Posted by Tomboyyyy
Amurican rugged individualism and the misguided pursuit of manifest destiny.
Posted by LiterallyStalinG
Like changing ideologies is gonna fix the main problem society.
Jfc. I thought slavery was bad and some want even more dependance instead? I'm happier in puberty than I would ever be in socialist heaven Germany.
We literally have no lights for good on end and yet....
Socialism is not gonna fix the main problem which is Americans and the American collective. You just substitute one form of destute form of control for another.
Posted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by LiterallyStalinG
Like changing ideologies is gonna fix the main problem society.
Jfc. I thought slavery was bad and some want even more dependance instead? I'm happier in puberty than I would ever be in socialist heaven Germany.
We literally have no lights for good on end and yet....
Socialism is not gonna fix the main problem which is Americans and the American collective. You just substitute one form of destute form of control for another.
It's mentality that is the issue. You can have many different competing ideaologies working together so long as a respect with a cooperative mentality is incorporated.
There are unseen forces behind the scenes working and fighting amongst themselves to prevent that from happening.
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be to expand
Posted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by LiterallyStalinG
Like changing ideologies is gonna fix the main problem society.
Jfc. I thought slavery was bad and some want even more dependance instead? I'm happier in puberty than I would ever be in socialist heaven Germany.
We literally have no lights for good on end and yet....
Socialism is not gonna fix the main problem which is Americans and the American collective. You just substitute one form of destute form of control for another.
It's mentality that is the issue. You can have many different competing ideaologies working together so long as a respect with a cooperative mentality is incorporated.
There are unseen forces behind the scenes working and fighting amongst themselves to prevent that from happening.
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be to expand
Posted by CoffeeAndCreamPosted by Dastard2020
Why so many people support capitalism? When they don't benefit much from it because they're poor and struggling just like the majority of the country.
because they think being a millionaire happens by magicclick to expand
Posted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by TomboyyyyPosted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by TomboyyyyPosted by LiterallyStalinG
Like changing ideologies is gonna fix the main problem society.
Jfc. I thought slavery was bad and some want even more dependance instead? I'm happier in puberty than I would ever be in socialist heaven Germany.
We literally have no lights for good on end and yet....
Socialism is not gonna fix the main problem which is Americans and the American collective. You just substitute one form of destute form of control for another.
Capitalism and slavery are intimately intertwined especially in American history.
Completely flew over your head? Well whatever.
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
Everything you know might as well be false. The only truth to be found is the one found in the darkest Abyss. Stare at it long enough and maybe you'll find it stares back.
But I guess being comfortably numb in a socialist egalitarian Utopia is best. Neither ideologies are better than the other. Stop kidding yourself. They both suffer from the same inconsistencies deriving from the problems society is structured.
Chaos is at least fair. Anything can happen.
Chaos might be fair if we call came into this world on an equal footing. But we don’t.
Exactly. What difficulty is there to understand.
The ones that yell about unfairness are often the most unfair themselves.
Every Socialist I've met was a parasitic shithead. Even the most educated. Nothing more than glorified mouthpieces for the party.
One of the politicians had a saying for Communism (although I guess the same can be said of all unbalanced systems)
"Communism. When it lives, it kills."
And kill it does. A quick peek into the soviet union era. Tells you what pure Socialism does. Millions dead in camps. Prisoners , slaves of the state. Mass starvations. Raping of women in prison.
I'm not quite sure what exactly you are trying to tell me, a person who has had family members born inside prison cells of the "workers paradise".
Not that the current free market oligarchy is any better though.
I don't understand why people hate freedom so much. Pearls before swine.
There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. No external force can fix these problems of to expand
Posted by LiterallyStalinG
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Posted by hydorah
america is a pyramid scam
The country was built on get rich quick schemes, killing critters by thousands for a quick buck on fur, slavery, european refugees business, gold rush. Always a scam going on.
Everybody's conditioned to think they're a milllionaire in the making, just wait
Posted by TheSag Many people in the west don't even care to know what socialism is about, they have been told socialism = communism = Soviets = evil enemy. They were raised that way and it will never change.
Posted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by LiterallyStalinG
Like changing ideologies is gonna fix the main problem society.
Jfc. I thought slavery was bad and some want even more dependance instead? I'm happier in puberty than I would ever be in socialist heaven Germany.
We literally have no lights for good on end and yet....
Socialism is not gonna fix the main problem which is Americans and the American collective. You just substitute one form of destute form of control for another.
