Women and Double Talk

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by tsar322 on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 and has 15 replies.
GOD! This adds onto my stress level. Even at 24 I still experience these. For instance I asked a young lady to hang out with me yesterday and she said she would consider it I asked her again she said "maybe". Then I confirmed the date and she said "I thought it was a done deal that I wasn't coming". This can be very frustrating dealing with passive aggressive behavior like this list
"We need to talk" = I need to complain about you
"Have fun at the party" = do not have fun at the party
"You don??t need to buy me a present" = you need to buy me a very expensive gift
"Yes" = no
"No" = yes
"I??m very adventurous" = I??ve slept with every guy who gives me even a hint of attention
???are you hungry??? = take me to dinner
???we??re going to be late?? = yes it took me five hours to get ready but it??s all your fault so drive faster who cares it??s your insurance not mine
???you seem like a player?? = I find you interesting
???you??re such a jerk?? = I am attracted to you
???so why did you break up with your ex girlfriend?? = what??s wrong with you
???it??s getting kinda late?? = I??m not going to have sex with you
???so are we together?? = I want you to stop f*cking other women
???do you like me?? = I like you
???we have different values?? = I found somebody else to ****
???I am tired of drama and BS?? = I am very attracted to a**holes
???I like your friends, but..?? = I don??t like your friends
???I want a man to spoil me?? = im already having sex with one guy, but now i need an AFC to spend money on me
???I??ve been really busy?? = I don??t like you
???Who??s that girl you were talking to?? = are you having sex with that girl
"I want to be friends first" = guys just pump and dump me so now im gonna take my insecurities out on you and make you wait
"Im not ready for a relationship right now" = im not ready for a relationship with you, ever
"I just don??t want a boyfriend right now" = I don??t want you as a boyfriend, ever
"That??s okay" = I want to think long and hard about how I??m going to make you suffer
"I??ll be ready in 5 minutes" = I??ll be ready in 2 hours
"You don??t know how to communicate" = you need to do what I tell you
"We can always still be friends" = there is no way in hell I??m going to let any part of your body ever touch any part of mine, ever again
"I like you but.." = I don??t like you
"There??s no one else I swear"
Posted by duchessedenemours
Well you seem to know what they want. What are you confused about again?

Whats the fun in these games?
Posted by duchessedenemours
Posted by tsar322
Posted by duchessedenemours
Well you seem to know what they want. What are you confused about again?

Whats the fun in these games?

Why are you trying to get with women that play them?
click to expand

Its called "giving someone a chance."
Posted by xdimplez
i heard flesh dolls are very satisfying.

Less talking and More doing. Its practical.
Posted by duchessedenemours
Posted by tsar322
Posted by duchessedenemours
Posted by tsar322
Posted by duchessedenemours
Well you seem to know what they want. What are you confused about again?

Whats the fun in these games?

Why are you trying to get with women that play them?

Its called "giving someone a chance."

Yeah, I don't believe in giving people a chance anymore. It usually just comes back to bite people in the ass.
click to expand

"If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you will never change the outcome"- Michael Jordan.
AFC? Lol, it's been a long time since I last heard this term Big Grin
Posted by duchessedenemours
Posted by tsar322
See? Now thats one of many differences between men and a women.
Posted by duchessedenemours
Posted by tsar322
Posted by duchessedenemours
Posted by tsar322
Posted by duchessedenemours
Well you seem to know what they want. What are you confused about again?

Whats the fun in these games?

Why are you trying to get with women that play them?

Its called "giving someone a chance."

Yeah, I don't believe in giving people a chance anymore. It usually just comes back to bite people in the ass.

"If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you will never change the outcome"- Michael Jordan.

I don't really care about others expectations. Only my own.
click to expand

For someone who has such a long list, you couldn't pick up that her "consideration" and "maybe" were clear signs of disinterest?
Hell, even when ANYONE gives that answer, I already know it really means "no." Because if they truly were interested, it would be nothing other than "yes."
"Maybe," "I'll let you know," "I'll consider it," are all variations of "no." But they think they're being "nice" by stringing you along. Because a solid "no" is oh so meeeeean, and omgz, we can't have that!!1one
Add it to your list, honey because clearly you haven't learned that one yet.
lol @ this thread!
That was a good read
Posted by Damnata
AFC? Lol, it's been a long time since I last heard this term Big Grin

Had to google that, as AFC to me normally means a UK football team Big Grin
Whut? LMAO
I am a dude, and I approve your message. Women are a big waste of time.
Better concern on the bling instead and adapt a child.
Just watched wolf of wall street, you can't count on women to support you in times of crisis.
Posted by red_aries
I am a dude, and I approve your message. Women are a big waste of time.
Better concern on the bling instead and adapt a child.
Just watched wolf of wall street, you can't count on women to support you in times of crisis.

Who let you back in?