Best moon matches

Which moon signs do you think go well together? Personally, I like fellow leo moons and Aqua mooners. Cancer mooners...

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by rainydayz on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 and has 116 replies.
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Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by Sugarfoot
In my experience, fire moons suck. Really. Fire moons try to walk over water moons and I find them extremely ignorant, immature, and egotistical. Completely unattractive. Air moons have an exciting personality which I find humorous, so for friendships they're great.

Also, thank you for that compliment about air moons. I am a Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Cancer Mars, Aries Venus and I forget the rest....
But yes, Fire Moons tend to be overbearing. I have a Libra friend with Aries Moon, and he does overwhelm the conversation with loud phrases as he attempts to take charge of everything all the time. Problem is, he isn't very bright or secure in himself. Makes it difficult to be his friend sometimes as a result of this.
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I can relate. I have fire moon friend who is like this also. Its difficult to deal with him at times.
I'm an aries moon & I adore Libra moon with Leo sun! He's warm yet annoying lol but I can't get angry with him for long time. Opposite do attracts!
Scorpio moon with Pisces moon, or Cancer moon. Cap moon and Scorpio moon are great friendships.
If I could pick someone to have certain placements, I would love to meet a Libra with a Pisces moon and a Venus in Scorpio. smile
I've noticed that Libra Moon and Sag Moon is not very desirable for a combo. Libra Mooners deal better with Leo Moons, imo.
Sadge Mooners, on the other hand, have the best relations with Aqua and Aries Moons.
I have aries moon and I have funky chemistry with people who have scorpio, gemini and aqua moon.
I may not get along with cancer moons.
with my scorpio moon.. I find alot of my close buddies are mostly virgo, libra and aqua mooners. I also adore one pisces mooner so incredibly sweet! but hes the only pisces mooner i know i guess
I am an Aries Moon. I don't know who to date.I had an almost lesbian experience with a Pisces Moon. I dated a Scorpio Moon & I'm too direct. The Gemini Moon likes to chat with me. I don't know what to do with myself. Also hurted an Aqua Moon. Libra doesn't like me. There is minor attraction to a Cancer Moon but I'm too impulsive. My best friend is a Sag Moon.
From my experiences, I tend to find the Moon trine Moon connection (be if of any element) creates the highest level of comfort. There is an unspoken understanding between them which requires little to no effort in maintaining.
Posted by clay
Posted by clay
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
From my experiences, I tend to find the Moon trine Moon connection (be if of any element) creates the highest level of comfort. There is an unspoken understanding between them which requires little to no effort in maintaining.
Where's your moon?
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I saw you the first time around, you did not have to notify me twice.Laughing
Taurus moon and Pisces moon.... Me and hubby have this placement .... Water and earth... I feel extremely safe with him... His emotions are stable mines well... A bit much... He has taught me a lot on how to balance them... Perfect combo
Aries and Aqua mooners ftw
Posted by Tornadoday16
Don't you think that Leo moons naturally repel each other? A Leo moon needs to go with an air moon that it can fill up.
Most my good female friends have leo moons like me. I think we just get eachothers stompy diva attitudes haha. We help eachother. Although i know there are some.jealousies between. Me and one Leo friend have seemed to date eachothers male friends through our lives.. idk if its a subconscious way of trying to make us feel better about ourselves?
I'm a Taurus moon and in my experience all water moons cancer fit best with me friends wise, followed by libras, Leo and Aries.

Scorpio moons just don't work for me on a romantic level though. Only had one experience with a fellow earth moon which was a cap moon and was the most intense relationship I've ever had.
As an aqua moon I like capricorn moons, sagittarius and virgo moons! And I fight a little with libras moons, but like them tho.

Leo Moons are my pet peeve.
I get along with Scorpio and Gemini moons (friendship level), but I'm attracted, as for now, to Capricorn and Taurus moons.

