You might be an 0bama supporter...

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by ScorpioFish on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 and has 18 replies.
Let's have some fun with democrats.
If you advocate the sensless, systematic destruction of perfectly functional things...
You might be an 0bama supporter.
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If you advocate abandoning 4 American Heroes while they are in a firefight against terrorists in Libya...
You might be an 0bama supporter.
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If you believe democrats and their lies instead of American Special Forces Commandos and Navy SEALs...
You might be an 0bama supporter.
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If you believe in stabbing newborn babies in the throat with a pair of scissors and call it "abortion," you might be an 0bama supporter.
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If you advocate the "administration" behaving like a North Korean, paranoid tyranny via the Orwellian use of the DOJ to secretly monitor American TV and newspaper reporters....
You might be an 0bama supporter.
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If you advocate the hunting, prosecution and imprisonment/execution of Edward Snowden because he exposed the illegal and Orwellian PRISM machinations of the administration...
You might be an 0bama supporter.
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Posted by guiwaterdaymaster
Problems in this world will not be solved by dividing into two extreme groups that both the Rep. and Dem. now have come to represent...
We will have a public out cry to get along or they will be fired... the problem is they are all cheating us out of our money... by working with their friends on wall street and even together... So don't forget these two groups Rep. and Dem... both are working together to get rich and make us all poor...
Wake up... if no one is getting results then firer them... all even if you have to... both side...
I think 2 reasonable people from both sides normal every day people of adv. intelligence could sit down and do better then this...
This only goes on because the American population lets it... and as long as both side can play the game they will because they are getting rich...

There are some things that the RNC is basically the same thing as the DNC, but not all things.
For example, the DNC is now attacking the American coal industry and the expansion of the Keystone Pipeline.
Given that there are an estimated 330 million people living in the USA, how exactly do you propose powering these people's homes and vehicles given that MANY "green energy" programs such as Solyndra have been exposed as nothing more than a den of pretentious thieves.
Also, I don't think that Mitt Romney would have gone to bed and gotten up for a Las Vegas cash grab the next morning if he were in charge during the Benghazi terrorist attacks.
Romney also would not have referred to the Fort Hood Terrorist Attacks as "workplace violence" or some other such nonsense.
Romney would also refrain from blocking Keystone's expansion, and would support it as it was one of his platforms during his campaign.
Surely you are not an 0bama supporter, let alone a person who believes Western Civilization should continue to purchase petroleum from pro, quasi, proxy and full-blown terrorist states when we could be buying it from our friends in Canada.
Ambassador Christopher Stevens was very brave to be there, and he sent multiple distress calls for help several months before he and others were murdered by terrorists.
The democrats, and their supporters, all turned a blind eye to him and his brave friends/colleagues when they were shot/burned/asphyxiated until they senselessly died at the hands of terrorists.

Posted by IntriguedScorp
Also, please don't forget that now every one of our emails are now being stored in huge super computers--FOR OUR SAFETY. Yeah right.
We are living in THE Nightmare.

I know they are harvesting all of our information, and I believe Snowden.
I hope that they do not murder him like they murdered Michael Hastings. Hastings, as you know, was the journalist working on exposing more corruption oozing out of the "administration." His mysterious "car accident death" was hardly an accident.
Posted by IntriguedScorp
And his administration COVERED IT UP by blaming an American citizen (a filmmaker) for the attack for 5 weeks. Who does that?

Compulsive, pathological liars who are waving the flag of death and destruction over this great Country.
The film-maker is still languishing in prison, BTW.
Arrested and imprisoned as a scape goat.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by IntriguedScorp
And his administration COVERED IT UP by blaming an American citizen (a filmmaker) for the attack for 5 weeks. Who does that?

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0bama supporters.
Don't even portend to believe that 0bama supporters are Americans.
They represent the precise and ultimate antithesis as to what America is all about.
Posted by robyn808
Serious question, are you recruiting for the tea party?

Just trying to educate the masses around here, nothing more.
Do you advocate the systematic destruction of perfectly good cars, stabbing newborn babies to death, abandoning Americans to be murdered by terrorists and the angry pursuit of Americans who shed the light of truth on criminals?
I don't advocate ANYTHING the democrats do.
Yes, Romney wasn't the best, but I know he wouldn't have left Stevens to die like that. I also know he wouldn't advocate the systematic destruction of perfectly good cars and trucks.
Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by robyn808
Serious question, are you recruiting for the tea party?

Just trying to educate the masses around here, nothing more.
Do you advocate the systematic destruction of perfectly good cars, stabbing newborn babies to death, abandoning Americans to be murdered by terrorists and the angry pursuit of Americans who shed the light of truth on criminals?
I don't advocate ANYTHING the democrats do.
Yes, Romney wasn't the best, but I know he wouldn't have left Stevens to die like that. I also know he wouldn't advocate the systematic destruction of perfectly good cars and trucks.
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How do you know?
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by robyn808
Serious question, are you recruiting for the tea party?

Just trying to educate the masses around here, nothing more.
Do you advocate the systematic destruction of perfectly good cars, stabbing newborn babies to death, abandoning Americans to be murdered by terrorists and the angry pursuit of Americans who shed the light of truth on criminals?
I don't advocate ANYTHING the democrats do.
Yes, Romney wasn't the best, but I know he wouldn't have left Stevens to die like that. I also know he wouldn't advocate the systematic destruction of perfectly good cars and trucks.

How do you know?
click to expand

Pisceans typically do not go to sleep when the phone is ringing with Americans on the other end in the firefight of their lives. Romney may have a few marks on him, but he has a conscience for people who are fighting to stay alive against terrorists.
Also, he's a businessman. He would have found some other incentive to get the auto industry rolling again without using the US Government to destroy perfectly good cars.
Ford was managed outside of idiots like 0bama, and they managed to stay alive as a company through successful innovation and industrial changes.
I voted for Ron Paul. Big Grin
Posted by cunninglinguist
The problem is, the federal government has too much power.
The federal government should only deal with overseas issues. Everything else should be under state jurisdiction. That will limit power, be much more manageable (America is too big and unwieldy to handle all at once), and it gives the people more freedom (they don't like how shit is run in Kansas? Move to California).
Not to mention, more accountability. California can become an overpopulated third world state without other states having to pitch in for the national government to bail them out.

^ This.
hahahaha people think there are sides still? hahahah

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