This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firesignsunite on Monday, May 20, 2013 and has 12 replies.
SO mean to other girls? This is an interesting topic, I'm a guy, so I'm not looking for compliments LOL
BUT RLLY why do girls call out people who they think are sluts?
Seem to hate other girls for the smallest reasons or no reason at all?
I'm mean to boys
I wouldn't say I'm mean to other girls...just a little hard on them sometimes.
I expect dudes to act like brainless sacks of bones...but I get really annoyed when girls do for some reason.
I guess I just expect more of them/want more for them.
Young girls mistake jealousy for hatred.
When they see a female whom they envy- they desperately attempt to find flaws or shortcomings to ridicule and fabricate a reason for why they would harbor so much disdain.
That, or they genuinely dislike another girl for one reason or another.
I don't have any respect for catty behavior or shaming- let a girl act how she wants to act, and be who she wants to be.
Ridiculing her will do nothing but worsen her problems, reach out to her from a kind place then you may be able to gently point out things and have an impact on her.
^^Aqua Moon?
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
^^Aqua Moon?

Cool, you have one! smile i'm a Leo moon, your opposite moon
Posted by PurrHisss
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
^^Aqua Moon?

Yep! Oh, and Mars retrograde in Capricorn, hahaha. Physical violence repulses me.
click to expand

Tongue . well sometimes i can be violent, but that's my mars opp saturn, with mars in my 1st house. Sun square Pluto. If you piss me off, other than that, i'm like Sun conjunct Venus.
why do you care, what's your angle?
Posted by aquapiscescusp
why do you care, what's your angle?

Yeah I was thinking this same thing.
as if guys really want to discuss such issues smile
Posted by DawnOfDay
I don??t have this problem; men are my victims of choice.

Yep, my thoughts are it's the hormones.
And jealousy, in some cases.