I detest Pisces moons. Other moons probably I haven't checked/haven't met yet.
Taurus and Scorpio moon are my favorite. Taurus moon makes me feel calm. Scorp moon makes blindly passionate
Taurus and Cap Moon! I miss my Cap Moon guy, he was the best!
Posted by Miamia13
@feby @AfternoonDelights22 what's our best moon match?
idk one specific moon

But Ive always jived best with Air moons: Aqua, other libras, and even gemini moons

But also some Earth: Taurus and Cap moons
Posted by MadMarchRam
I'm a Taurus moon and in my experience all water moons cancer fit best with me friends wise, followed by libras, Leo and Aries.

Scorpio moons just don't work for me on a romantic level though. Only had one experience with a fellow earth moon which was a cap moon and was the most intense relationship I've ever had.

How weird this is, seeing this post of mine!

My partner is a Scorpio moon ? It's the best relationship I've ever had!!

But, he is a Leo sun so that's probably why it works so much better than a Pisces sun with a Scorpio moon.

Posted by youngali
Taurus moon here...

Besties: other Taurus moons

Best for Relationships: Virgo moons, cancer moons, Capricorn moons

Heavily Attracted to: cancer moons, Aries moons

I LOVE cancer moons ❤️ 2 of my closest friends, that I class as family have it ?

Aires and Libra.

Cause I know if I push enough he'll let me get my way lol.
I think Virgo mooners are good for me, But I can't stand Virgo Sun men. They are so dramatic, controlling, anal and sensitive. lol For some reason the moon is a slightly less dramatic placement and I can handle it.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Aires and Libra.

Cause I know if I push enough he'll let me get my way lol.
I'm dealing with an Aqua sun / Aries moon/ Libra mars right now and I hope this is the case Tongue

Posted by GetMisted
Posted by firebunny
I'm a Leo Moon. I think the most compatible moon to me is ARIES MOON. smile
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Yes, I am aware Leo Moon and Aries Moon go well together.

I would murder him though.
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by LadyNeptune
Aires and Libra.

Cause I know if I push enough he'll let me get my way lol.
I'm dealing with an Aqua sun / Aries moon/ Libra mars right now and I hope this is the case Tongue

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Well I have an Aries moon and he has the libra moon...meaning I get my way since he's all about pleasing and keeping the peace.

Your cancer moon is a softie and his aries moon is gonna win the battle of wills imo.
Posted by Miamia13
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Miamia13
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Miamia13
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Miamia13
@feby @AfternoonDelights22 what's our best moon match?
Too big dick?

Dunno if they can handle da booty

wut booty
@afternoondelights22 's booty

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Very few can handle all this ass
My Aquarius moon goes perfectly well with my best friend's Leo moon. I love the way she sees the world, in such an original way, with an unusual spin to it. She is an incredibly kind person too. And dresses very sharply. Her sun is in Aquarius though, so we both agree to leave each other a lot of breathing room.
I like most of the moons of ppl I've done charts on.. I don't recall doing anyone with a Virgo or Gemini moon though .. I keep reading Pisces moon go terribly with certain moon signs but this isn't the case for me , I think that's my Aqua Venus that's shining through lol
Posted by Rindaroo
Aqua moon here

Best relationships Pisces moon, Cancer moon and Virgo moon

Can't do water suns, but yes on the moons. Go figure!
My bf has Aqua moon & I'm Pisces moon .. nice to see another Aqua moon with a Pisces moon lol
I have too many bad experiences with aqua moons and its like i can tell when they are always lying and I hate being lied to lol
Aqua moons, Taurus moons, and Aries are my fav.
Cap moons, Aries moons, gem moons, libra moons, Scorpio moons & sag moons are my faves!

Virgo moons are either good or bad (depending on sun sign)

Leo moons are so funny! But that drama though... lol

Aqua moons are cool at first, but that detachment is a big ?????????

Not much experience with other moons

Im Pisces moon. I attract and am attracted to Scorpio sun and moon, cancer moon, Virgo suns and moons.
Aries Moon and a Cancer Moon- because I want him lol

I love seeing the fire shoot across his face and how quick he cools it down. He is so damn sexy lol He is so passionate and controlled. I don't know how this will be in arguments though he seems to be pretty chill.
For me, earth and water moons, seem to surround me and I love them.
Taurus moon - Gemini moon ❤️
As a Pisces moon. I love water and earth.
This is so oldddd but I enjoy Gemini moons and Scorpio moons the most.

