
This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Magenta_Azure on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 and has 17 replies.
300 troops to be deployed to Africa to fight Boko Haram

I love my President


300 troops to guard oil wells is more like it.

Lol. Might be another black hawk down.
Posted by 037

300 troops to guard oil wells is more like it.


America's doing just fine stealing guarding oil without our soldiers being over there right now.
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
lol definitly stupid probably for stole oil and diamonds, usa disguts me.

I'm guessing your stupid ass didn't read the article
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
Posted by Magenta_Azure
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
lol definitly stupid probably for stole oil and diamonds, usa disguts me.

I'm guessing your stupid ass didn't read the article

i saw BBC news and i knew that was made by stupid capitalist ASS, who probably never goes to africa and even know which language is spoken in this country and i bet if i ask you, to give me a city or who is the prime minister, before you googling you wasnt knowing it. yep definitly usa stupid, arrogant, and primary greedy.
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What does that have to do with anything you fucking moron. Be it Boko harem or Isis, if the US of getting involved to stop violent militant groups from destroying cities and killing innocent people what does a prime minister or a city in a country or continent have to do with anything???? you're a fucking moron. typical European
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
lol who prove me that the pic on article are from niger ?

the last article i've read on niger it was Obama, pressuring this state for accept gay mariage, now its an islamic state LMAO.

Once again what does that have to do with anything???
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
smart ass, when the USA stole ressources of some countries, you think its written on social media ????????


It is now thanks to MEEEEE
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by 037

300 troops to guard oil wells is more like it.


they be creating boko harams and then be like we're fighting boko harams...i swear AMerica be on bath salts.
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You're calling me an idiot yet you're believing conspiracy a theory. nice logic there. Im guessing you're in favor of Boko haram.
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
Posted by Magenta_Azure
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
Posted by Magenta_Azure
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
lol definitly stupid probably for stole oil and diamonds, usa disguts me.

I'm guessing your stupid ass didn't read the article

i saw BBC news and i knew that was made by stupid capitalist ASS, who probably never goes to africa and even know which language is spoken in this country and i bet if i ask you, to give me a city or who is the prime minister, before you googling you wasnt knowing it. yep definitly usa stupid, arrogant, and primary greedy.

What does that have to do with anything you fucking moron. Be it Boko harem or Isis, if the US of getting involved to stop violent militant groups from destroying cities and killing innocent people what does a prime minister or a city in a country or continent have to do with anything???? you're a fucking moron. typical European

lol, but which countries is sayin, that boko haram is killing people ? USA and Journalist who comes from USA ? you are so a sheep OMG,

if i look of all the attack that USA done, they just stole ressources of other countries?

and even if they are violent USA had to stay on his countrie you fuckin moron, look in a map and tell me why USA have the right to put his army on an other country breaking the international rules ?

"because they are a bad guy on this country Crying" grown up a little

your countrie is disgusting. your president want just have some oil, and diamonds for free and you have a brain of a sheep, who is not able to understand economic

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how to take your stupid ass to the school and figure out how to speak English before you form an opinion in English KK
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by 037

300 troops to guard oil wells is more like it.


they be creating boko harams and then be like we're fighting boko harams...i swear AMerica be on bath salts.
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As long as there's conflict, no one will be paying attention as the US sucks the oil wells dry.
Posted by 037
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by 037

300 troops to guard oil wells is more like it.


they be creating boko harams and then be like we're fighting boko harams...i swear AMerica be on bath salts.


As long as there's conflict, no one will be paying attention as the US sucks the oil wells dry.
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It's actually no secret that the US take oil. what's new?
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
Posted by BlackMamba
i hate stupid people so im out.

can't take this kind of bs...i don't like sheep...

yes you'are right i'im giving so much, energy for this girls,

you know what's the point ? its waste of time.

but when i see this, its like to see "HEY IM STUPID AND IM PROUD LOL"

its disguts me but you'are right, i shouldnt click on this
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If anybody is disgusting its you. You're for a terrorist group that kills innocent people and rapes women. You have no room to call anyone an idiot
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
Posted by Magenta_Azure
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
Posted by Magenta_Azure
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
Posted by Magenta_Azure
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
lol definitly stupid probably for stole oil and diamonds, usa disguts me.

I'm guessing your stupid ass didn't read the article

i saw BBC news and i knew that was made by stupid capitalist ASS, who probably never goes to africa and even know which language is spoken in this country and i bet if i ask you, to give me a city or who is the prime minister, before you googling you wasnt knowing it. yep definitly usa stupid, arrogant, and primary greedy.

What does that have to do with anything you fucking moron. Be it Boko harem or Isis, if the US of getting involved to stop violent militant groups from destroying cities and killing innocent people what does a prime minister or a city in a country or continent have to do with anything???? you're a fucking moron. typical European

lol, but which countries is sayin, that boko haram is killing people ? USA and Journalist who comes from USA ? you are so a sheep OMG,

if i look of all the attack that USA done, they just stole ressources of other countries?

and even if they are violent USA had to stay on his countrie you fuckin moron, look in a map and tell me why USA have the right to put his army on an other country breaking the international rules ?

"because they are a bad guy on this country Crying" grown up a little

your countrie is disgusting. your president want just have some oil, and diamonds for free and you have a brain of a sheep, who is not able to understand economic


how to take your stupid ass to the school and figure out how to speak English before you form an opinion in English KK

since you understand me i defintly dont care that use the right sentence. and french is definitly harder than english.

AND in a debat, generally when people start to correct the grammar of other people, it's mean that you have probably no argument.

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Then shut the fuck up. Case closed.
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
Posted by Magenta_Azure
Posted by FrenchKpricorn
lol who prove me that the pic on article are from niger ?

the last article i've read on niger it was Obama, pressuring this state for accept gay mariage, now its an islamic state LMAO.

Once again what does that have to do with anything???

If you are smart, its called propaganda, and propaganda it use on stupid people, who are not able to see both of view point.

have you heard any interview of boko haram ? (of course without being filmed by USA journalist), i ve you ever heard an niger speak about his country (without being filmed by an USA journalist)

NO and NO.

so you have the point of view of your own country who want to attack a countrie with ressource.

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Stop talking in circles moron.
Obama even created Isis to overpower the Syrian govt so that they can suck their oil wells dry, then they pretend that they are fighting Isis, damn America!
No, Don't speak down on my president!!