Would you argue with someone who gave you an unsolicited advice?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firebunny on Friday, August 30, 2019 and has 25 replies.
Just because?
you should braid your hair boo
Posted by Bumblebebe
Posted by firebunny

Just because?

Who argues “just because”? I would just accept the unsolicited advice.
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Just because of the unsolicited advice. Lol.

I know it's funny but it happened to me yesterday. I don't want to fight with him and just want to provide a fresh perspective to his lamentations but all I got were tirades, insults, and demeaning language. I didn't fight back and defended myself only. I don't want to characterize his behavior but it's kinda obvious he was acting up. Lol.
Posted by bumboklatt

Not unless i see a fault in it and give them advice
giving advice =/= fighting/arguing
Sometimes its better to stay quiet and let it run its course. Some dont want the unsolicited advices and much rather just screw up/do things their way.

Its a fine line tho. It matters how its said, when, where and why. People can take it wrongly cause setting isnt right or the time, place or tone of voice isnt pleasant. Such advice can easily be mistaken for critic if the setting is off somehow.
Posted by PiscesGal76

Sometimes its better to stay quiet and let it run its course. Some dont want the unsolicited advices and much rather just screw up/do things their way.

Its a fine line tho. It matters how its said, when, where and why. People can take it wrongly cause setting isnt right or the time, place or tone of voice isnt pleasant. Such advice can easily be mistaken for critic if the setting is off somehow.
I think people in authorities or high positions do not deserve unsolicited advice so this is a no-no whatever may be the circumstance.

But it’s a whole lot different when the receiving person is a mere FB acquaintance. In such case, the other person may raise that issue but I don’t think it’s right for him to fight or insult the giving person especially since, every now and then, people blurt unsolicited advice unconsciously.
Posted by but_didyoudie

If I feel like fighting totally. If not... it depends on what they say. Also other things matter like how badly can they screw me over before I mouth off.

In a work setting I will not...

Any other setting, the above applies.
Believe me, the worst reaction I ever did for an unsolicited advice was getting irked so I don’t understand why people fight over it.
^^so it’s okay for you to waste quite a lot of time for something you could easily end by saying “um ok but I don’t need your advice but thanks anyway”?

Posted by WhatIsWrongWithMe

Have you ever splashed out on a lady @firebunny

I won't do such a darn thing lol not even when I'm angry
Posted by firebunny

^^so it’s okay for you to waste quite a lot of time for something you could easily end by saying “um ok but I don’t need your advice but thanks anyway”?

That's a good one. Maybe I will try that next time without the thanks anyways.
Posted by firebunny
Posted by PiscesGal76

Sometimes its better to stay quiet and let it run its course. Some dont want the unsolicited advices and much rather just screw up/do things their way.

Its a fine line tho. It matters how its said, when, where and why. People can take it wrongly cause setting isnt right or the time, place or tone of voice isnt pleasant. Such advice can easily be mistaken for critic if the setting is off somehow.

I think people in authorities or high positions do not deserve unsolicited advice so this is a no-no whatever may be the circumstance.

But it’s a whole lot different when the receiving person is a mere FB acquaintance. In such case, the other person may raise that issue but I don’t think it’s right for him to fight or insult the giving person especially since, every now and then, people blurt unsolicited advice unconsciously.
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Why doesnt high authority figures deserve unsolicited advice? They are humans just like anyone else. Its a mere job that they are filling up. There isnt anything wrong as a whole, to give unsolicited advice. Whats matters is, how, when, where and why its said. Setting is important too. Even high authority figures dont know everything.

The rudeness thats given back however, isnt needed at all. I agree on that. Says more about the other person. But again, if setting is right, this could be prevented.

Just knowing how to say it or knowing when to shut up is a skill...
Posted by PiscesGal76
Posted by firebunny
Posted by PiscesGal76

Sometimes its better to stay quiet and let it run its course. Some dont want the unsolicited advices and much rather just screw up/do things their way.

Its a fine line tho. It matters how its said, when, where and why. People can take it wrongly cause setting isnt right or the time, place or tone of voice isnt pleasant. Such advice can easily be mistaken for critic if the setting is off somehow.

