When did you lose your virginity?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firebunny on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 and has 28 replies.
I just lost my virginity last Sunday (2 days ago) at the age of 31.

It was my Catholic principles that made me choose celibacy before marriage.

But at the age of 30, I realized I am getting old so I want to experience it already.

What's your story?

Wedding Night
Never! 😇
Posted by firebunny

I just lost my virginity last Sunday (2 days ago) at the age of 31.

It was my Catholic principles that made me choose celibacy before marriage.

But at the age of 30, I realized I am getting old so I want to experience it already.

What's your story?
Was clergy member sucking your dick all this times until he died? 🤔
Posted by LegendsAreBornInNovember
Posted by Jade_Alexander


Wedding Night

You have a beautiful name accompanied with a beautiful sun sign. Libras are everything.
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Thank you

Libras are fickle
Posted by LethalFantasia
Posted by Jade_Alexander


Wedding Night


why did you get married so early if you don't mind me asking? lolz

not that 21 is early but it can be since like the new millennium i guesz ~

then again young people have been getting married left & right so maybe i'm just clueless tbqh x
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I thought it was for the right reasons.

And maybe they were...but unfortunately things change
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by firebunny

I just lost my virginity last Sunday (2 days ago) at the age of 31.

It was my Catholic principles that made me choose celibacy before marriage.

But at the age of 30, I realized I am getting old so I want to experience it already.

What's your story?

Was clergy member sucking your dick all this times until he died? 🤔
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It was with my current gf smile
Posted by LethalFantasia

I rlly need to read before i respond

congrats on the girlfriend Bunny x

and getting the #V

lmfaooo x
thanks lahv


she's a gem like you smile
Posted by LegendsAreBornInNovember
Posted by Jade_Alexander
Posted by LegendsAreBornInNovember
Posted by Jade_Alexander


Wedding Night

You have a beautiful name accompanied with a beautiful sun sign. Libras are everything.

Thank you

Libras are fickle

I don't mind it. It's a windy thing. I get it. Do you still have that husband of yours to keep you grounded and who holds you down...as a real man should for a such beautifully elegant woman like you? Are you still with him?
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Currently single

Currently in love with an Aqua

Currently being chased by a Pisces

Posted by LegendsAreBornInNovember
Posted by Jade_Alexander
Posted by LegendsAreBornInNovember
Posted by Jade_Alexander
Posted by LegendsAreBornInNovember
Posted by Jade_Alexander


Wedding Night

You have a beautiful name accompanied with a beautiful sun sign. Libras are everything.

Thank you

Libras are fickle

I don't mind it. It's a windy thing. I get it. Do you still have that husband of yours to keep you grounded and who holds you down...as a real man should for a such beautifully elegant woman like you? Are you still with him?


Currently single

Currently in love with an Aqua

Currently being chased by a Pisces

The Aquarius know?
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Yes, he knows

Its complicated
Posted by firebunny

I just lost my virginity last Sunday (2 days ago) at the age of 31.

It was my Catholic principles that made me choose celibacy before marriage.

But at the age of 30, I realized I am getting old so I want to experience it already.

What's your story?
dude, i think you are posting this in the wrong fucking place.

you need to be advertising this shit large-scale, and you need to be celebrating the fact that you are a man of severe self-control.

seriously, you need to be thinking universe-type shit here.
User Submitted Image
A few days after turning 16, thinking I'll get married to the one and only first love
Age 14. She was a friend of my step sister, and a bit more advanced then me at the time sexually. She lived a few towns away from me. She thought I was cute, and I just acted naturally with changing feelings of my body and mind at the time. She ended up getting pregnant, and her parents made her get and abortion. My parents never even knew, and still don't know till this day.

People always talk about religion and doing things right, but how is a dumb young kid supposed to make the right choices? Some could blame the parents, but in this day and age with the influences teens get from friends, tv, internet, social media, and the natural changes with the body and mind how do you truly control It? The fact my first and only child was aborted still haunts me till this day. I still dream of what could have been, and what wasn't.. Both our parents couldn't have done anything about it either. They could have been as strict as they come, and we still would have snuck out and did what we did.

Posted by Soul

Age 14. She was a friend of my step sister, and a bit more advanced then me at the time sexually. She lived a few towns away from me. She thought I was cute, and I just acted naturally with changing feelings of my body and mind at the time. She ended up getting pregnant, and her parents made her get and abortion. My parents never even knew, and still don't know till this day.

People always talk about religion and doing things right, but how is a dumb young kid supposed to make the right choices? Some could blame the parents, but in this day and age with the influences teens get from friends, tv, internet, social media, and the natural changes with the body and mind how do you truly control It? The fact my first and only child was aborted still haunts me till this day. I still dream of what could have been, and what wasn't.. Both our parents couldn't have done anything about it either. They could have been as strict as they come, and we still would have snuck out and did what we did.

that's some fucked up shit.
so i guess you are like the "no self control" poster boy.... cool.

is there anyone fucking normal on this fucking website???
I was 18 about to turn 19 a few months away. Just moved away to College. Lost it to my then boyfriend.
Posted by firebunny

I just lost my virginity last Sunday (2 days ago) at the age of 31.

It was my Catholic principles that made me choose celibacy before marriage.

But at the age of 30, I realized I am getting old so I want to experience it already.

What's your story?
go back to fucking chicago bitch, the internet doesn't need your bitch ass. oh don't get shot on the way, pussy.
seriously, i feel like people get shot, but chicago is the only city that bitches about it. take it like a man, you little pussy
pussy ass city. fuck you
Posted by twinkletoes

go back to fucking chicago bitch, the internet doesn't need your bitch ass. oh don't get shot on the way, pussy.

LOL you must be new

Posted by UrsaMediocre
Posted by twinkletoes

go back to fucking chicago bitch, the internet doesn't need your bitch ass. oh don't get shot on the way, pussy.

LOL you must be new
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Sure thing, chicken wing Winking
hY DOES ANYONEoops have any tequila?
winky. hey, later ya'll.