Work out soreness

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by ladylibra21 on Sunday, March 19, 2017 and has 21 replies.
What tricks do you use to combat the pain?
Yoga stretches and massage with peppermint oil

Where is the soreness and pain Libra?
Foam rollers are amazing along with massages in general. For muscle soreness heat packs (opposite of ice packs) can also help increase blood flow and sooth the area. If you're dealing with inflammation, then ice is better suited to reduce swelling.

If you're working out, make sure you are actively stretching prior (for example do air squats before adding any weight). This will help limber up the muscles for that particular exercise. This is also in contrast to static (normal) stretches which have been shown to only stress the muscle prior to working out. Static stretches are recommended as a cool down instead.

Beyond that make sure you providing your body with the appropriate nutrition it needs to grow those muscles cells. Don't skimp on the protein basically.
I love Doms?I just stretch before n after the workouts. Also cold shower helps.It usually goes away within 3 to 4 days of starting anything new even if you don't do anything about it(unless you've injured yourself) Pushing through the pain feels more good tbh Big Grin
Posted by Teena
I love Doms?I just stretch before n after the workouts. Also cold shower helps.It usually goes away within 3 to 4 days of starting anything new even if you don't do anything about it(unless you've injured yourself) Pushing through the pain feels more good tbh Big Grin
Do you DOMS usually last 3-4 days or is that only for new exercises?
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Teena
I love Doms?I just stretch before n after the workouts. Also cold shower helps.It usually goes away within 3 to 4 days of starting anything new even if you don't do anything about it(unless you've injured yourself) Pushing through the pain feels more good tbh Big Grin
Do you DOMS usually last 3-4 days or is that only for new exercises?
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Only when I start something new usually
Do you mean actual workout or........? User Submitted Image
FOAM ROLLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stretches before and after working out. Yes, I even stretch BEFORE. Yoga is brilliant for warming up while stretching.

And did I mention, FOAM ROLLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by MyStarsShine
Yoga stretches and massage with peppermint oil

Where is the soreness and pain Libra?
All over I'm dying lol
Posted by BlackNova
I work out a lot.

Doing complete and slow stretching every time before you start and do a warm down.

Drink plenty of water, electrolytes can help

A good quality magnesium supplement may also help.

plenty of fresh fruit and veggies and lean meats if you are a meat eater

I also have a low carb protein shake with low fat milk after workout

if you have allergies or are taking any medications you should check with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist before taking any supplements if you're not sure.

Thanks for suggesting Magnesium I will take some.

Posted by LillyPetal
FOAM ROLLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stretches before and after working out. Yes, I even stretch BEFORE. Yoga is brilliant for warming up while stretching.

And did I mention, FOAM ROLLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks foam rolling sounds promising
Posted by feby
User Submitted Image

Thanks @ferby I'll go get a foam roller this was the first time I have done anything this intense since day year I slept forever yesterday after I showered it was like my body needed to heal.
Posted by Chuckcem
Foam rollers are amazing along with massages in general. For muscle soreness heat packs (opposite of ice packs) can also help increase blood flow and sooth the area. If you're dealing with inflammation, then ice is better suited to reduce swelling.

If you're working out, make sure you are actively stretching prior (for example do air squats before adding any weight). This will help limber up the muscles for that particular exercise. This is also in contrast to static (normal) stretches which have been shown to only stress the muscle prior to working out. Static stretches are recommended as a cool down instead.

Beyond that make sure you providing your body with the appropriate nutrition it needs to grow those muscles cells. Don't skimp on the protein basically.

Thank you @Chuckcem

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Do you mean actual workout or........? User Submitted Image
That's what I
Posted by seraph
Posted by ladylibra21
What tricks do you use to combat the pain?
Nothing. You leave it as is. Feel your body.

If you're engaging in heavy workouts, though, you need to eat. Caloric intake must rise to support increased workload. This will also lessen the pain while protecting you from injury (though this won't be significant relief or protection.) The kitchen is part of the gym. Keeping correct form is always necessary, though, especially if you're doing compound movements.
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This is along the lines I was going to say. Food is what repairs the muscle and increased intake is what helps grow muscle etc. Get in a protien shake and some good meals. Branch chain amino acids also work wonders along with something like cherry extract for a anti inflammatory. And 8hrs sleep Winking

Yes Magnesium is very good...try get the one with Malic Acid in it

Did you try having an epsom salts bath? That might help
Posted by MyStarsShine
Yes Magnesium is very good...try get the one with Malic Acid in it

Did you try having an epsom salts bath? That might help
User Submitted Image
Posted by feby
Posted by seraph
Posted by feby
Posted by seraph
Posted by ladylibra21
Posted by feby
User Submitted Image

Thanks @ferby I'll go get a foam roller this was the first time I have done anything this intense since day year I slept forever yesterday after I showered it was like my body needed to heal.
"ferby" Laughing
I was gonna just let it slide Big Grin

I really couldn't. Big Grin
The sequence of my reactions was hilarious, especially when i saw you noticed! Big Grin

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Lol sorry

It's so important to stretch in the shower. All that hot water hitting sore stretched muscles does wonders to loosen them.

I swim so I'm showering before and after and getting my stretch on. But I'd assume your showering after whatever land excercise's your doing. So give it a try then.
i got a book. it's called stretching anatomy.

i also got a ball. it's called a super ball.
I stretch before, drink plenty of water during, stretch after and take a nice warm bath. I have my daily supplements. Was tough at first but now not so much.