I think people in authorities or high positions do not deserve unsolicited advice so this is a no-no whatever may be the circumstance.

But it’s a whole lot different when the receiving person is a mere FB acquaintance. In such case, the other person may raise that issue but I don’t think it’s right for him to fight or insult the giving person especially since, every now and then, people blurt unsolicited advice unconsciously.

Why doesnt high authority figures deserve unsolicited advice? They are humans just like anyone else. Its a mere job that they are filling up. There isnt anything wrong as a whole, to give unsolicited advice. Whats matters is, how, when, where and why its said. Setting is important too. Even high authority figures dont know everything.

The rudeness thats given back however, isnt needed at all. I agree on that. Says more about the other person. But again, if setting is right, this could be prevented.

Just knowing how to say it or knowing when to shut up is a skill...
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You have a point, and I agree with you that there’s nothing wrong with giving unsolicited advice. It can be offensive though but fighting back isn’t nice either...
Posted by Bumblebebe
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Bumblebebe
Posted by firebunny

Just because?

Who argues “just because”? I would just accept the unsolicited advice.

Just because of the unsolicited advice. Lol.

I know it's funny but it happened to me yesterday. I don't want to fight with him and just want to provide a fresh perspective to his lamentations but all I got were tirades, insults, and demeaning language. I didn't fight back and defended myself only. I don't want to characterize his behavior but it's kinda obvious he was acting up. Lol.

I’m sorry, people like him are the worst! Next time try and just listen and not advise too much that might help. I know it not easy to hear the same lamentations over and over again.
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I will be more cautious next time, but in my case, I really thought my advice would be helpful since it was a realization I learned just lately.
Posted by Phantom_Dangus

You stuck your nose in someone's business and got it bit off. Right?
you should not back down boo
Posted by Bumblebebe
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Bumblebebe
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Bumblebebe
Posted by firebunny

Just because?

Who argues “just because”? I would just accept the unsolicited advice.

Just because of the unsolicited advice. Lol.

I know it's funny but it happened to me yesterday. I don't want to fight with him and just want to provide a fresh perspective to his lamentations but all I got were tirades, insults, and demeaning language. I didn't fight back and defended myself only. I don't want to characterize his behavior but it's kinda obvious he was acting up. Lol.

I’m sorry, people like him are the worst! Next time try and just listen and not advise too much that might help. I know it not easy to hear the same lamentations over and over again.

I will be more cautious next time, but in my case, I really thought my advice would be helpful since it was a realization I learned just lately.

I know but some people can’t be reasoned with 😐
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Do you think he has a toxic personality, and should be avoided at all cost? I just unfollowed him yesterday; his posts are all negative and anxiety-driving.
Posted by firebunny

Just because?
Depends. Is this jail or prison?
Posted by firebunny
Posted by PiscesGal76

Sometimes its better to stay quiet and let it run its course. Some dont want the unsolicited advices and much rather just screw up/do things their way.

Its a fine line tho. It matters how its said, when, where and why. People can take it wrongly cause setting isnt right or the time, place or tone of voice isnt pleasant. Such advice can easily be mistaken for critic if the setting is off somehow.

I think people in authorities or high positions do not deserve unsolicited advice so this is a no-no whatever may be the circumstance.

But it’s a whole lot different when the receiving person is a mere FB acquaintance. In such case, the other person may raise that issue but I don’t think it’s right for him to fight or insult the giving person especially since, every now and then, people blurt unsolicited advice unconsciously.
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This was merely a FB argument?

Are you serious right now?
Posted by firebunny
Posted by PiscesGal76
Posted by firebunny
Posted by PiscesGal76

Sometimes its better to stay quiet and let it run its course. Some dont want the unsolicited advices and much rather just screw up/do things their way.

Its a fine line tho. It matters how its said, when, where and why. People can take it wrongly cause setting isnt right or the time, place or tone of voice isnt pleasant. Such advice can easily be mistaken for critic if the setting is off somehow.

I think people in authorities or high positions do not deserve unsolicited advice so this is a no-no whatever may be the circumstance.

