Who's had all their wisdom teeth out?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by aquapiscescusp on Wednesday, November 27, 2013 and has 48 replies.
I am petrified!!!
I have! get the NO2. so much fun!
my brother ate pizza the same day lol
yeah... what is the story... are they impacted? fully erupted?
All 4 have to come out... a couple impacted.
does it hurt when it's happening? I asked for the most potent freezing they had!
Posted by Rabbit
They had to cut them out of the bone with me.
Good luck.

ohhh, that sounds terrible Sad
Posted by deezie
I have! get the NO2. so much fun!
my brother ate pizza the same day lol

what's no2?
Posted by MellyMel909
They put me under. I was completely unconscious.. Are they just going you a local??!!! Ahh HELL NO!

no, they don't put you under...over here damn
are you have a general DDS do the procedure? or have you been referred to an oral surgeon?
Posted by deezie
are you have a general DDS do the procedure? or have you been referred to an oral surgeon?

oral surgeon, yeah no general dentist for this!
Posted by Rabbit
They should be putting you out completely. I know they did with me.
Funny story....
I was in the chair and the doc pressed the syringe with the Valium and sodium pentathol in it, and he said "Now you're going to start feeling a little dizzy...."
And man did it kick in fast. The last thing I remember before I passed out was looking over at the nurse and saying "Hey baby, wanna sit on my lap?"

haha, you dog!
nitrous oxide lol which is actual n2o. no2 is probably poison. my mistake.
laughing gas. I wasn't aware of the whole procedure. I think a lot of general dentists use it now.
Posted by MellyMel909
Da fuq? Are you going to a dentist or an oral surgeon?
Maybe they put me out cause my teeth hadnt broken through yet..?

Mel, an oral surgeon, that's all they do at this place... but shit they don't put you out. They can give you something to calm you down and shit but I'm nauseous just thinking about it.
I wasn't put out but the laughing gas made me unaware.
I can't keep up with this convo lol
Posted by deezie
I wasn't put out but the laughing gas made me unaware.
I can't keep up with this convo lol

it's like being on chat!
Posted by thescepter
3 impacted.
twas a breeze.

Yeah? were you under?
Posted by MilkySoft
The thought of being put under gas really bothers me so I opted for local aenesthesia (the shots in the mouth) because I wanted to be fully awake while they took them out.
It's nothing, really.

This is good to hear...
I had all 4 taken out same time exactly 3 months after I had my daughter.
I felt the pain probably after the 3rd day....
BUT the swelling and Drewling is the worst part.
Posted by Ssasy
I had all 4 taken out same time exactly 3 months after I had my daughter.
I felt the pain probably after the 3rd day....
BUT the swelling and Drewling is the worst part.

Were you under?
I would wager, you will be fine for the procedure. As others have mentioned... the after effects are the real pain/inconvenience. Which you will get through as well!
Posted by deezie
I would wager, you will be fine for the procedure. As others have mentioned... the after effects are the real pain/inconvenience. Which you will get through as well!

Thanks Deezie, I am so wired about this.
Posted by MilkySoft
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by MilkySoft
The thought of being put under gas really bothers me so I opted for local aenesthesia (the shots in the mouth) because I wanted to be fully awake while they took them out.
It's nothing, really.

This is good to hear...

Oh...I should mention that because I didn't have insurence and had to pay myself I did not get them all taken out at once. Two were done one at a time and then the last two together.
That makes a difference with pain management. I didn't really feel any pain after the procedure at all.
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No pain after the procedure! Sounds like a great oral surgeon smile
Everyone reacts differently, so it's tough to guide your experience based on anyone else's.
Have you had previous dental work done? How did that go for you?
This is an oral surgeon, so it's his bread and butter. It's not like having a general DDS do your ortho work (trust me I've seen it, not pretty). You want ortho, you go to an orthodontist. You want your wisdom teeth vamoosed, you go to an oral surgeon.
Good luck! I only had two taken out. I can't imagine 4! OUCH!
Posted by thescepter
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by thescepter
3 impacted.
twas a breeze.

Yeah? were you under?

no they made me watch high school musical on the tv up top. i knew i shudn't have fence sat and said "anything". i guess i looked young then. i remember i was already out of college.
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watching high school musical would cause me more pain smile it's good to look young
Posted by kissmygrits
Good luck! I only had two taken out. I can't imagine 4! OUCH!

thanks... I think
Posted by M
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by MellyMel909
They put me under. I was completely unconscious.. Are they just going you a local??!!! Ahh HELL NO!

no, they don't put you under...over here damn

You'll be so glad they did all four now, instead of two at a time or having to come back. It wasn't as painful as they say afterwards, but it was incredibly uncomfortable. I had to basically hibernate until things were healed up.
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how long did you hibernate?
Posted by M
*I had all 4 done too

just freezing?
I've had every tooth in my mouth removed, during several decades.
local, laughing gas and anesthesia .... with my wisdom (all 4 at once), I was gassed, and so fucked up that he couldn't have pulled my eyeballs out and I wouldn't have gave two shits.
However, the next day - up to 2 weeks .... my mouth hurt like a mother fucker
Posted by P-Angel
I've had every tooth in my mouth removed, during several decades.
local, laughing gas and anesthesia .... with my wisdom (all 4 at once), I was gassed, and so fucked up that he couldn't have pulled my eyeballs out and I wouldn't have gave two shits.
However, the next day - up to 2 weeks .... my mouth hurt like a mother fucker

looking forward to it fk
thanks P
I was given Gas...
I was fine afterwards.
I was just delusional and with the giggles. Felt nnothing really.
I had them out all in one shot. My face swelled up like a balloon, but the pain was really minimal. Nothing that a couple of Ibuprofen can't solve.
The downside is that my face bruised up and it took quite a few days for that to pass. I had to wait through the a partial rainbow of purple, blue, green, yellow until the bruises all went away.
Overall...not a big deal. Don't sweat it.
I still got mine.
Does that mean I'm extra wise beyond my years ^.^
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I still got mine.
Does that mean I'm extra wise beyond my years ^.^

