Would you punch someone..

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by AriesIntrovert16 on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 and has 12 replies.
For washing your dishes before they used them?

To a lesser extent, would you be upset? Sad
No, dust and other particles can collect even if it's a tiNY bit. I want to make sure my plate is clean completely before I put the food that I'm about to put inside my body on there.
No, I even wash my own dishes before using them...just a habit! I know it's clean because I washed them. lol
It's an ocd thing. Don't get upset!
Domestic Violence/Abuse?
I would be upset/ offended etc, yes.

I would also comment on their obvious and unfortunate illness.

No. I would be that person washing the dishes.
If I can help it, I only use forks with wide prongs because I'm paranoid about them not being washed properly. I'm particular about some things like that.
Stop being shitty at washing dishes??
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by Montgomery
I would be upset/ offended etc, yes.

I would also comment on their obvious and unfortunate illness.

That would be the passive aggressive approach.

A more direct approach would be to chew them out for 10 mins about how offensive they are being and then take steps to not ever share dishes with them (or in worst case scenario, smash those dishes).

click to expand

That's excessive.

Why break my dishes because you're crazy?

You should be carrying around your own, pre-wrapped,

uber-sanitary disposable plates and sporks so as not

to offend your host(ess)!

Thanks guys.

It's actually me who compulsively washes my own dishes and my mother who said that someday someone will lay me out for doing so, because it will hurt their feelings.

She doesn't even wash the dishes. *eyeroll*

Either way, I would never eat at someone's house who I perceive to be dirty, so it's not a big deal.

I will continue to wash my dishes, and avoid eating at the houses of Pisces moons or Cancer Suns. Tongue
nope i won't. i do it. Tongue and it's a custom here. from where i am the host washes the dishes before s/he serves food to guests especially if the meal invite is a breakfast. it would be disrespectful to the guests if the host doesn't.
I wipe my butt before and after I poop.