Will Hollyhock ever post on DXP Miscellaneous?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firebunny on Friday, January 27, 2017 and has 12 replies.
What do you think?
I save Ands' pictures coz he frequently deletes. If he doesn't delete then I won't have to save his pictures.
I save Ands' pictures coz he frequently deletes. If he doesn't delete then I won't have to save his pictures.
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
I save Ands' pictures coz he frequently deletes. If he doesn't delete then I won't have to save his pictures.
Are you the delete police?
click to expand
Noes. Why do you say that?
I thought she was running all her friends charts in here?
She's so depressing
Maybe if she stops dwelling on Astrology stuff and starts directing her energies on solving her problems directly, her life will get better?
@hollyhock Your boyfriend's calling you
Posted by firebunny
Maybe if she stops dwelling on Astrology stuff and starts directing her energies on solving her problems directly, her life will get better?
Maybe she'd stop posting all that stuff every single if nobody replied to her. Why does everyone keep feeding the troll? They're just enabling her to continue her narcissism. She never thanks anyone for anything. If she's that way IRL it's no surprise she's always alone.
Posted by Vageenka
Hollyhock is an exclusive member to the Astrology section of the forum. She's a VIP member.

To get her to post in a different section would be huge. But she's too exclusive and expensive and Duncan can't afford her.

It would be like getting Mariah Carey to perform at some bar!

hollyhock = mariah carey

she just did
Posted by hydorah
she just did
