Favorite moon house?

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by xomelindabelle on Thursday, October 15, 2015 and has 14 replies.
I know people have had topics about moon signs. But I'm curious to know about which house placements people are more partial to. If certain energies affect you?

I personally prefer water house moons. Not only because I have one lol but I've found it difficult to deal with certain fire house moons. My sister has an Aries house moon, and when she comes at me with her energy I wanna run for the hills lol
I prefer air moons. It keeps their crazy at bay. I'm also attracted to air moons.

Haven't seen you in a while.
I seem to be drawn to first house moons, sixth house moons and ninth house moons.
this is an interesting topic! I've never even thought about it by houses. I have friends of all moon elements. air signs sometimes have water moons/earth moons and fire signs also have water moons/earth moons. I love fire moons and air moons too. double air, double fire or a mixture.

as for HOUSES. hmm so my own moon is in the 11th house (so is my Chiron- yikes). 11th house represents Aquarius (my moon is in Virgo though). I have multiple friends with the moons in the 2nd house and most are Cap moons so a lot of Sag ascendants in my life haha (Taurus- 2nd house), 5th house moons (Leo), and 12th house moons (Pisces). the actual moons vary in element.

Tons of Cap moons are in my life. I like Aries moons, Leo moons, Sag moons, Fire/Air signs with Cancer/Pisces moons, Gemini moons, Libra moons and Aqua moons.

not a fan of Scorp or Taurus moons thus far. I do have an Aqua friend with a scorp moon though. so maybe with air/fire signs that moon is okay. however so far the only Taurus moon I've gotten along with is my mother lol
Posted by KsamCancer
I hate having my moon in the 1st house, too much influence

My sister's moon house is in the first; it's an entirely different energy than my twelfth house. And it can be quite overwhelming. She tends to traumatize my fishy feels haha but, I know she's always coming from love and that I have to be patient with her.
How do you feel it influences you? What do you mean by 'too much'?
Posted by 9waterlion9
I really like my 9th house Pisces moon, but the houses of other people's moons I don't usually know since most people don't know their time of birth off the top of their head, anyway.
In general I think Aries is the best moon placement. Fire moons really shine through feminine sun signs, amplify masculine suns, and make for some really fun people. But I think as far as houses go I like the idea of masculine moons in feminine houses or vice versa to add some balance.

Perfectly said, and I totally agree. My moon is masculine, but I'm thankful that the house placement allows for that balance. Or rather, helps the balance considering my moon is Libra Tongue granted, Libra is masculine but I don't find it to be a very aggressive or pronounced energy. The combination of the Pisces house and the Libra makes for a pleasant combination for me. I'm happy with it. smile
Posted by aquarius09
I prefer air moons. It keeps their crazy at bay. I'm also attracted to air moons.

Haven't seen you in a while.

Yes, it has been awhile. I'm here sporadically lol so air moon houses and air moon signs are your preference?
Hmm IDK. I have a Sagittarius moon in the 4th house. Kind of a weird mix.
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
this is an interesting topic! I've never even thought about it by houses. I have friends of all moon elements. air signs sometimes have water moons/earth moons and fire signs also have water moons/earth moons. I love fire moons and air moons too. double air, double fire or a mixture.

as for HOUSES. hmm so my own moon is in the 11th house (so is my Chiron- yikes). 11th house represents Aquarius (my moon is in Virgo though). I have multiple friends with the moons in the 2nd house and most are Cap moons so a lot of Sag ascendants in my life haha (Taurus- 2nd house), 5th house moons (Leo), and 12th house moons (Pisces). the actual moons vary in element.

Tons of Cap moons are in my life. I like Aries moons, Leo moons, Sag moons, Fire/Air signs with Cancer/Pisces moons, Gemini moons, Libra moons and Aqua moons.

not a fan of Scorp or Taurus moons thus far. I do have an Aqua friend with a scorp moon though. so maybe with air/fire signs that moon is okay. however so far the only Taurus moon I've gotten along with is my mother lol

I had noticed that no one had been asking about house placements, and I was curious. My twelfth house moon affects me profoundly, so I wanted to share with others and hear their perspectives.

