Would you rather

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Soul on Thursday, November 16, 2023 and has 9 replies.
Live a long healthy life, where you diet and work out daily, or live a shorter life where you eat whatever you want, and give no fucks?

It seems this is what life comes down to. You gain maybe 10 extra lives living healthy at the age you're too old to even do anything anyway, or you say fuck it and take the gamble. How do you see it?
I don't diet and work out so I can be healthy and fit when I am old, I diet and work out so I can be healthy and fit right now.
Zero fucks given plan. I’d rather die suddenly while still able to look after myself rather than eke out my existence.
I saw few of my family friends who led healthiest of lives die of Cancer, Alzheimers and cardiac arrests! I myself was diagnosed with something years ago which can only happen either because you drink a lot of alcohol or because it runs in your family! I never had alcohol in my life nor did anyone in my family had that particular condition. It was nothing major but shouldn’t have happened to begin with. Mind you I was eating super healthy, was obsessed with calorie intake, would steer clear of sugar or anything labelled as “unhealthy” , never smoked or had alcohol and was exercising regularly at that point . Since that happened , I just decided not to be too bothered about “living healthy”. Not saying that I don’t believe all/any of these would have their own benefits. I still keep myself active and try following different kinds of diets and still don’t drink or smoke but it’s just to feel good. I don’t believe any of these things would guarantee long healthy life. There’s only so much you can do or control.
if it's gonna be a short one, i'd at least wanna see my son play tennis with his father
Posted by Soul
Live a long healthy life, where you diet and work out daily, or live a shorter life where you eat whatever you want, and give no fucks?
It seems this is what life comes down to. You gain maybe 10 extra lives living healthy at the age you're too old to even do anything anyway, or you say fuck it and take the gamble. How do you see it?
I'm trying to be ready for a zombie attack. I don't want to be the person in the horror movie that can't make it over the fence.

I’m hypertensive and married to someone with a serious mental illness so I’d like to one day have a real job and not collect his welfare payments.

I’d also love to lurk on this site as admin and play message tag with sad going nowhere people who tune into my sad cooking shows.
I don’t like extremism of any sort. So while I am particular about what I put in my body, I’m not super rigid. As long as I’m eating quality food on the regular, I have no problem treating myself to other not as healthy things like desserts.

I like to be able to run around like I always have so I work out for mobility and flexibility and strength retention. You don’t use it and you lose it. I’ve had times where I stopped caring for myself and my health deteriorated, but luckily I made necessary changes in my 30s so my body has bounced back. I like being in a strong, healthy body. So I’ll do a little maintenance to keep it. I definitely don’t go crazy—hell I haven’t worked out in a damn month and I’m mad at myself. Mostly because I’m not as mentally or physically prepared as I normally am when working out 2-3 times a week. It truly makes a difference in my mental facilities too, to be proud of my body and the work I’ve put in to maintain. And I’m better able to deal with stress when regularly releasing it physically.

My dad went bananas in his 40s and became a body builder and got all super rigid with his diet—still had heart problems. So yeah, I take care of myself but I am NOT depriving myself of butter and salt. I use things like salt sparingly but I have to be able to enjoy myself while still being fit enough to run around with kids.

If I was forced to choose….. probably no fucks 😅 yolo team then I guess