Which cartoon\comic book character?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by ScorpioFish on Sunday, June 16, 2013 and has 30 replies.
Well, which one are you or do you most readily identify with?
Are you a hero or a villain?
DC, MARVEL, doesn't matter!
Posted by feby16aqua
Jem smile

Cool, so who are The Misfits in your life?
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Wonder Woman. I want that invisible plane. Big Grin Plus she seems very Pisces like with her powers of empathy and Lasso of truth(people are always spilling their guys to me). Not to mention her powers of healing, which I would love to nourish.

Posted by starlover
Dennis the Menace cos i like his stripped jumper and his dog Gnasher and he is a bit naughty

Big Grin

Posted by Kalean
I would say cat woman, but that would be wishful thinking LMAO.

You just want to kiss Batman and steal jewelry, I knew it!
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by feby16aqua
Jem smile

Cool, so who are The Misfits in your life?

There's always Misfits around...what do I care, I'm JEM! Tongue
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< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I wouldn't mind seeing some new ones.
< width="560" height="315" ="http:

Looks pretty damn lame, feminist and unrealistic.
No offense to women, but you really have two choices in life:
1.) Get married to a good man while you are still young (anything under 30 is still young), hot and still look good.
2.) Go over 30+ with a feminist, democrat-voting bitch attitude (a la ABC "shows" like this), and end up an old maid and/or cat lady who goes on "dates" with divorced men (who have kids hidden away somewhere).
Pathway 2 is the most certain one that you will definitely die all alone. Don't hate the truth, but understand and respect it.
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

Gambit's cool.
Hell, anyone who throws explosive playing cards is cool.

I dunno, it could go either way, show tend to get lame when they schmaltz things up too much imo.
Umm no feminists for me, humanists pleaseh!

I can't stand that chick Scarlett Johannsen. She ruined The Avengers for me, as she is nothing more than a hot slutty character in every movie she "stars" in. If she isn't acting like a slut in one movie, she acts like a whore who destroys marriages in another.
She was the worst choice for that role as Black Widow.
The feminists in the ABC series go overboard with female characters, as they are nauseating with the lies and misconceptions about women.
Hell, I could talk for weeks about how terrible today's TV advertising is. Ever notice how white males are always portrayed as STUPID, whereas the woman is portrayed as the genius?
This is why only women watch TV anymore. Too much obsession/saturation with feminism, homosexuality, idiocy and the rest of the democrat agenda for a man to tolerate.
Name one mainstream TV program on the networks that a real man can relate to. Just one.
Are these network TV shows (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX) or are these cable shows?
Posted by xdimplez
Jean Grey. well...because i just did an xmen personality quiz and they told me i was more like her. plus she is romantically connected with wolverine, and he is just a sexy glass of milk. no complaints here. plus...she's kick ass

i love it!!
Today, probably Batman. Tomorrow, someone else. Rocko, or Stimpy...or Daria
Posted by Wynter
Today, probably Batman. Tomorrow, someone else. Rocko, or Stimpy...or Daria

I have a few favorites myself.
Hero: Batman

Superhero: Spiderman

Villain: Dr. Doom

Supervillain: Skeletor

Posted by ScorpioFish
Well, which one are you or do you most readily identify with?
Are you a hero or a villain?
DC, MARVEL, doesn't matter!

Are you supposed to be the black manta to my aqua lad? ^.^
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Lol@ skeletor!

Gotta mix in the old school with the new school.
Who am I kidding?
All of my favorites are considered old school.
Does Venom classify as an old school supervillain these days, or is he modern era?
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Posted by ScorpioFish
Well, which one are you or do you most readily identify with?
Are you a hero or a villain?
DC, MARVEL, doesn't matter!

Are you supposed to be the black manta to my aqua lad? ^.^
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Yes, I sometimes behave like Black Manta instead of Aquaman, but overall am more in keeping with membership in the Hall of Justice than the Legion of Doom, I assure you.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I dunno, I'd class Venom as new era also.

Which are your favorite villain and supervillain types?
I'm not too sure
Poison Ivy - I would love to write her into a new movie script..
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I dunno, I'd class Venom as new era also.

Which are your favorite villain and supervillain types?

Dr. Freeze (not the one in the earlier movie)
I'm not that much of a comic book reader but the ones in 'the invisibles'.
Constantine is a good one too.
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Posted by everevolvingepithet
I'd hope for marginally better cgi than that!

Come on, it's Dah Tahminatah, Ah-nuld!!!!
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I dunno, I'd class Venom as new era also.

Which are your favorite villain and supervillain types?

Dr. Freeze (not the one in the earlier movie)
I'm not that much of a comic book reader but the ones in 'the invisibles'.
Constantine is a good one too.
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Oh god I love "the invisibles" or anything by Grant Morrison or maybe I just love the man and want to have his shadow babies!!!
Ohh If you all like youtube why dont you watch Comicbookgirl19's channel I love this chick and I'm currently reading this comic featured in this segment and I'm loving it!!.....Since I found out I can download comics to this cool app i got for my laptop ive been in comic book heaven
< width="560" height="315" ="http:
I just could not believe what I was reading!! Its pretty much the essence of everything I believe in on paper!! I love the 80's/90's feel to it....Grant Morrison as king mob!!! I think he and I were meant to be gay married or something!!.....Have you read his Flex mentallo?? thats gonna be the next comic I read I think!!! its pretty out of this world....Comicbookgirl19 did a review on it!! she's the reason I found the invisibles!!
Me pictures not showing Spawn was who I picked.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
^Lure him to a scrap yard lol, although that would make for short comic strip probably haha

Dude, that's Dr. Doom.
He would probably vaporize the scrap yard before going into the area.