How do you feel the Aquarius energy influences your Virgo moon? Given the mutual love of logic between the two signs, it could actually be a good combination.
You've got an array of energies amongst your friends, but I like that! Taurus house is always great, in my opinion. Steady energy. What do you think of twelfth house moons?

So you seem to be able to mesh well with most energies, that very cool smile Scorpio moon, both of my sisters have. But one is in the first house and the other is in the twelfth, like me; vastly different lol the twelfth house mooner is very closed off, barely keep in contact with any of the family. However, I too am a twelfth house moon so I understand her need to pull back a lot. Just not that much, but that could certainly attribute to her Scorp moon. She shuts down. Where as I have my moments of total communication, due to my Libra moon. Interesting to see how all of these separate energies blend.

Really? I like Taurus moons, especially with masculine suns. They can be hard to get to open up, but once they do, they're attached. I trust Taurus moons.
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
this is an interesting topic! I've never even thought about it by houses. I have friends of all moon elements. air signs sometimes have water moons/earth moons and fire signs also have water moons/earth moons. I love fire moons and air moons too. double air, double fire or a mixture.

as for HOUSES. hmm so my own moon is in the 11th house (so is my Chiron- yikes). 11th house represents Aquarius (my moon is in Virgo though). I have multiple friends with the moons in the 2nd house and most are Cap moons so a lot of Sag ascendants in my life haha (Taurus- 2nd house), 5th house moons (Leo), and 12th house moons (Pisces). the actual moons vary in element.

Tons of Cap moons are in my life. I like Aries moons, Leo moons, Sag moons, Fire/Air signs with Cancer/Pisces moons, Gemini moons, Libra moons and Aqua moons.

not a fan of Scorp or Taurus moons thus far. I do have an Aqua friend with a scorp moon though. so maybe with air/fire signs that moon is okay. however so far the only Taurus moon I've gotten along with is my mother lol

Does you moon conjunct your Chiron?
@xomelindabelle I love my 12th house moon friends! One is an Aqua with her 12th house Cancer moon. and actually I lied! I have one Aqua friend with a Taurus moon (looked like it was Aries but he's right at 0 degrees Taurus. It's his 12th house. One is a Cap w a Cap moon in her 12th house (it's crazy because she's also a Cap ascendant but her houses start after her moon). The other is a Libra w a Libra moon in the 12th house (also a Libra ascendant - same situation as the Cap). I find all of them insightful! They do tend to retreat, but it is never anything I worry about because I know they are always there. Sometimes I will reach out too just so they know I'm also around. They're outwardly showing nothing (unless they choose to- my Aqua w Cancer moon friend isn't afraid to discuss emotions) but if you talk to them about things, you may find they actually are in turmoil about something. I love my 12th moon friendssmile sensitive but strong. I totally understand their need for space. I get the same way mainly because I'm drained from all of my daily life activities

My 11th house moon is strange. I feel like I in fact am very emotionally attached to my friends. One site called it the party animal placement haha. I don't know, I can definitely get wild however since the moon is in Virgo I think it tones it down quite a bit. Emotionally I think I am quite closed-off. I'm not very good at comforting crying people. It's kind of like being a deer in headlights- I have no idea what to do. It's weird because when I was little I cried all the time, but now I am the polar opposite. Someone can "break my heart" and I am able to look at them dead in the eyes and say "okay" like it never happened with no change of facial expression. Getting over heartbreak for me is simple. The more I am with my friends, the more content I am. Social settings put me at ease and comfort me. It is easier to forget any hidden pain I have. That's how I would describe it smile friends are extremely important to me. I also have a wide variety of friends. Friends who hate each other but somehow I get along with both sides. Sometimes I am so objective that my friends hate it because they want me to side with them, but I see all sides not just theirs. Drives everyone nuts but I can't help it, because I don't want to speak poorly of one of my friends just because another friend of mine doesn't like them, so I stay objective and respond in ways that are sometimes irritating to others. I would say I do have a wide variety of friends and it goes with having this placement! I think the Aquarius energy is very strong in my life here, and mixed with the Virgo moon I think it makes me very emotionally reserved. I don't really have outbursts. Sometimes it is hard for me to even know what I am feeling lmao - the struggle is all too real. As a Scorp sun it makes NO sense, but the placement and sign of my moon just really washes out emotional outbursts.
@xomelindabelle I think I am very closed off emotionally too... Idk. I clearly have emotions as a human being - especially a water sign, but it's like...idk FOR EXAMPLE.