I'm currently with a Sag mooner tho, but his sun is in Taurus so maybe that's why it balances out.

I'm a Taurus moon.
Aries mooner here. Most compatible had been other fire moons. Love them!
Aries moon here (hades) magnet scorpio moons
I'm Virgo moon and I adore scorpio moon. 😉
Posted by rainydayz
Which moon signs do you think go well together?
Personally, I like fellow leo moons and Aqua mooners. Cancer mooners are okay, my Pisces sun/merc can smell all the emotions a mile away. Sometimes they can get a little emo though which drains my energy...
Never to Leo moons with Aqua moons. There is an attraction and they do get along but Leo moon’s excessive narcissism will be shattered and constantly berated by Aqua moon.

Also, no to Leo moons with Libra moons. I know three couples with this match and all are disastrous!!!! One would wonder what on earth got the two together. Leo moon is looking for a dumb partner who will fall for all their stupid excuses while they carry on, and Libra moon is just that.

The Libra moon I ever liked genuinely is homegirl @arielle83

Good moon matches

Aqua moon with Scorpio moon

Aqua moon with Cap moon

Aqua moon with Aries moon

Aqua moon with Gem moon

Cap moon with Cancer moon

Cap... with Taurus moon

Cap... with Aqua moon

Cap...with Aries moon

Pisces moon with Scorp moon

Pisces... Libra moon

Pisces...Leo moon

Pisces...Taurus moon

Gem moon with Aqua moon

Gem...Scorp moon

Gem...Sag moon

Gem...Cap moon

Taurus moon with Cancer moon

Taurus... with Libra moon

Taurus...Cap moon

Taurus with Leo moon

Sag moon + cancer moon

And obv sag moon + gem moon

Sag moon + Leo moon as well

Sag moon + aqua moon
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by rainydayz
Which moon signs do you think go well together?
Personally, I like fellow leo moons and Aqua mooners. Cancer mooners are okay, my Pisces sun/merc can smell all the emotions a mile away. Sometimes they can get a little emo though which drains my energy...
Never to Leo moons with Aqua moons. There is an attraction and they do get along but Leo moon’s excessive narcissism will be shattered and constantly berated by Aqua moon.

Also, no to Leo moons with Libra moons. I know three couples with this match and all are disastrous!!!! One would wonder what on earth got the two together. Leo moon is looking for a dumb partner who will fall for all their stupid excuses while they carry on, and Libra moon is just that.

The Libra moon I ever liked genuinely is homegirl @arielle83

Libra moons love Leo moons like no other until they fuk us over

they're not trustworthy enough for leo moon loyalty

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There is a strongggg attraction between the two. Seen more than 3 couples with this combo. However, I know three closely and in all three the Libra moons are excessively emotional, delusional and behaving foolishly that it’s hard to take them as air signs. Total idiocy and I’m wondering why Leo moon puts up with it. But then, not really because all three Leo moons are being douchebags to the max cheating on their Libra moon partners and have done so for quite some time and their stupid excuses are lapped/believed by Libra moons.

Posted by Jayc3on
Posted by aquarius09
Good moon matches

Pisces moon with Scorp moon

Pisces... Libra moon

Pisces...Leo moon

Can you examples of these?

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Wishy washy/idealistic placement like Pisces moon either needs/must be with a practical/realist/brave sign to counteract their delusional tendencies and this way they can get by in the world, but then it won’t be a fair match because no realist wants to be with a non-practical person.

So, I’ve paired them with someone as delusional as them if not less. Leo moon is okay with someone as delusional as Pisces moon because they’re looking to have someone believe their implausible lies. Pisces moon will fall for it. Libra moon is as delusional and idealistic as P moon if not more. They can live a life of rose coloured glasses together. As for Scorp moon, this is the only water sign that matches the vindictiveness is P moon to keep it in check.

