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Jun 24, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 1641 · Topics: 110
I know people have had topics about moon signs. But I'm curious to know about which house placements people are more partial to. If certain energies affect you?
I personally prefer water house moons. Not only because I have one lol but I've found it difficult to deal with certain fire house moons. My sister has an Aries house moon, and when she comes at me with her energy I wanna run for the hills lol
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Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12437 · Topics: 2
I prefer air moons. It keeps their crazy at bay. I'm also attracted to air moons.
Haven't seen you in a while.
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Jul 23, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 454 · Topics: 17
I seem to be drawn to first house moons, sixth house moons and ninth house moons.
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Jun 21, 2015Comments: 3 · Posts: 2104 · Topics: 89
this is an interesting topic! I've never even thought about it by houses. I have friends of all moon elements. air signs sometimes have water moons/earth moons and fire signs also have water moons/earth moons. I love fire moons and air moons too. double air, double fire or a mixture.
as for HOUSES. hmm so my own moon is in the 11th house (so is my Chiron- yikes). 11th house represents Aquarius (my moon is in Virgo though). I have multiple friends with the moons in the 2nd house and most are Cap moons so a lot of Sag ascendants in my life haha (Taurus- 2nd house), 5th house moons (Leo), and 12th house moons (Pisces). the actual moons vary in element.
Tons of Cap moons are in my life. I like Aries moons, Leo moons, Sag moons, Fire/Air signs with Cancer/Pisces moons, Gemini moons, Libra moons and Aqua moons.
not a fan of Scorp or Taurus moons thus far. I do have an Aqua friend with a scorp moon though. so maybe with air/fire signs that moon is okay. however so far the only Taurus moon I've gotten along with is my mother lol
Hmm IDK. I have a Sagittarius moon in the 4th house. Kind of a weird mix.
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Jun 21, 2015Comments: 3 · Posts: 2104 · Topics: 89
This is only the beginning of a life long battle with the material/manifest world itself. *