29 degrees

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by SofiaV87 on Monday, November 28, 2016 and has 18 replies.
My friends moon is 29 degrees In Aries.. Does this mean she is on the cusp of a Taurus moon?
Posted by Immaculate_Perfection
Depends, many astrologers think 29 degree house cusp is more important than planets.

Speaking from experience, I have Neptune and Pluto at 29 degrees and they definitely permeate the next sign and house. That being said they are both conjunct 'heavy' planets, Neptune conjunct Jupiter and Pluto conjunct Saturn. Heavy planets 'pull in' less weight planets.

Does your friends Moon conjunct anything in Taurus, or is Moon in close aspect to Venus?

Yea she has sun conjunct moon.. How do U know if one of your houses is on a cusp ?

Posted by andstill
manly moon is manly
Haha she always says she looks like a man or a tranny with too much makeup on. She's so ridiculous lol
Posted by Immaculate_Perfection
Posted by SofiaV87
Posted by Immaculate_Perfection
Depends, many astrologers think 29 degree house cusp is more important than planets.

Speaking from experience, I have Neptune and Pluto at 29 degrees and they definitely permeate the next sign and house. That being said they are both conjunct 'heavy' planets, Neptune conjunct Jupiter and Pluto conjunct Saturn. Heavy planets 'pull in' less weight planets.

Does your friends Moon conjunct anything in Taurus, or is Moon in close aspect to Venus?

Yea she has sun conjunct moon.. How do U know if one of your houses is on a cusp ?

The house cusp will start at 29 degrees of a sign.

Sun is also a 'heavy planet', plus there is mutual reception between the two if Sun is in Taurus and Moon in Aries as Sun is exalted in Aries, likewise Moon is exalted in Taurus. She will feel both signs and houses from both the Sun and Moon perspective.

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Yea, she's a Taurus sun.. She def has characteristics of Taurus & aries combined
Posted by Koniuchaa
This is hard to say. I have Venus Virgo at 29 degrees. I do feel I have libra Venus characteristics, but I am also Libra dominant.

I also have Venus conjunct Saturn and that is much stronger
That makes sense that u feel libra Venus traits if u are libra dominant.. She's not Aries or Taurus dominant but I can see both Taurus & aries traits in her .. The Aries moon came out more later in life for her
If I recall correctly my Gemini moon is 29 degrees
I have Sun conjunct mercury in Pisces square Sag moon (singleton) trine Aries Pallas; all of them sitting at 29th degree.

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I just love the image and unifying influence of Pallas conjunct fixed star Alrisha, even more since it's the knot that connects that two extremities of the Fishes.
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
If I recall correctly my Gemini moon is 29 degrees
Do you feel it more Cancerian(is it said like that?)?
Posted by Blackburn
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
If I recall correctly my Gemini moon is 29 degrees
Do you feel it more Cancerian(is it said like that?)?
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Hmm a bit of both if I'm honest. I think it depends on the situation I find myself in or the experience if that makes sense

Posted by bumboklatt
Personally, cusps are nonexistent. 1 degree Virgo sun is different from 29 degrees Leo

I blame the other placements especially since suns at the extreme degrees have neighboring signs in mercury and venus
Are u saying that u don't believe cusps exist in general ?
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
If I recall correctly my Gemini moon is 29 degrees
Do U have some emotion cancer moon traits ?
Posted by Palerio
I have Sun conjunct mercury in Pisces square Sag moon (singleton) trine Aries Pallas; all of them sitting at 29th degree.

User Submitted Image

I just love the image and unifying influence of Pallas conjunct fixed star Alrisha, even more since it's the knot that connects that two extremities of the Fishes.
Interesting, just wish I knew what it all meant haha

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
Posted by Blackburn
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
If I recall correctly my Gemini moon is 29 degrees
Do you feel it more Cancerian(is it said like that?)?
Hmm a bit of both if I'm honest. I think it depends on the situation I find myself in or the experience if that makes sense

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Yea that makes sense, I just saw this after I replied to u lol
Posted by SofiaV87
My friends moon is 29 degrees In Aries.. Does this mean she is on the cusp of a Taurus moon?
Even if the Moon is in the last degree of Aries, you may like to analyze the Moon in Aries.

Today there is New Moon in Sagittarius Moon usually brings new beginnings in connection to our dreams, memories, and emotions. Our inner impulses, our feelings will push us to initiate something based on our roots, based on our origins or who we are as individuals.

I use the Equal Houses and the cusp sign is very important , also the planet which rules the cusps.

Even if you have a planet in the last degree of that house, analyze the planets in the original house.
ive seen some charts where the sun or moon sign ect is 0 degrees.

for example, Ryan Reynold's chart. hes scorpio sun 0 degrees. so that's it's libra energy is stil there, but he does have libra influence and is libra dominant.


Posted by bumboklatt
Posted by SofiaV87
Posted by bumboklatt
Personally, cusps are nonexistent. 1 degree Virgo sun is different from 29 degrees Leo

I blame the other placements especially since suns at the extreme degrees have neighboring signs in mercury and venus
Are u saying that u don't believe cusps exist in general ?
Not in degrees. Technically it's between 29 and 1. But I believe the energies switch instantly or at least fast enough for us not to measure.

The reason why cusp descriptions are fitting is because mercury, Venus or some other planet/placement is bound to be in a neighboring sign to the sun

Example nov 24th-sag sun/scorp mercury/scorp Venus vs December 14th sag sun/sag mercury/sag Venus

Of course the closer to scorpio the more scorpio and sag traits they will have but a 0.1 degree sag will always be a sag
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U described it in a way that's understandable ?

Posted by lisabethur8
ive seen some charts where the sun or moon sign ect is 0 degrees.

for example, Ryan Reynold's chart. hes scorpio sun 0 degrees. so that's it's libra energy is stil there, but he does have libra influence and is libra dominant.


Yea so basically no matter how close it is, you're the sign within 30 degrees.. My friend has both Taurus & aries traits but I guess that doesn't have much to do with the cusp, she is a Taurus sun .. I redid her chart recently , for some reason it's coming up Aries moon & cancer cusp when it was Taurus moon Scorpio cusp for a while .. Don't know what that's about

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