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by rainydayz
Which moon signs do you think go well together?
Personally, I like fellow leo moons and Aqua mooners. Cancer mooners are okay, my Pisces sun/merc can smell all the emotions a mile away. Sometimes they can get a little emo though which drains my energy...
Never to Leo moons with Aqua moons. There is an attraction and they do get along but Leo moon’s excessive narcissism will be shattered and constantly berated by Aqua moon.

Also, no to Leo moons with Libra moons. I know three couples with this match and all are disastrous!!!! One would wonder what on earth got the two together. Leo moon is looking for a dumb partner who will fall for all their stupid excuses while they carry on, and Libra moon is just that.

The Libra moon I ever liked genuinely is homegirl @arielle83

Libra moons love Leo moons like no other until they fuk us over

they're not trustworthy enough for leo moon loyalty

There is a strongggg attraction between the two. Seen more than 3 couples with this combo. However, I know three closely and in all three the Libra moons are excessively emotional, delusional and behaving foolishly that it’s hard to take them as air signs. Total idiocy and I’m wondering why Leo moon puts up with it. But then, not really because all three Leo moons are being douchebags to the max cheating on their Libra moon partners and have done so for quite some time and their stupid excuses are lapped/believed by Libra moons.

I can see that Libra moons love us, and allow us to be ourselves. Its a beautiful semblance of back and forth, they're not a THREAT

That's huge for us, but on the other hand, their weaknesses, drive us away from them romantically-We think they're weak because of what you mentioned. We notice that crap too

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Leo moons see Libra moons as weak chumps that they can successfully trample on. So they keep them as main person while maintaining their freedom to pursue various side flexes. LOL

Posted by Jayc3on
Posted by aquarius09
Good moon matches

Pisces moon with Scorp moon

Pisces... Libra moon

Pisces...Leo moon

Can you examples of these?

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What do you mean examples of these? You mean celebs?

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by rainydayz
Which moon signs do you think go well together?
Personally, I like fellow leo moons and Aqua mooners. Cancer mooners are okay, my Pisces sun/merc can smell all the emotions a mile away. Sometimes they can get a little emo though which drains my energy...
Never to Leo moons with Aqua moons. There is an attraction and they do get along but Leo moon’s excessive narcissism will be shattered and constantly berated by Aqua moon.

Also, no to Leo moons with Libra moons. I know three couples with this match and all are disastrous!!!! One would wonder what on earth got the two together. Leo moon is looking for a dumb partner who will fall for all their stupid excuses while they carry on, and Libra moon is just that.

The Libra moon I ever liked genuinely is homegirl @arielle83

Libra moons love Leo moons like no other until they fuk us over

they're not trustworthy enough for leo moon loyalty

There is a strongggg attraction between the two. Seen more than 3 couples with this combo. However, I know three closely and in all three the Libra moons are excessively emotional, delusional and behaving foolishly that it’s hard to take them as air signs. Total idiocy and I’m wondering why Leo moon puts up with it. But then, not really because all three Leo moons are being douchebags to the max cheating on their Libra moon partners and have done so for quite some time and their stupid excuses are lapped/believed by Libra moons.

I can see that Libra moons love us, and allow us to be ourselves. Its a beautiful semblance of back and forth, they're not a THREAT

That's huge for us, but on the other hand, their weaknesses, drive us away from them romantically-We think they're weak because of what you mentioned. We notice that crap too

Leo moons see Libra moons as weak chumps that they can successfully trample on. So they keep them as main person while maintaining their freedom to pursue various side flexes. LOL

lol you got me interested in finding a libra moon chump now!

sounds GREAT TO ME
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Come back when you have a Libra moon man. Just remember that he will most likely be good looking but no Leo moon will have a prob with that.

Posted by Shul
I've noticed that Libra Moon and Sag Moon is not very desirable for a combo. Libra Mooners deal better with Leo Moons, imo.
Sadge Mooners, on the other hand, have the best relations with Aqua and Aries Moons.
Why? I'm a Libra Moon and I love Sag mooners.

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