What's your Saturn and does it represent your biggest fears and insecurities?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by bricklemark on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 and has 41 replies.
In the big sheme of things, what you're scared of, what makes you uncomfortable, I'm pretty sure it's your Saturn. My biggest fear is everything going wrong, and not getting enough recognition or "praise" for my efforts...Leo Saturn.
Sometimes death. Normally in phases I eventually force myself to get over, since in tye end what choice do I really have lol

Also the truth sometimes. I like the unsolved mysteries in life, and also hobbies that can't be mastered. Once you've solved the mystery or mastered something nothing is left to discover. It just ends which I dread, so it somewhat goes with the first one.

Sometimes get filled with an intense fear that makes me wake up out of a sound sleep, not want to exit my room, or quickly leave a room because something dark is watching/waiting. I can't explain it

Idk if Saturn has to do with it but it's in Capricorn
7th house
Posted by Soul
Sometimes death. Normally in phases I eventually force myself to get over, since in tye end what choice do I really have lol

Also the truth sometimes. I like the unsolved mysteries in life, and also hobbies that can't be mastered. Once you've solved the mystery or mastered something nothing is left to discover. It just ends which I dread, so it somewhat goes with the first one.

Sometimes get filled with an intense fear that makes me wake up out of a sound sleep, not want to exit my room, or quickly leave a room because something dark is watching/waiting. I can't explain it

Idk if Saturn has to do with it but it's in Capricorn
7th house

Sounds more like scorpio...
Posted by channingtatumsneck
saturn in scorpio.

yes pretty much. death.

Damn i wouldnt have thought...I guess it makes sense.. But my idea was that Scorpio wass more afraid of occult things, spiritual things. Because death is it's domain, it's what's beyond that should scare them. IDK
Most of my fears are silly things like ghosts or physical pain. I suppose I'm also afraid of working at a job or in a group and letting everyone down due to lacking certain skills or being unable to catch on. I want to be reliable and independent, especially since I'm rather hard on myself if I fail at something. I'm not quite sure if that relates to my saturn placement or not. I can't seem to connect the dots to this one.
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Soul
Sometimes death. Normally in phases I eventually force myself to get over, since in tye end what choice do I really have lol

Also the truth sometimes. I like the unsolved mysteries in life, and also hobbies that can't be mastered. Once you've solved the mystery or mastered something nothing is left to discover. It just ends which I dread, so it somewhat goes with the first one.

Sometimes get filled with an intense fear that makes me wake up out of a sound sleep, not want to exit my room, or quickly leave a room because something dark is watching/waiting. I can't explain it

Idk if Saturn has to do with it but it's in Capricorn
7th house

Sounds more like scorpio...
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I do have a strong Scorpio moon and Pluto placement.

Lilith also.
Am so scared of loosing my source of income, that's my biggest fear....I can't imagine how to survive without money

Saturn in capricon
Posted by dontgetmewrong
What is virgo saturn afraid of?

Fear of things not going smoothly, fear of not being organised....
Posted by Scenic
Most of my fears are silly things like ghosts or physical pain. I suppose I'm also afraid of working at a job or in a group and letting everyone down due to lacking certain skills or being unable to catch on. I want to be reliable and independent, especially since I'm rather hard on myself if I fail at something. I'm not quite sure if that relates to my saturn placement or not. I can't seem to connect the dots to this one.

Well what is your saturn? lol im not a mind reader...
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Scenic
Most of my fears are silly things like ghosts or physical pain. I suppose I'm also afraid of working at a job or in a group and letting everyone down due to lacking certain skills or being unable to catch on. I want to be reliable and independent, especially since I'm rather hard on myself if I fail at something. I'm not quite sure if that relates to my saturn placement or not. I can't seem to connect the dots to this one.

Well what is your saturn? lol im not a mind reader...
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Posted by Scenic
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Scenic
Most of my fears are silly things like ghosts or physical pain. I suppose I'm also afraid of working at a job or in a group and letting everyone down due to lacking certain skills or being unable to catch on. I want to be reliable and independent, especially since I'm rather hard on myself if I fail at something. I'm not quite sure if that relates to my saturn placement or not. I can't seem to connect the dots to this one.

Well what is your saturn? lol im not a mind reader...

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Your first thought counts i would say....ghosts...aquarius is aliens....so probably ghosts too. The etherical occult.
Saturn in Capricorn... dunno what it means. Straight Face
Apparently I'm a power hungry, egotistical dictator.
Posted by RainDancer
Saturn in Capricorn!!!!

My biggest fear is a pot of caterpillars.


Posted by exxtasyx
Saturn in Pisces in the 4th House.

My biggest fear is Death. Burning in Hell for eternity because I'm not religious and don't follow the bible. Not ever getting out. Eternal torment. I literally obsessed about this as a child so much it sometimes made me physically sick.

