aquarius moon

This topic was created in the Aquarius Moon forum by cancerpersonality on Saturday, January 19, 2013 and has 9 replies.
Hi! any Aquarius moons out there ? what does it mean ?
It means you aren't very emotional, and people crying over little things or dragging things out baffles you.
Damn infinity... You got the astrological hookup there.
Scorpio Sun and an Aqua Moon. You sound like a very VERY strong person. If astrology has anything to say about it. Well rounded too.
ive noticed they need to have alot alot of friends... u dont usually catch these people with the same cellphone for too long,and they rarely talk about the past

I have a Cancer Sun and Aquarius Moon, polar opposites and yet I think that they bring out in each other a balance that is unique.
Being a Cancer I am very empathetic and at times emotional. I love having some security especially in my close relationships and I think that I can more in touch with my feelings and those of others than people with Aquarius Suns. With the Aquarius moon, it expands my thinking. I like to have freedom and don't like when my partner is too clingy and I also want to help others and be of service. I can think logically when I have to, but still be mindful of the desires and wants of others in order to take them into consideration.
It can be a tough, intense but very rewarding combination.
I'm Scorpio with Aquarius moon. I find that I can be emotional but not as much as others. I do like to keep things light-hearted, even to the point of making jokes or tapping into sense of humor in tense situations. Alot of people think I am ADD because I just pull random thoughts into a heated or tense conversation/situation. I'm like "No, I just want you all to lighten the **** up!" I will also tolerate alot of BS. I also don't like clingy in a needy way unless I want to be clingy to them. I am, however, really affectionate (maybe that's more to do with my Venus in Libra??). And I don't judge people by their race, sexual orientation, social status, financial status..people are all human and deserve the same respect. What I judge people on are their actions.
The main thing I think about it is that although women (Moon) can be friendly (Aquarius) to me, they don't usually want it to go any further than that, so that in other words I end up getting dumped in the dreaded "Friend Zone"! Maybe because I am a Virgo and am a bit shy and respect women to the extent of not ogling and trying to grope them they think that I just want to be friends or maybe they even think that I am gay. I do often wonder how to get the balance right about this (to let them know that I am INTERESTED but without freaking them out) as all this causes me a lot of heartache!
Posted by rgh1
I have Sun, Moon and Venus in Aquarius. I am very emotional and feel on a very deep level. Though, it is very hard for me to not stop and begin to analyze and objectively view any situation. Which is perceived as me being a cold distant bastard. Regarding friendliness...I have friends everywhere I go. I just haven't met them yet. I am new into looking into this whole Astrology thing thing and so far I have come to believe that there's more to it than a just a dog and pony show of ambiguity and it does appear to be more valid than a gentleman who is guessing weight at a carnival. But, what do I know? I am open minded and willing to look at anyside of an argument and can always find reason in every position :/

I have sun/moon in Aquarius and venus/mars in Pisces.. I'm also a very emotional person and very intense too...however, I never show it and people think I'm pretty cool and not emotional at all..
I also get along great with scorpio moons...all guys I've dated so far had scorpio or Pisces moon...I love people who are emotional and deep...I just get them and they get me...
Gemini Sun here with an Aquarius in Moon and to be honest I dont know what the hell that means. Can anyone explain it for me plz? Thank u