One of my good Libra friends in high school talked to me about how when she was w her boyfriend kissing him gave her sparks and it felt so amazing. I was like wtf are you talking about? Literally I can kiss someone I am interested and feel zilch. I mean obviously I enjoy their company but this "spark" is just crazy talk to me. Love her though lmao. Idk intimate moments to me I would describe them as just another event occurring. There's no crazy emotions going through me at any given time. One guy I dated asked me if I even cared about him...or if I cared when he was sad (he was sad and needy all the time - so annoying)...I was like why wouldn't I care? and he said I just seemed cold and distant. It's weird because with my friends I don't think they would describe me that way. My best friend (Aries sun Cap moon) tells me I have a black soul and heart, cold as ice. Lmao I love the joke. She said that she never knows what I'm feeling and that it's weird how I don't show emotions but she can detect when I defend her my protectiveness of her and my friends. She said it was really strange to notice even though it wasn't very emotional- she said it was weird to experience me acting differently than my usual "standoffish" behavior.

I guess in love it can be detrimental, but I don't find it to be so. I think I show love in practical ways, and I do try to be cute sometimes. I'm not a big ball of stone. I just find it difficult to openly express things like that. It seems weird and is uncomfortable. I don't like when people hug me that much. I give painfully awkward hugs lmfao everyone always comments on it. I try to give good ones! It's just weird. I don't know. I tell my best friend I love her, but it is weird saying I love you and meaning it to someone because then I start mentally questioning what love is supposed to be like...it's really intense lol. I could ramble on for hours.
@AriesIntrovert16 yes it does I am pretty sure. They are exactly 8 degrees apart. It would make sense too for me. My wound has always been in friendship (11th house). I always had this need and desire to fit in somewhere, but I just never did. I was a little oddball (still am) and even though I had friends, I was always last choice or the third wheel. It made me wonder why other people were chosen and I was not as the one who was wanted around. Now I finally found a niche where I belong. The group is: 2 Geminis, 2 Libras, 4 Aquarius, 1 Aries. I remember the Libra (Cap moon) took me aside once when I started hanging out with them and said that I am now a part of their family of friends even though they're all a bunch of misfits. I responded saying we live on the island of misfit toys

It makes sense if they conjunct. Here is a clip on it:

"When Chiron is attached to the Moon, either in the natal chart or via synastry, the Moon’s natural need to be fed, cherished and securely attached is never satisfied. We learn early on that the manifest world is not our refuge. It is replaced by an endless hunger that rarely abates until later life, and which can be easily re-stoked by circumstance. If we have the aspect in the natal chart, we are born with the sense that nothing is secure, but we make sad attempts to make ourselves secure anyway. These attempts are doomed to failure: any attempt at finding personal security in manifest reality, including ‘other’ is folly. And yet the hunger doesn’t go away. How we cope with the hunger defines our character. At first, this hunger represents our need for security, but as time goes on we become aware that something else is calling to us.

Chiron/Moon, more than any other aspect of Chiron, is prone to be the outsider, the ‘other.’ Chiron/Moon children, especially, are often the scapegoats on the block. We come into this world with the sense of not fitting in, something is ‘wrong’ with us. We may try to isolate ourselves from experience, but the hungry Moon keeps drawing us back into ordinary life again, only to tell us that we don’t belong (again). Attempts to try to fit in are also doomed. We know deep in our bones that we are not like ‘them,’ and yet are hard pressed to know why.

The Moon also represents our physical being, and Chiron/Moon people often have difficulties with the whole concept of being embodied. Again, there is the sense that something is wrong with them, something is preventing them from being ‘normal.’ Often, Chiron/Moon people have some kind of physical issue that stamps them as different, and often we feel it first when we are very young: too fat, too thin, limb deformities, skin markings, or something else that those little fascists otherwise known as children deem unusual and ripe for culling. Hair too curly, hair too straight, anything can cause a psychic wound with Chiron/Moon. This is only the beginning of a life long battle with the ma
This is only the beginning of a life long battle with the material/manifest world itself. *