Why do you idiots believe that the UK citizens should do as Belgium's socialist bureaucrats say?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by AnOdeToNoOne on Saturday, June 25, 2016 and has 6 replies.
I am just curious, but why do so many of you useless idiots think that the UK should give all of their money and freedom to a bunch of unelected, faceless and nameless control freaks in Belgium?

Why should the British taxpayer money get shuttled off by the millions to Belgium every year?

You fools would have made great little Stalinists during the Soviet era with your totalitarian attitudes toward people who simply want to be free.
Posted by AnOdeToNoOne
I am just curious, but why do so many of you useless idiots think that the UK should give all of their money and freedom to a bunch of unelected, faceless and nameless control freaks in Belgium?

Why should the British taxpayer money get shuttled off by the millions to Belgium every year?

You fools would have made great little Stalinists during the Soviet era with your totalitarian attitudes toward people who simply want to be free.

Because they are Liberal/Socialists/Marxists/Democratic.

In the US, they are Gay, Militant Feminazi (without a gun, mind you), Entitled Black (some with stolen guns), Tree Hugging (because it's there), Desert Gnat lovers (because desert rat doesn't charm them), Environmentally Insane (because they want everyone to wear a catalytic converter butt plug), Anti-gun

nuts (because they hate guns but love action films) "Tax me Baby!!" and "let's sit down and protest" types that don't know their behinds from a hole in the wall who feel guilty about something they are surely guilty of but are clueless what, though it's stares them down in the face.

I think we should ban those critters.

Too many of them.

Seriously, do we really need them?

I think they should all be scooped up

and shipped to Liberal Island where they

can do to each other whatever they want to do.

And leave the rest of whom they disagree with, alone.

Two children constantly fighting, it's time to separate them.

Fact is that UK taxpayers were being held responsible for coughing up 10 billion a year in donations to the EU slush fund.

I need to know why the idiots around here insist that this system needs to stay in place.

The theft of 10 billion pounds of UK taxpayer money annually disseminated throughout European countries is still theft no matter how you socialists label it.
The EU fee is peanuts compared to the losses brought by the Brexit.

A few hours after the Brexit, and the UK market / economy has lost 15 TIME MORE than its yearly contribution to the EU.

This is because the whole world was invested in the UK market. They have taken and continue to take their money back. Not as revenge, but because of what will follow.... investors are not stupid!

The English have shot themselves in the foot.

Why do you idiots believe that the UK citizens should do as Belgium's socialist bureaucrats say?

I dont' really give a rats ass what the UK does ... so long as it doesn't harm my Beanie !!!!
plz don't bring communism into this

This is only a feud between capitalism and socialism