Women be honest: How do you react when your man looks at another woman in your presence?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by angie2080 on Saturday, January 25, 2020 and has 17 replies.
I'm sure we all have been there. Our boyfriend, husband or the man we're dating looks at another girl in front of us. She might be walking by or standing nearby.

Sometimes I don't know how to react when this happens so I wanted to ask others how do you react??

I'm not talking about a quick glance but stare for a few minute or longer or even turning their head.

I am well awared that men are visual creatures, therefore my reaction is to ignore it and stay quiet. I'm not going to act like a jealous freak.

Am I doing the right thing by not saying anything? Because even though I act as if nothing happened sometimes my mind starts to wonder and I start to think:

"If I wasn't his gilfriend, would he aporoach that girl?" Does he think she's hotter than me?"

So how do you react and does it make you feel bad/insecure? Like if the girl was prettier or younger than you???

Be honest please.
Depends if I notice her first

Im okay with noticing

Its another to gawk and check her out
I start checking her out too

I can appreciate another woman’s beauty . Sometimes I have girl crushes
If I find the person attractive, I'll look as well and tell him. Chicks are hot too.
I'm usually the one pointing them out 🤷🏼‍♀️

It honestly depends on my mood.. there's been times where I didn't care and then there's been times where I'm like "reallllly? 😐".
Guys usually don't do that when they are with me..... and if they do notice another woman it is usually a quick glance and then their eyes are focused back on me. If I do notice them looking then I might comment on it like "she's pretty" or I'll look her over and just make it apparent I've seen her and go "hmm". If they comment on another woman I will comment back and we will discus it and talk about if she would fuck the both of us....hell sometimes I'm the one who notices.

If a guy is blatantly checking out other women when he is with me...I'll ghost his ass. I don't have time for that kind of bullshit.

Leo venus dont play
Don't play bisexual for your man's respect lmaoo
I never cared. If he saw something or I saw something that was eye catching, we would be hitting each other’s arms saying “Look at that or Did you see that?”

It never went further than that.

It wasn’t a big deal.
Maybe I’m an idiot but I tend to go for guys that are really just into me- maybe it’s a Leo thing.

If they look I don’t care either but it’s not actually an issue that comes up.

Like, I attract men that keep their eyes to themselves or on me. Simples.
Posted by angie2080

I'm sure we all have been there. Our boyfriend, husband or the man we're dating looks at another girl in front of us. She might be walking by or standing nearby.

Sometimes I don't know how to react when this happens so I wanted to ask others how do you react??

I'm not talking about a quick glance but stare for a few minute or longer or even turning their head.

I am well awared that men are visual creatures, therefore my reaction is to ignore it and stay quiet. I'm not going to act like a jealous freak.

Am I doing the right thing by not saying anything? Because even though I act as if nothing happened sometimes my mind starts to wonder and I start to think:

"If I wasn't his gilfriend, would he aporoach that girl?" Does he think she's hotter than me?"

So how do you react and does it make you feel bad/insecure? Like if the girl was prettier or younger than you???

Be honest please.

It's normal..

Everyone like something attractive..

I bet you too..

Just let your man..

He even don't ask for that girl to sleep..

He just seeing 😂

Different story if he cheat on you..


Be easy and just confident with yourself..

No one perfect.. everyone knows this

But just feel you are the best.

With all the mix and unique things in yours..

Good and bad..

And plus if you already understand him and give all you can do..

confident with your ability and appearance.. it makes you more attractive.. trust me..


Let all the insecurities gone.
Looking for minutes...?! Who does that, lol? Ah, wait...I do it sometimes. For purely esthetic reasons. I even took pictures once (from a distance) of a super cute family on a boat.

When I caught my former husband or boyfriends looking at someone, I usually followed their blick, and looked even longer. When they noticed what I was doing, they usually commented on that person in a dismissive way.

However, I once found looking disturbing! My ex Gem always had his gaze pinned, and also commented, on children. And no, he wasn't broody. He had two children and didn't want more. I was so traumatized by my thoughts that he could be a pedophile, that I was praying to catch him looking at another woman...which didn't happen Tongue.
I’m more observant then him so chances are I spotted her first and directed his gaze that way.

Haven’t encountered this yet, the stare that’s obnoxiously long or whatvs. But if I did and felt disrespected by it it’s prolly because our sex has dropped off, or not spending enough time together or getting attention from him.

My point is the root problem is not really him seeing another woman as attractive, it’s me not feeling secure with our relationship for one reason or another.
Nah its. I am the one who usually checks out women then tell him, "isnt she beautiful?" To only be answered, "i dont know"

But this morning he told me that our neighbor's daughter is very beautiful but thats it, I m just, oh yeah, i ve never seen her..

I sometimes told him, look at that guy is cute!

So its something normal for us.
It's normal to look at other people...everybody does it, if you don't do it when you're with your woman or man, you'll do it when alone. It's rude to drool over other people when you're with your loved one though ..

Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Subliminals

Nah its. I am the one who usually checks out women then tell him, "isnt she beautiful?" To only be answered, "i dont know"

But this morning he told me that our neighbor's daughter is very beautiful but thats it, I m just, oh yeah, i ve never seen her..

I sometimes told him, look at that guy is cute!

So its something normal for us.

yes, but what is the point in commenting to your BF about another woman´s attractiveness ....?

i often feel that it´s a test .....or a measure of sorts.
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I just wanna check if the attractiveness level is universal 😜
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Subliminals

Nah its. I am the one who usually checks out women then tell him, "isnt she beautiful?" To only be answered, "i dont know"

But this morning he told me that our neighbor's daughter is very beautiful but thats it, I m just, oh yeah, i ve never seen her..

I sometimes told him, look at that guy is cute!

So its something normal for us.

yes, but what is the point in commenting to your BF about another woman´s attractiveness ....?

i often feel that it´s a test .....or a measure of sorts.
click to expand
I just wanna check if the attractiveness level is universal 😜