See, that's the problem, will my wisdom evaporate?
You guys and gals are so sweet for the support, I appreciate it tremendously because I am freaking out... I can't help it. It's tomorrow and my palms are sweating already.
Not many things make me this nervous ;P
Posted by MissFisk
DO NOT DRINK FROM STRAWS OR ANYTHING THAT WILL CREATE A VACUUM IN YOUR MOUTH. You don't want dry sockets (when the clot disloges and the opening is raw again).

Good advice right there. The older you are, the worse it generally is. My real question would be if you actually need the procedure, because a significant percentage of them in the States do nothing more than line pockets. Good luck to you. smile
Posted by PotHeadVirgo24
I had all 4 of mine taken out when I was 17. That was the first time I was put sleep. I woke up high out of my mind with my legs feeling like jelly. I told my mom, "Damn, this feels better than sex".

Ha! Tongue
It is pretty good stuff.
I ended up throwing the pain meds away after the pain stopped-- waaay too tempting.

No big deal. I had three removed at the same time (4th was removed while preg and had 3 remaining). I was caring for my 2wk old baby as a single mom at the time. I don't recall them putting me out (like w/ a needle) but the female nurse was wearing a pink mask and the male a blue one and as I was going under I was told that way I could tell them apart LOL
Hope you don't smoke or chew...can't do either for 4+ days afterwards.
Also, watch the pain pills. I had a week's worth of vicodin and I swear after the week was over, I felt a slight craving for more vicodin. SCARY SHIT, real talk.
Fuck big pharma.
I had all done at once, I had one crack (top where impacted and it cracked against the molar it sat next too) which is what sent me in to the dentist and was worse pain than the actual procedure. I was knocked out because the top two where sideways. I felt nothing! I was on table talking to them, then getting woken up by some dude and I was in a wheel chair- no clue/memory of being moved from the chair.. that was freaky!
I would have gone back to work the next day but I could barely talk & my boss said no! I was back at work 2 days after, no swelling, just some discomfort. I am in recovery so I didn't do the pain pills, just lots and lots of ibuprofen (think 1000mil).
Everyone is different; but if you have a fairly decent tolerance to pain it will be no big deal.. and no STRAWS or smoking like others have said!
I had all four of mine taken out this last September. They were impacted, and after being removed, we also discovered that the roots were unusually deformed. They were all twisted around one another and set extremely deep which resulted in some problems during extraction. I doubt you'll have to worry about that though because mine was just a plain weird case.
I was wide awake for the whole thing but had six shots of numbing medication--which wasn't nearly enough because with the amount of yanking my jaw had to go through it still hurt enough to bring some tears to my eyes. The top teeth came out fairly easy but each of the bottom ones took probably twenty minutes of twisting and pulling and drilling to pry loose. One began to break apart before it could be loosened so the tooth had to be cut from the bone.
Overall the pain wasn't terrible for me afterward even though I dry socketed one by vomiting the next morning because the blood irritated my stomach. I was sore for about a week but was back to eating solid foods by day four. The swelling was the hard part since I could only open my mouth so far; no bruising though and everything was virtually back to normal by the end of the second week. Although there was some nerve damage that left my bottom lip, chin, and tongue void of sensation for a while that has since come back with no sign of long-term damage.
You'll be fine. Things are never as bas as we imagine. smile
Posted by Rabbit
Fuck all this supportive shit...

j/k Tongue

haha I had it done today, I didn't die Winking
It's done. The surgeon gave me something intravenously, it really took the edge off and I was dozing off a bit. No pain during which was my biggest fear. I sense some discomfort now but I have my meds lined up.
So glad this is over with...
Posted by M

Thanks smile
Had mine taken out under sedation. It was no big deal and the nurse that brought me out was kinda cute. Didn't even have to take any pain meds, although ice cream later that day was wonderful to stop some minor bleeding that remained.
Posted by PotHeadVirgo24
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by PotHeadVirgo24
I had all 4 of mine taken out when I was 17. That was the first time I was put sleep. I woke up high out of my mind with my legs feeling like jelly. I told my mom, "Damn, this feels better than sex".

Ha! Tongue
It is pretty good stuff.
I ended up throwing the pain meds away after the pain stopped-- waaay too tempting.

Hahah! I actually kept mine afterwards. I took em once when I was at work because I think I was pain (or I may have used that as an excuse, lol) and slowly starting progressing into Wally's World. Oops..
Good stuff though, I agree.smile
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It's interesting you guys say this because I asked my doctor about it, getting addicted and stuff. He told me that when you are taking meds to treat a problem it is rare that it will lead to an addiction. He said 1 in 30,00 might get addicted. I am taking all of them, the pain is too intense.