User Submitted Image

Same here actually....
Posted by littlemegabyte
Also Saturn is second ruling planet, I don't know if that plays much a role in my self or not.

Idk what that means, but it's perfectly consistent wt sat cap!
Posted by littlemegabyte
So many people fear Death. Yet I see it as peaceful, necessary, and remarkable. And I mean that in the least dark and morbid way possible lol.

Actually past Scorpio it's not really a fear of death, but of ethereal things, ghosts...hell...Cap is where Saturn is most at home so it's a fear of professional failure, smth like that.
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.

Do you have any aspects to Saturn?
Posted by dontgetmewrong
What is virgo saturn afraid of?

I have virgo saturn as well.

My bigger fears are being caught unaware/blindsided/ill prepared, and seeming unknowledgeable
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.

Do you have any aspects to Saturn?
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Sagittarius in 6th house, saturn, and uranus
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.

Do you have any aspects to Saturn?
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Looked up what aspects were lol. Now I should have the right info

Sun Trine Saturn 0°19
Moon Trine Saturn 0°54
Mercury Trine Saturn 4°40
Saturn Trine Ascendant 4°37
Posted by Kodak375
I think of death as "fuckkkkk finally I can get some sleep, I don't have to get out of bed anymore." hahaha

.....aaaaand whats your sat? Sign and house
Posted by Redbull
I dont know about biggest fears but big factors for me are
1.getting in over my head in something. I tend to take my time and be cautious and not "do too much". A lot of times I just avoid instead of take a risk. But I am a risk taker if it seems like the move and a beneficial idea/plan.
2. Somehow being without what I deem I need. Like being somehow with not enough. I sacrificed time and energy and cashed out and bought a house with no mortgage that was vital to do it that way for me. Had to be patient and work with what I had and keep going.
Cancer Saturn I believe in 10th.

How old r u? To afford that????
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.

Do you have any aspects to Saturn?

Looked up what aspects were lol. Now I should have the right info

Sun Trine Saturn 0°19
Moon Trine Saturn 0°54
Mercury Trine Saturn 4°40
Saturn Trine Ascendant 4°37

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Thank you lol. Thats amazing....are tey all conjunct? Sun moon merc asc?
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.

Do you have any aspects to Saturn?

Looked up what aspects were lol. Now I should have the right info

Sun Trine Saturn 0°19
Moon Trine Saturn 0°54
Mercury Trine Saturn 4°40
Saturn Trine Ascendant 4°37

Thank you lol. Thats amazing....are tey all conjunct? Sun moon merc asc?
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Does it mean anything ?

Sun Trine Moon 1°13
Sun Conjunction Mercury 4°21
Sun Conjunction Ascendant 4°19
Moon Trine Mercury 5°34
Moon Trine Ascendant 5°31
Mercury Conjunction Ascendant 0°03
Posted by Redbull
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Redbull
I dont know about biggest fears but big factors for me are
1.getting in over my head in something. I tend to take my time and be cautious and not "do too much". A lot of times I just avoid instead of take a risk. But I am a risk taker if it seems like the move and a beneficial idea/plan.
2. Somehow being without what I deem I need. Like being somehow with not enough. I sacrificed time and energy and cashed out and bought a house with no mortgage that was vital to do it that way for me. Had to be patient and work with what I had and keep going.
Cancer Saturn I believe in 10th.

How old r u? To afford that????

Oh late 30s. It definitely took a while and It definitely wasnt just me people assisted me along the way but I did my part. Its a renovation project. I had a mortgage before things didnt work out with that house Some are able to do it that way better.
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Ok. Im hoping to get a mortgage soon...i hope it works out..
Posted by Kodak375
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Kodak375
I think of death as "fuckkkkk finally I can get some sleep, I don't have to get out of bed anymore." hahaha

.....aaaaand whats your sat? Sign and house

I thought I told you? Pisces in sat, Cancer in the 12 the house. Which is a really weird place for the sun sign apparently
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I don't think so. I tend to delete info from people from my memory out of respect...so it might be that. smile so Pisces near the 8th...thats an interesting approach and it's very positive. It's a weird placement for the sun, you'll certainly use it at some point, working in jails, hospitals or just helping others.
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.

Do you have any aspects to Saturn?

Looked up what aspects were lol. Now I should have the right info

Sun Trine Saturn 0°19
Moon Trine Saturn 0°54
Mercury Trine Saturn 4°40
Saturn Trine Ascendant 4°37

Thank you lol. Thats amazing....are tey all conjunct? Sun moon merc asc?

Does it mean anything ?

