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Dec 21, 2011Comments: 99 · Posts: 16295 · Topics: 1686
If you have been reading comments on songs released in the 90s, you will notice lots and lots of people saying how much they miss the 90s. Even kids barely born that decade (like 97-99) say they miss that long-gone era even though they were barely alive then.
90s nostalgia seems to be really strong, so much stronger than other decades like the 80s. And although some people say that 80s > 90s, there are not a lot of people who say that they miss the 80s.
What say you?
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Dec 21, 2011Comments: 99 · Posts: 16295 · Topics: 1686
^^How about the baggy clothes for men?
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Dec 16, 2017Comments: 2893 · Posts: 2012 · Topics: 5
To answer the OP, it replaced 80's night at the music venue in my hometown. I wonder if that will continue as I doubt people will be that nostalgic about the 2000's..but maybe