Where In The World

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Wynter on Thursday, January 12, 2012 and has 55 replies.
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A game, kind of. smile
You can guess where in the world
You can post a picture for others to guess
You can post a picture *and* guess where in the world (recommended)
Here are a couple of websites where you can upload pics and link to them to post here.



I'll start with some easy ones. Tongue

Posted by exoskeleton
the first one is dubai? smile

Our first winner! Tonguesmile
Of course. You get a whole point if you post a pic too! smileTongue
Posted by DominOo
Posted by Wynter

whats that say in the bottom right?
plus those look cool. are they in a underwater thermal pool thingy whatever vent whatchacallit?
click to expand

Underwater river in Mexico smile
Cenote Angelita Mexico
Posted by exoskeleton

Hmm...probably off the coast of Florida somewhere? smile
Posted by Wynter

Victoria Harbour, HK?
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
Posted by Wynter

Victoria Harbour, HK?
click to expand

Yessss! smileIsn't it amazing?
Posted by Wynter
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
Posted by Wynter

Victoria Harbour, HK?

Yessss! smileIsn't it amazing?
click to expand

Oh yes! Very coolsmile
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson

Arrgh that's a toughie Crying
How about this bridge...
Posted by lildol
How about this bridge...

Virginia Winking

click to expand

smarty pants Tongue
Posted by Wynter

Virginia Winking
click to expand

Hahahah Big Grin
Posted by Wynter
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson

Arrgh that's a toughie Crying
click to expand

What the heck is it tho? Is it military? A fortress? Bunker? A lighthouse with a mini putting green? A prison? At first I thought it was some sort of Alcatraz type installation, I cant judge the size of the thing Crying
Posted by Wynter
Posted by Wynter
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson

Arrgh that's a toughie Crying

click to expand

Posted by DominOo
OR...is that somewhere in Sydney?

Good call Dom!
Fort Denison.
I was trying to get pics of whales in the Harbour but they wouldn't load upSad

That airplane shot is somewhere like St Martin????
Posted by Wynter
What the heck is it tho? Is it military? A fortress? Bunker? A lighthouse with a mini putting green? A prison? At first I thought it was some sort of Alcatraz type installation, I cant judge the size of the thing Crying

They used to call it Pinchgut.
The really really naughty convicts were put out there for solitary confinement ...escape back to the mainland entailed outswimming the sharks.
Times have changed - you can catch a ferry now to the little restaurant there.

short history lesson....
There was a shot fired at Fort Denison in 1942, when there were Japanese midget submarines raiding the harbour, but even that wasn't enemy action: it was the US Navy blazing away in the dark. It was indeed fortunate they had left the US Cavalry at home, or the harbour would have been full of drowned horses, claim unkind Sydneysiders.
The shell, by the way, just bounced off the tower.
A blank shot used to be fired from the fort each day, to announce the passing of one o'clock.
Fort Denison! smile
I googled Tongue You can eat or get married there Tongue

Very cool smile
The really really naughty convicts were put out there for solitary confinement ...escape back to the mainland entailed outswimming the sharks.

I'm surprised the prison systems don't run with this idea more often, imagine how much could be saved by not hiring escape guards Big Grin
Here's where we live ........

Often we fill up water jugs and drink from natural springs.
Here is a lovely place for a picnic ....
Here is where I originate from ... the below Metro Area

Posted by P-Angel
Here's where we live ........

Often we fill up water jugs and drink from natural springs.
Here is a lovely place for a picnic ....

I love the sound of waterfalls smile
Lovely pictures P. smile
Posted by DominOo
Posted by Wynter

just a few months after were going around the Mediterranean we hear about the boat sinking. gezz, what what the name of it again?
well it looks VERY similar.
click to expand

I wonder what's going to happen to that ship.
I just went looking....apparently rescue crews have been cutting holes into the hull of the ship to search for survivors. So it's looking more like the ship will be chopped up and carted off.
That's gonna take a while, I expect.

On the ship in that picture there have be 16 deaths, and 16 still missing.
Posted by Wynter
Fort Denison! smile
I googled Tongue You can eat or get married there Tongue

Getting married in a historical prison. You just can't dream up shit like this and them BAM.... a gift from the heavens.
Married. In a prison.
it's definitely a place somewhere.

what do i win?
Papua New Guinea
Big Grin
It's one of the places on my bucket list.
i knew because i have traveled to many exotic locales.
thanks for asking.