Sun Trine Moon 1°13
Sun Conjunction Mercury 4°21
Sun Conjunction Ascendant 4°19
Moon Trine Mercury 5°34
Moon Trine Ascendant 5°31
Mercury Conjunction Ascendant 0°03

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Ok so the sun merc and asc are conjunct. And the moon is in the 3rd fire sign, after Sagit and the other one...
This moon trine is the thing that makes you want to protect family. Its a very close trine...(with Saturn).
And all those planets conjunct and trine that's a lot of energy, and grand trines (all 3 of the same element, like here, fire) make a spinning motion, the energy spins around and creates a strong flow...
Saturn in Aries. I fear failure. And being the second.
Sat in Taurus in 6th....

hmm found this- about sums it up

An individual with Saturn in the 6th house often has limitations, fears and inhibitions within the working environment. This means that crippling insecurities, anxieties and blockages will be experienced in the general ordering and efficiency of their daily lives. A serious attitude to work and health is also indicated, and quite often there is frustration with one's job and it may feel like a drudgery. The individual is commonly afraid to change jobs and feels stuck doing something he or she hates. There are usually lessons and disappointments involving the work-life, health and matters relating to co-workers. The person may find themselves in a situation that is restrictive, boring, and generally dissatisfying.

Astrologically Saturn in the 6th house has to do with the daily routines of life and it is here where there is a feeling of inadequacy through either being underpaid or feeling unappreciated and shouldering too many responsibilities. A sense of failure in the workplace is common and the person often feels unjustly criticized at work. The individual may need to develop a more positive nature when dealing with the issues of the 6th house. There may be a fear of unemployment or there may be an urgent need to order their day-to-day lives.

The early childhood may have involved issues of chaos in the environment and it sometimes shows a fear of animals. It may be the placement of the hypochondriac and one that controls the family through some sort of illness. Astrologer Liz Greene links this placement to mental as well as physical disorders and chronic health issues. The hired help area is another sector of life these people often meet frustration and delays. Typically the individual will end up doing the task themselves.

Commonly the father was quite anxiety prone, worrying over chronic health, a workaholic or his working life was severely affected by his state of health. The individual may also consider a career in health with this placement. Many of Saturn's lessons here involve learning the art of true service, finding efficient ways to work, and improving habitual methods and being more organized. This position of Saturn is very prone to compulsive behaviours, excessive ordering and perfectionist tendencies. And many of these anxieties reflect the health and state of their mind and body. The person needs to take responsibility for their physical well-being.

Saturn in the 6th house type of person may possess admin and organisation skills, and they may be workaholics who are obsessed with their health. Security may be found through work and they meet challenges, delays and difficulties in this area or shun it altogether. With Saturn, nothing comes easy, and they frequently feel they work longer and harder than others.

Posted by Kodak375
Posted by flowingwater
Posted by Kodak375
Posted by flowingwater
Posted by Kodak375
Posted by flowingwater
Posted by Kodak375
Posted by flowingwater
Saturn in Capricorn,

Afraid of No stability. Going back to boiled eggs and hungry nights, no home.

I'm fine being alone. I just need foundation being able to support myself.

Boiled eggs fill you up tho. =p


And ketchup sandwiches??? Never again. Bad past.

I used to make a big ole pot of rice and use different condiments for the day LOL soy was like the special treat, then rooster spicy sauce, then ketchup on the struggle days hahaha

Omg how can you laugh at this?? It was so hard Sad

Welll.... I always knew it wouldn't last forever. So I took it a day at a time. And eventually, as you get older, things get better.

Maybe because I'm fixed on issues and memories...
I dont think life really gets better the problems just change dynamics.

You never should as God for less problems, but more solutions. And that little phrase should be repeated over and over till you get it stuck in your head lol
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Advice from a Pisces Sat...lol us mortals couldnt understand smile
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.

Do you have any aspects to Saturn?

Looked up what aspects were lol. Now I should have the right info

Sun Trine Saturn 0°19
Moon Trine Saturn 0°54
Mercury Trine Saturn 4°40
Saturn Trine Ascendant 4°37

Thank you lol. Thats amazing....are tey all conjunct? Sun moon merc asc?

Does it mean anything ?

Sun Trine Moon 1°13
Sun Conjunction Mercury 4°21
Sun Conjunction Ascendant 4°19
Moon Trine Mercury 5°34
Moon Trine Ascendant 5°31
Mercury Conjunction Ascendant 0°03

Ok so the sun merc and asc are conjunct. And the moon is in the 3rd fire sign, after Sagit and the other one...
This moon trine is the thing that makes you want to protect family. Its a very close trine...(with Saturn).
And all those planets conjunct and trine that's a lot of energy, and grand trines (all 3 of the same element, like here, fire) make a spinning motion, the energy spins around and creates a strong flow...
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I bet that can manifest both positively and negatively.
Posted by Kodak375
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Kodak375
Posted by flowingwater
Posted by Kodak375
Posted by flowingwater
Posted by Kodak375
Posted by flowingwater
Posted by Kodak375
Posted by flowingwater
Saturn in Capricorn,

Afraid of No stability. Going back to boiled eggs and hungry nights, no home.

