Oh cancer moons out there, how do you deal with times of heartache and stress?
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Mar 18, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 676 · Topics: 26
I find routine exercise keeps my moods nice and (reasonably) steady. I don't feel those twinges of hurt over random nonsense anymore. I try not to go more than two days without some intense cardio. If I do, by the fourth day I start feeling a flood of heaviness, that is virtually inescapable. For me regular exercise is a preventative measure and not a treatment for my moods.
Also if the mood is nothing too heavy, not fighting it, accepting it and just riding the storm, helps considerably. Distraction helps too: music, funny tv shows, addictive thrillers like Prison Break, Damages...or something manual that you're passionate about, so that you can really get lost in it.
I don't know. I just keep going. And I can never stop. Or the depth of my anguish may just overwhelm me.
(Aries Sun, on the cusp of Pisces, Moon near the last degree of Cancer - I even find myself a bit leonine, Mars in Sag - I'm a bit of a mess)
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I rationalize everything.
Feel the pain or stress coming on, consider the reason, validate it .... then put it into immediate proper perspective.
The only things I cannot do that with is when I encounter an animal, child or elder being abused ... then I lose my fucking marbles.
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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
I hate my cancer moon! I find it makes me so emotionally selfish. When I've been hurt its always "why me" " how could he/she do this to me" ME ME ME ME ME. I now have learnt to take a step bavk and try and put all.my.energy into tying to think about other people and help other people who are down when I am down and it makes me feel beter. Maybe its my Libra that I turn to but whatever it is it stops me feeling sorry for myself lol. I'd trade thia moon in an instant!!
I agree with a bit of everything, but the linked chain in all these reponses is getting lost/consumed in something..preferably something positive.
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Nov 10, 2008Comments: 585 · Posts: 4402 · Topics: 46
i will allow myself to feel it for a bit. i don't want to bottle it, it just gets worse if i do. i'll talk it over with someone i can trust, get a different persective from someone who's outside the box. then like P-Angel said, i'll rationalize it. after that, i consume myself with positive things, like MizzButtaFly said.