It's mentality that is the issue. You can have many different competing ideaologies working together so long as a respect with a cooperative mentality is incorporated.
There are unseen forces behind the scenes working and fighting amongst themselves to prevent that from happening.
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
Those things exist only in contrast to it's opposite. Without either the other can't exist. Therefore it's survival is dependent on the other. Only in open cooperation on some level can there be true harmony without needless destruction. When you go deep enough all differences are petty and superficial. When you go even deeper and see the truth of it all, those differences are merely a joke that was forgotten and become a bad joke that is being taken too seriously.
Harmony through cooperation isn't a paradox. It's the solution you find that doesn't involve mass destruction and suffering.
Alas certain groups have much to lose if people catch on to the sham. But it is a fight that must be fought.
I wouldn't say I know anything. I just have an to expand
Posted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by LiterallyStalinG
Like changing ideologies is gonna fix the main problem society.
Jfc. I thought slavery was bad and some want even more dependance instead? I'm happier in puberty than I would ever be in socialist heaven Germany.
We literally have no lights for good on end and yet....
Socialism is not gonna fix the main problem which is Americans and the American collective. You just substitute one form of destute form of control for another.
It's mentality that is the issue. You can have many different competing ideaologies working together so long as a respect with a cooperative mentality is incorporated.
There are unseen forces behind the scenes working and fighting amongst themselves to prevent that from happening.
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
Those things exist only in contrast to it's opposite. Without either the other can't exist. Therefore it's survival is dependent on the other. Only in open cooperation on some level can there be true harmony without needless destruction. When you go deep enough all differences are petty and superficial. When you go even deeper and see the truth of it all, those differences are merely a joke that was forgotten and become a bad joke that is being taken too seriously.
Harmony through cooperation isn't a paradox. It's the solution you find that doesn't involve mass destruction and suffering.
Alas certain groups have much to lose if people catch on to the sham. But it is a fight that must be fought.
I wouldn't say I know anything. I just have an idea.
The trick is to not directly call out and challenge those groups but change the rules and conditions in which they rely on to existence.
For instance, in the USA right now, special interest groups( money) controls who runs for election. Their support behind closed doors.
Yet both parties rely on this and have to get the approval from the same players. And are beholden to them. Because The backroom "players" fund both sides their interests are never challenged. We are slowly becoming Corporate fascists. Corporations controlling government. Corporations are amoral entities who's primary objective is making money. Not people, society, Countries or even our species as a whole. Just money.
A course it's pointless to call this out because you will be labeled crazy, communist, or some other demonization. However if you where to make campaign finances truly transparent (campaign finance laws) it would completely undermine this process without all the hoopla. You wouldn't have to say anything, it would be made apparent on it's own. A course that would take a lot of pressure to force politicians to grow balls and kick their addiction to do this. Perhaps ignoring party lines and not vote for candidates who do not support this and ones that run on it.
The same solution can be used for politicians who use empty rhetoric and full of shit. You don't vote for them. Even vote for 3rd parties and independants. The idea your throwing away your vote is a lie. You have to think about the long game. As a whole They will take notice of this pattern and adjust themselves to fit voters desires. Basically voting like this will create a whole/desire and the proper person will eventually try to fill it naturally.
I agree with mostly everything you say it's just the little details. I can't accept Socialism because the phrase "I'm from the government and we're here to help" is terrifying for me.
I do get the feeling of alienization though about calling this out but most sane people agree that corporates are brutal entities.
Buttt the future is what we make of it. Just have to plant the seed and not expect to enjoy the shade of the tree to expand
Posted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by TomboyyyyPosted by LiterallyStalinG
Like changing ideologies is gonna fix the main problem society.
Jfc. I thought slavery was bad and some want even more dependance instead? I'm happier in puberty than I would ever be in socialist heaven Germany.
We literally have no lights for good on end and yet....
Socialism is not gonna fix the main problem which is Americans and the American collective. You just substitute one form of destute form of control for another.
Capitalism and slavery are intimately intertwined especially in American history.
Completely flew over your head? Well whatever.
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
Everything you know might as well be false. The only truth to be found is the one found in the darkest Abyss. Stare at it long enough and maybe you'll find it stares back.
But I guess being comfortably numb in a socialist egalitarian Utopia is best. Neither ideologies are better than the other. Stop kidding yourself. They both suffer from the same inconsistencies deriving from the problems society is structured.
Chaos is at least fair. Anything can to expand
Posted by IAteMyGrandmaInMonkeyTownNo it isn’t.
Because U.S.A. is an extremely socialistic country.