I'm fine being alone. I just need foundation being able to support myself.

Boiled eggs fill you up tho. =p


And ketchup sandwiches??? Never again. Bad past.

I used to make a big ole pot of rice and use different condiments for the day LOL soy was like the special treat, then rooster spicy sauce, then ketchup on the struggle days hahaha

Omg how can you laugh at this?? It was so hard Sad

Welll.... I always knew it wouldn't last forever. So I took it a day at a time. And eventually, as you get older, things get better.

Maybe because I'm fixed on issues and memories...
I dont think life really gets better the problems just change dynamics.

You never should as God for less problems, but more solutions. And that little phrase should be repeated over and over till you get it stuck in your head lol

Advice from a Pisces Sat...lol us mortals couldnt understand smile

Aww come its simple. If theres theres a problem, there must a solution. 1+1 = something right? Thats the nature of life. So, as long as you know there is an answer somewhere out there, why would you feel hopeless?
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I've been to the bottom of my soul and i don't trust ...life. I fear that a horrible death,mlike suffocation, or torture, or f--k knows what else...would be jut endless pain and would destroy everything at i am...forever.
Yeah i don't trust that there are solutions to everything and i dont trust life Sad
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.

Do you have any aspects to Saturn?

Looked up what aspects were lol. Now I should have the right info

Sun Trine Saturn 0°19
Moon Trine Saturn 0°54
Mercury Trine Saturn 4°40
Saturn Trine Ascendant 4°37

Thank you lol. Thats amazing....are tey all conjunct? Sun moon merc asc?

Does it mean anything ?

Sun Trine Moon 1°13
Sun Conjunction Mercury 4°21
Sun Conjunction Ascendant 4°19
Moon Trine Mercury 5°34
Moon Trine Ascendant 5°31
Mercury Conjunction Ascendant 0°03

Ok so the sun merc and asc are conjunct. And the moon is in the 3rd fire sign, after Sagit and the other one...
This moon trine is the thing that makes you want to protect family. Its a very close trine...(with Saturn).
And all those planets conjunct and trine that's a lot of energy, and grand trines (all 3 of the same element, like here, fire) make a spinning motion, the energy spins around and creates a strong flow...

I bet that can manifest both positively and negatively.
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I believe so. I have a grand trine also and it's a bit of a nuisance, like a chronic problem, outblown, but I don't think its as bad as a t-square and other undesirables...
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Saturn in Sagittarius.

Not being able to protect family, leaving them behind and creating more burdens.

I wouldn't say it's a fear, but on my mind alot. Being tied down and staying in one place for too long.

Do you have any aspects to Saturn?

Looked up what aspects were lol. Now I should have the right info

Sun Trine Saturn 0°19
Moon Trine Saturn 0°54
Mercury Trine Saturn 4°40
Saturn Trine Ascendant 4°37

Thank you lol. Thats amazing....are tey all conjunct? Sun moon merc asc?

Does it mean anything ?

Sun Trine Moon 1°13
Sun Conjunction Mercury 4°21
Sun Conjunction Ascendant 4°19
Moon Trine Mercury 5°34
Moon Trine Ascendant 5°31
Mercury Conjunction Ascendant 0°03

Ok so the sun merc and asc are conjunct. And the moon is in the 3rd fire sign, after Sagit and the other one...
This moon trine is the thing that makes you want to protect family. Its a very close trine...(with Saturn).
And all those planets conjunct and trine that's a lot of energy, and grand trines (all 3 of the same element, like here, fire) make a spinning motion, the energy spins around and creates a strong flow...

I bet that can manifest both positively and negatively.

I believe so. I have a grand trine also and it's a bit of a nuisance, like a chronic problem, outblown, but I don't think its as bad as a t-square and other undesirables...
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what is your grand trine in?
Posted by Blood ft. Water
Capricorn in Saturn 4th House...

I fear being in my mid 30s and feeling I didn't accomplish or have nothing to show for it. Part of the reason I fear this is because I see too many people in their 30s still living in someone's basement, working deadbeat jobs and tripping on drugs thinking about what the fuck they done with their lives.

I don't want to be one of those.

I fear change. Family members getting older. Some giving birth and others dying. Everyone seems to be in good shape right now but you never know...

I's ok you grow into it. Time passes slowly enough.
Saturn in Scorpio. What's my boogeyman?
My Saturn is in Aquarius in 2nd house. Afraid of not having security.
Posted by enfant_terrible
Saturn in Scorpio. What's my boogeyman?

Fear of killing people? Lol idk