But it’s a whole lot different when the receiving person is a mere FB acquaintance. In such case, the other person may raise that issue but I don’t think it’s right for him to fight or insult the giving person especially since, every now and then, people blurt unsolicited advice unconsciously.

Why doesnt high authority figures deserve unsolicited advice? They are humans just like anyone else. Its a mere job that they are filling up. There isnt anything wrong as a whole, to give unsolicited advice. Whats matters is, how, when, where and why its said. Setting is important too. Even high authority figures dont know everything.

The rudeness thats given back however, isnt needed at all. I agree on that. Says more about the other person. But again, if setting is right, this could be prevented.

Just knowing how to say it or knowing when to shut up is a skill...

You have a point, and I agree with you that there’s nothing wrong with giving unsolicited advice. It can be offensive though but fighting back isn’t nice either...
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Giving unsolicited advice can get you killed.
This amuses me..

This is nothing more than an entitled viewpoint in which you believe no harm can come to you.

Words and actions make a difference. Say them to the wrong person, and your life is over. Like... you get that right? It happens everywhere. US. Asia. Africa.

Know your surroundings. Be vigilant. Your life can end at any second.

Posted by Phantom_Dangus

You stuck your nose in someone's business and got it bit off. Right?
I just read it again and realized that my answer should be "NO".

I wasn't meddling with someone's life or even affair. I just commented on a person's FB post
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by firebunny
Posted by PiscesGal76

Sometimes its better to stay quiet and let it run its course. Some dont want the unsolicited advices and much rather just screw up/do things their way.

Its a fine line tho. It matters how its said, when, where and why. People can take it wrongly cause setting isnt right or the time, place or tone of voice isnt pleasant. Such advice can easily be mistaken for critic if the setting is off somehow.

I think people in authorities or high positions do not deserve unsolicited advice so this is a no-no whatever may be the circumstance.

But it’s a whole lot different when the receiving person is a mere FB acquaintance. In such case, the other person may raise that issue but I don’t think it’s right for him to fight or insult the giving person especially since, every now and then, people blurt unsolicited advice unconsciously.


This was merely a FB argument?

Are you serious right now?
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Yep, I'm serious. I think FB arguments are more toxic than real-life arguments. Everything's recorded in FB for everybody's read. *shrugs*
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by firebunny
Posted by PiscesGal76
Posted by firebunny
Posted by PiscesGal76

Sometimes its better to stay quiet and let it run its course. Some dont want the unsolicited advices and much rather just screw up/do things their way.

Its a fine line tho. It matters how its said, when, where and why. People can take it wrongly cause setting isnt right or the time, place or tone of voice isnt pleasant. Such advice can easily be mistaken for critic if the setting is off somehow.

I think people in authorities or high positions do not deserve unsolicited advice so this is a no-no whatever may be the circumstance.

But it’s a whole lot different when the receiving person is a mere FB acquaintance. In such case, the other person may raise that issue but I don’t think it’s right for him to fight or insult the giving person especially since, every now and then, people blurt unsolicited advice unconsciously.

Why doesnt high authority figures deserve unsolicited advice? They are humans just like anyone else. Its a mere job that they are filling up. There isnt anything wrong as a whole, to give unsolicited advice. Whats matters is, how, when, where and why its said. Setting is important too. Even high authority figures dont know everything.

The rudeness thats given back however, isnt needed at all. I agree on that. Says more about the other person. But again, if setting is right, this could be prevented.

Just knowing how to say it or knowing when to shut up is a skill...

You have a point, and I agree with you that there’s nothing wrong with giving unsolicited advice. It can be offensive though but fighting back isn’t nice either...

Giving unsolicited advice can get you killed.
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In US, this is true. Here in PH, I think this is possible if you're in Islamic areas.

But, precisely, how do you avoid it? Sometimes we throw UAs every now and then; it's almost as natural as *breathing*.


I would be annoyed but still think about it
Ok wait but if it was my dad which it ALWAYS IS lol there would be a lot of eye rolling and smiling and nodding while internally screaming and thinking about how annoying he is and how to get out of the whole conversation...

