Posted by MyStarsShineNo he likes my daughter.
Posted by DeeezNutzYou are an idiot!
You child is getting fucked by 5 Scorpios. Ran by a Scorpio train? She is her mother's daughter, aint she.
Posted by MyStarsShineShe says he isn’t socializing. But since she came to this workplace - everyone is telling her that he never talked to any of them as much as he does with her...
The ones I have known aren't the settling down types
The men are more hermit types
Posted by GemitatiMy ex Virgo is the same ..... isolated and anti social but he talks to our son and me.....thank GodPosted by MyStarsShineShe says he isn’t socializing. But since she came to this workplace - everyone is telling her that he never talked to any of them as much as he does with her...
The ones I have known aren't the settling down types
The men are more hermit typesclick to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeePosted by miriyahhhReally. I'm not married. I know lots off ppl not married
Any guy not married by mid 30's are no to expand
Posted by DeadInside😂
Posted by married men don’t get their dicks other women! You are a moron!
Because if he was married, he wouldnt be able to get his dick sucked by your daughter in the park. Duh.
Posted by DeleterNerdOr would he...
Because if he was married, he wouldnt be able to get his dick sucked by your daughter in the park. Duh.
Posted by GnuLMAO! I just love when people so into my life!
Read your story. Don't even know why you would want your daughter to marry. You know what's going to happen because you are living it. Better for her to find a man that she loves and when she doesn't love him to find another. Keep property separate for a clean break.
Posted by GnuOp is obsessed with the social status of marriage and a ring.
Read your story. Don't even know why you would want your daughter to marry. You know what's going to happen because you are living it. Better for her to find a man that she loves and when she doesn't love him to find another. Keep property separate for a clean break.
Posted by LadyNeptuneYou wish you could be like your mother - boys fucker don’t you?Posted by DeleterNerdOr would he...
Because if he was married, he wouldnt be able to get his dick sucked by your daughter in the park. Duh.
Sucking married dick is the op forte. Like mother like daughter...?click to expand
Posted by DeleterNerdVirgos cheat as much as any other sun sign. Let’s be real.Posted by LadyNeptuneI get what you're saying, but Virgos are loyal. That's why they stay single. Gemitati spawn doesnt factor in.Posted by DeleterNerdOr would he...
Because if he was married, he wouldnt be able to get his dick sucked by your daughter in the park. Duh.
Sucking married dick is the op forte. Like mother like daughter...?click to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeePosted by miriyahhhReally. I'm not married. I know lots off ppl not married
Any guy not married by mid 30's are no to expand
Posted by GemitatiHell yeah I want my mother’s life!Posted by LadyNeptuneYou wish you could be like your mother - boys fucker don’t you?Posted by DeleterNerdOr would he...
Because if he was married, he wouldnt be able to get his dick sucked by your daughter in the park. Duh.
Sucking married dick is the op forte. Like mother like daughter...?
Lmaoclick to expand
Posted by DeleterNerdPosted by LadyNeptuneThat's libel.Posted by DeleterNerdVirgos cheat as much as any other sun sign. Let’s be real.Posted by LadyNeptuneI get what you're saying, but Virgos are loyal. That's why they stay single. Gemitati spawn doesnt factor in.Posted by DeleterNerdOr would he...
Because if he was married, he wouldnt be able to get his dick sucked by your daughter in the park. Duh.
Sucking married dick is the op forte. Like mother like daughter...?click to expand
Posted by clownloyalI know I am married. If I didn’t that would be.:.interestingly fucked up! Lol
I mean you're married and... well you know
Posted by EarthgoddessChill your firs! Nothing wrong wit it. She is 23 and wondering.,,Posted by GemitatiWe have the same birthday
He is a Virgo 9/6.
My child is a Libra with 5 Scorps.
Do tell!!!
I’m 32 never married so🤷♀️click to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3Are you ready to propose? LmaoPosted by Cancervirgo15degreesI know exactly what you mean but still not a good enough reason to judge a persons character based on his age.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3Yeah but your life is half done. Youre getting too fucking old to even have kids by then if youre a female anyway.
Marriage is not just a piece of paper. I see it as a commitment for life. It’s not something that you just jump into just for shiznits and giggles. So having said that I don’t think not being married at 36 is a bad thing.
So yeah. If you havent been able to find someone to love you and cherish you by 36 you need to ask why? I mean not you specifically. Im just saying in general. To me its a **huge** red flag. Its like someone who has no friends. Or someone who always has new friends and no friends with any history. Something is def wrong with that personclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3If you’ll keep it up I’ll fix you like...vasectomy...we don’t need that in this world! Able and willing and ‘unable’!Posted by GemitatiPosted by Evoxxxscorpio3Are you ready to propose? LmaoPosted by Cancervirgo15degreesI know exactly what you mean but still not a good enough reason to judge a persons character based on his age.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3Yeah but your life is half done. Youre getting too fucking old to even have kids by then if youre a female anyway.
