(water) Bro(Earth)
I have a sibling and 3 half siblings.
My brother is a Leo/Sag, easily my favourite. He is 5 years older than me and had a lot of influence in me while growing up (I have Sun in 3rd, Gemini Mercury ruling the 3rd in the 2nd) which probably gives the impression that we have a lot in common, like how our way of speaking is similar for example because I grew up mimicking him so I adopted all my boyish manners from him.
My oldest half brother is a Virgo/Taurus, we have a fine relationship but he is like 39 years older than me lol so no much in common, gets along great with my Cap/Cap mother though (another boomer), same penchant for talking in circles about the most mundane subjects so kinda boring? They phone each other regularly to speak like the old ladies they are.
My other half brother is an Aqua/Cap. He is Virgo's brother and about 30 years older than me, but he may be my 2nd favourite. He was also my father's (Leo/Pisces) favourite son for good reasons, he is very calm and noble like my Leo/Sag brother and to a certain extent the Virgo, and my father respected that he forged his own path with more or less success, while he messed with the Virgo's head too much to push him to do the same.
My half-sister is an Aries/Gem. She is about 17 years older than me and was the result of my father's second marriage (his first wife died and he divorced his 2nd one amicably). She grew very spoiled, and is quite extroverted and vain so we don't have much in common, but she was quite involved as a sister until she got married. She is everyone's least favourite (none of my brothers is in contact with her since our father died) and while I don't have an issue with her, I would admit she is a bit too fickle and unreliable.
I'm a Cancer/Virgo.
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Feb 21, 2015Comments: 2009 · Posts: 14503 · Topics: 0
My favourite sibling is my Aquarius sister. She’s not just my favourite sibling but also my favourite person(just like my mom😁)She’s pretty much all air! We are pretty tight! We play all the possible roles in each other’s lives😂We hardly have any disagreements…if ever and have always been there for eachother🧿
My other sibling is a Scorpio and we are not the best of friends ! She’s a Scorpio Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto, Capricorn Asc with Virgo Moon and Venus! She’s too much into herself but she does care sometimes…I guess lol! She can’t “feel” love and lacks empathy in general. I don’t know how else to put it but she is not very affectionate and for her, everyone and everything comes after her. She is super jealous and competitive. Everything…literally everything has to be a competition for her. But I can’t not love her! I just am not super close with her but won’t leave her side either because she can’t get along with a lot of people and always falls back on me! She’s a taker and I know she only comes to me when she needs something but I kinda made peace with that!
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Mar 06, 2022Comments: 10858 · Posts: 4137 · Topics: 50
I have an Aqua brother and ew, just ew! 🤢
Self righteous, stubborn, stingy (lots of Capricorn planets), hypocrite and on top of everything sensitive (Pisces moon). Also, strange. Strange beliefs. Aqua are strange folks. I’ll never understand them. I don’t think I’d like to be with an Aqua man 😑
I'm a Gemini Sun / Scorpio Moon.
2 brothers, about a year and a half between each of us, so we grew up close. I'm the oldest.
One is Sag Sun / Taurus Moon, the youngest is Leo Sun / Sag Moon. They are both awesome borthers, I get along with both if them really well, they always have my back. I'm really close to the youngest, the Leo.
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Apr 10, 2023Comments: 1126 · Posts: 1613 · Topics: 25
Who are you and why are you gathering all this data? Will you be paying us for the data you've gathered?