Whose your hero?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Scorpius on Sunday, April 23, 2006 and has 65 replies.
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I would say al paccino especially in Scarface but Laura croft would be a close match.
they can be like, someone you would want to be. Superheros too smile
ok, we dont gotta talk about it...sheesh...lol
I love Clive Owen...mmmmmmmmm
yea man, indiana jones rules. my dadio was a mailman, i always thought that was cool. wanted to be one but i chose a different route.
since your on missmorals, did you get my white boy rap ? lol
yea too bad he's french.
he's a funny comedian. tells it like it is.
right but the french wanted a change and then they ended up back where the french were. anyway who else has a hero?
sweet! another al paccino fan.
say ello to my little friend mane.
if you like the 80's drug crime stuff then its a very entertaining movie. very bloody too though. theres one part with a chainsaw, I first saw this movie when I was ten and that was a nightmare of a scene. still, this guy goes from nothing to big time criminal. thats why i like 'im.
yes, the charector. I suppose he isnt realy like that is he.
you capricorns...always have to be exact.
thats a sad movie. i want to go see it though.
clive owen looks weak to me. i don't like him.
M&M, i need to talk to you private on aim if you can.
ok, give me 5 minutes. its important.
scratch that, sorry to waste your time, my friend.
heh, i meant my problems were solved. don't need you now.lol
JK, ofcourse.
yea im a sinner, the devil of sinners. and i wouldnt have it any other way.
each to there own i guess.
just hate him myself but if you like him then I wont stop you,
of course.
someone out there who knows gemini's, answer a question i have.
right. making threats i see.
you aries women and your tempers. pft!
almost turns me on. Winking
aww. alright, your a sweet and gentle dainty flower. better?
I like to be the hero. thats an ok song.
he is...look at his weak ass face. Enrigay should be his name.
I think my hero would have to be: Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. With his untiring efforts, indomitable will, and dauntless courage, he united the Indian Muslims under the banner of the Muslim League and carved out a homeland for them, despite stiff opposition from the Hindu Congress and the British Government.
um, alright?
i would be glad to run and hide after hearing that smile
LMAO @ Bling...
everything he says is funny to you.
your a keeper antibling
Lol...come on Scorpius..admit it..Blings funny...
of course, otherwise i wouldnt say he's a keeper.
ok, now you've taken it to the extreme...GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
Lol!..christ I am bored.
Enrique is HOT! If just for fun then I'd pick him. But my hero is my all time favourite Johnny Depp smile Naaah, not my hero.. Something better. I'd like to dream about him, that's a dream I never get bored with.
Great suggestion Bling..I have many minions..I need some alcohol or something..but its only Monday!..darn it..Why can't you work in London..you can be my minion toooooo...you know you wanna..
OOOOOOOOh yes toby McGuire..yummy..he's looovely
Not to derail the derailing (hee) but I think this is a good question.
I would say one of my heroes is a cab driver I met this weekend. He is has purchased over 10 000 English children's books, 1000 English children's movies, and is sending them to his home village in Pakistan. He is creating an English library for the poor people in his village so they have an opportunity to learn English. In his home, there is a division in the quality of education between the rich children and the poor.
He has also rescued and repaired 35 computers from the curbsides of our city, and fixed them himself to send home.
I am actually looking into library software for him and have volunteered to catalogue his collection for him.
To me that is a true hero. Someone who goes above and beyond for no other reason than they care about other people and their quality of life. I love everyday heroes who fight to bring social equality to the social order. To me that is heroism.
lol..hark at Branh
And Bling yes I have my own office..shenanigans indeed...I have a waiting room also..the setting is perfect..so come over on your bike, with..I don't know like lets say hazlenut syrup for my morning coffee or something and I'll draw the blinds in anticipation!..whoooooooooooa...Its monday..crrrrrrrrazy thoughts in my head..somebody help me..
Yes I found it very moving. I love when little people make a big difference. I find that inspiring.
Toby Maguire = sucks
Enrique = sucks
Johny Depp = on the border but still mildy sucks
Clive Owen = realy sucks
I have a natural hate for these people, theyre all on my "to die" list.
-Love scorpius-
good morning everyone!
better make that date for 10 oclock missmorals
todays going to be a day for good business if i play my cards right, i'll see you then!
"Enrique = sucks
Johny Depp = on the border but still mildy sucks"
"I have a natural hate for these people, theyre all on my "to die" list."

hey sweet&sour, hows my dear friend?
I'm fine, sweetie. You?
the best ive ever been, this is the golden age of my life...thanks for asking!
Glad to hear that smile

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