Marriage is not just a piece of paper. I see it as a commitment for life. It’s not something that you just jump into just for shiznits and giggles. So having said that I don’t think not being married at 36 is a bad thing.
So yeah. If you havent been able to find someone to love you and cherish you by 36 you need to ask why? I mean not you specifically. Im just saying in general. To me its a **huge** red flag. Its like someone who has no friends. Or someone who always has new friends and no friends with any history. Something is def wrong with that person
I aren’t...your brothers are your enemies...
Can we fix you up...somehow? 😂
Lol 🙏click to expand
Posted by EarthgoddessONE MORE time!Posted by GemitatiYou are one random lady.Posted by EarthgoddessChill your firs! Nothing wrong wit it. She is 23 and wondering.,,Posted by GemitatiWe have the same birthday
He is a Virgo 9/6.
My child is a Libra with 5 Scorps.
Do tell!!!
I’m 32 never married so🤷♀️
It’s ok. Are you Virgo? Man?
Like wat the hell are you saying
Plz speak in properly formed sentences when addressing me.
#virgoannouncementsclick to expand
Posted by EarthgoddessLike if I gave a damn...Posted by GemitatiYou are one random lady.Posted by EarthgoddessChill your firs! Nothing wrong wit it. She is 23 and wondering.,,Posted by GemitatiWe have the same birthday
He is a Virgo 9/6.
My child is a Libra with 5 Scorps.
Do tell!!!
I’m 32 never married so🤷♀️
It’s ok. Are you Virgo? Man?
Like wat the hell are you saying
Plz speak in properly formed sentences when addressing me.
#virgoannouncementsclick to expand
Posted by clownloyalI have no limits! LolPosted by Gemitatiyou already reached your fair share of interestingly fckd up scenariosPosted by clownloyalI know I am married. If I didn’t that would be.:.interestingly fucked up! Lol
I mean you're married and... well you knowclick to expand
Posted by ellesbelles❤️
My Virgo son and Libra daughter in law have the best relationship. Their relationship is my spirit animal.
She has Scorpio in her chart...but he's very outgoing...lots of fire.
He is very picky...always has been. Only had one steady relationship before her and that was high school.
Four years together and have a 16 month old (virgo) son.
Virgo seek perfection. He found it.
Posted by ellesbelles
My Virgo son and Libra daughter in law have the best relationship. Their relationship is my spirit animal.
She has Scorpio in her chart...but he's very outgoing...lots of fire.
He is very picky...always has been. Only had one steady relationship before her and that was high school.
Four years together and have a 16 month old (virgo) son.
Virgo seek perfection. He found it.
Posted by miriyahhh
Any guy not married by mid 30's are no good.
Posted by TimonPosted by Cancervirgo15degreesAnd failed four times.
Any man who hasnt been married by 36 has something wrong with him. I wouldnt even consider a date with a man that old never been married. I be all wtf is wrong with you??
Id be more likely to want to date a man thats been married 4 times by 36 than 0 times. At least i know hes been good enough to want to marry. Meh.
The odds of him failing the fifth time are very high. 😂
Marriage is a commitment for life not an to expand
Posted by Cancervirgo15degreesNo. Too expensive.
Apparently everyone in hollywood is married minimum 3 times. Lol
Posted by TheSag😂😂😂
Getting married is against nature!
It's not healthy!!
It prevents women from earning their own money and being indipendent!!!
It leads to overpopulation - which leads to many wars for resources and $ $ $ !
Result: Marriage leads to wars, death, destruction, pain and overall disaster!!!!
This thread also shows that men are way more romantic than women are. We marry for love and sex ONLY, while you like to get married just to post pics of your wedding on Instagram. So disappointed in you, ladies....
Posted by Cancervirgo15degreesNot the ones without prenups the first time around 😅Posted by LadyNeptuneYes. 90% of hollywood has been married multiple times.Posted by Cancervirgo15degreesNo. Too expensive.
Apparently everyone in hollywood is married minimum 3 times. Lolclick to expand
Posted by OneKnightOMG, I have made all my male friends watch this and hopefully my son one day if I'll have kids.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeThe Door Test.
And what's that? What's the test?click to expand
Posted by DamnataThe Door word makes me think of Harrukah...hit one of the Doors...and got her brains...even more screwed up!Posted by OneKnightOMG, I have made all my male friends watch this and hopefully my son one day if I'll have kids.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeThe Door Test.
And what's that? What's the test?click to expand